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offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-03-25 18:59 [#00616496]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

lets see how long it takes for me to get banned...


offline Charles D Ward from ASS, okay? (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:04 [#00616507]
Points: 1072 Status: Addict


this is sad.

everyone comes to this point.

"let's see how long it takes for me to get banned..."

but nacmat will never get banned.


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:04 [#00616512]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00616496

nothing's happening! *lame*

/me goes on headbanging out to Doormouse - skelechairs
(venetian snares remix)


offline Asche XL on 2003-03-25 19:06 [#00616514]
Points: 4241 Status: Lurker

I'm neither pro Banning or anti banning, i'll chill over
here on the neutral side and watch this all crumble in your
faces. Just call me France.


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-03-25 19:07 [#00616516]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

I don't care either they... if they ban me or not... I just
think it's lame really...


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2003-03-25 19:08 [#00616517]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

"I don't care either they"

I don't care either WAY


offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-03-25 19:09 [#00616519]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker | Followup to Asche XL: #00616514



offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:13 [#00616524]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to Refund: #00616519



offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-03-25 19:14 [#00616525]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00616524

nummy num num


offline Charles D Ward from ASS, okay? (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:17 [#00616529]
Points: 1072 Status: Addict | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00616516

sooo lame.

everyone wants cortical back.

but he won't be back.

tunemx banned him for a week just to make an example. what
didn't he? he got temp banned and that's PUNISHMENT, not
anything other than PUNISHMENT FROM ABOVE in an
authoritarian regime. i think it's fair. they can do
whatever they want, and I would've done the same thing.

calm down. it's not worth it.

it's for our own good.


offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2003-03-25 19:19 [#00616533]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

I remember this forum back when it was unmoderated, and I am
glad that it is nowadays


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-25 19:22 [#00616539]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

he is back....under "cortical-banned"


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:26 [#00616542]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

too much banning at this MB, temp or permanent


offline Charles D Ward from ASS, okay? (United States) on 2003-03-25 19:32 [#00616560]
Points: 1072 Status: Addict | Followup to titsworth: #00616542

i would disagree, but i see too clearly that it does no good
at all :(


offline Kirkle on 2003-03-26 02:00 [#00616933]
Points: 262 Status: Lurker

might as well ban me too while you are at it moderators.


offline icarus from Ireland on 2003-03-26 02:03 [#00616935]
Points: 4 Status: Regular



offline icarus from Ireland on 2003-03-26 02:03 [#00616936]
Points: 4 Status: Regular

General anarchy on the boards


offline WeaklingChild from Glasgow (United Kingdom) on 2003-03-26 02:06 [#00616937]
Points: 3354 Status: Lurker

why would they ban you, funK? you've been here a long time.


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