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Ask 010101

offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 11:53 [#01479305]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Here is your chance to ask me anything you like.

Go on ask me something, anything......


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2005-01-28 11:54 [#01479306]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

are you god?


offline corrupted-girl on 2005-01-28 11:54 [#01479307]
Points: 8469 Status: Regular

are you gay?


offline dog_belch from Netherlands, The on 2005-01-28 11:55 [#01479309]
Points: 15098 Status: Addict | Show recordbag

What's the secret for making a really great Bloody Mary?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 11:56 [#01479312]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I am straight.

I am not God, although if you feel the need to worship me
feel free.


offline corrupted-girl on 2005-01-28 11:57 [#01479313]
Points: 8469 Status: Regular

do you like crappy movies ie your avatar?


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 11:58 [#01479316]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

is it base2?

how much television is there?

what's your home phone-number?


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2005-01-28 12:00 [#01479318]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

if you're not god and gay; who are you?


offline Quino Strider from Buenaventura on 2005-01-28 12:02 [#01479320]
Points: 335 Status: Lurker

what is that thing in your avatar?
it looks like an evil rabbit with shrinked ears on a male


offline pf from Finland on 2005-01-28 12:02 [#01479321]
Points: 3316 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479305

is that really your name? 010101?

It's quite hard to say.


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2005-01-28 12:05 [#01479328]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

you're not "from" vancouver at all, are you?


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2005-01-28 12:29 [#01479363]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Followup to Quino Strider: #01479320 | Show recordbag

it is in fact an evil rabbit suit, and it's from the movie
donnie darko.

and it disturbs the fuck out of me.


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2005-01-28 12:29 [#01479364]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Followup to 010101: #01479305 | Show recordbag

what does the number 010101 translate into in decimal?


offline corrupted-girl on 2005-01-28 12:31 [#01479369]
Points: 8469 Status: Regular

you are bad at answering questions you force us to ask you!


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2005-01-28 12:32 [#01479370]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Followup to corrupted-girl: #01479369 | Show recordbag



offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2005-01-28 12:42 [#01479382]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular | Followup to Zephyr Twin: #01479364



offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 12:44 [#01479385]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

tan'g sfrakh daog daog?


offline epohs from )C: on 2005-01-28 12:49 [#01479395]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

show us u r b00bz?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 12:58 [#01479408]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

A good Bloody Mary: Plenty of Worcestershire sauce, and make
sure that the tomato juice is not ice cold, just below room
temperature is perfect.

I love crappy movies

I was born in Vancouver and brought up in Cheshire and now I
am back in Vancouver.

010101 is not my real name although the correct
pronunciation is "shuuumph" similar to sound made by the
doors on a space craft. It is not a decimal number because
it starts with 0 if it were 6 bit code it would be number 22
if 000000 is 0

Sorry about the delay in response, I fell off the internet


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 13:00 [#01479411]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

oops 21 sorry you are right Rent-a-Ghost horse...


offline Mertens from Motor City (United States) on 2005-01-28 13:01 [#01479412]
Points: 2064 Status: Lurker

Hows the weather?


offline Raz0rBlade_uk on 2005-01-28 13:04 [#01479415]
Points: 12540 Status: Addict | Followup to 010101: #01479305 | Show recordbag

are you an obsessive boyfriend? (when you have a
girlfriend... if ever... actually are you celibate?)


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 14:58 [#01479564]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

The weather is quite nice for the time of year.

I am not nor ever have been an obsesive boyfriend, I am now
the best husband ever as a result


offline brokephones from Londontario on 2005-01-28 14:59 [#01479566]
Points: 6113 Status: Lurker

What is your favorite:

and a bonus question:
is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:01 [#01479569]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479408 | Show recordbag

you didn't fall off the internet, it fell off you?


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:01 [#01479570]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

mary-kate or ashley?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:04 [#01479575]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

What is your favorite:
color : dark blue
animal : Giraffe
fruit : Oranges
vegetable : Onion

and a bonus question:
is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Difficult one. I'd have
to say that because it does not fit into eather genus, I'd
say fruit.


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:05 [#01479579]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Mary-Kate two names are always better than one.


offline weatheredstoner from same shit babes. (United States) on 2005-01-28 15:07 [#01479584]
Points: 12585 Status: Lurker

How big your neenur?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:08 [#01479589]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

neenur not complained about never


offline weatheredstoner from same shit babes. (United States) on 2005-01-28 15:11 [#01479596]
Points: 12585 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479589

but elusive wants to know the size (in inches please)


offline brokephones from Londontario on 2005-01-28 15:13 [#01479599]
Points: 6113 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479589

fast music or slow music?
You are not allowed to say "both"


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:13 [#01479602]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

which question would you most like to ask me?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:14 [#01479604]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Third party questions will not be broached


offline brokephones from Londontario on 2005-01-28 15:15 [#01479607]
Points: 6113 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479604

Third party how? Watmm'ers?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:16 [#01479610]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Fast Music

Drunken Mastah, I would like to know where you hide stuff.
(and 'why', if I am permitted more than one question)


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:17 [#01479612]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479604 | Show recordbag

are all posts in this thread supposed to have questionmarks
even though they're not questions?

I'm going to eat chicken?


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:18 [#01479616]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01479610 | Show recordbag

I hide stuff on the top shelf of the cupboard because I
can't even see it myself there, and no-one else has any
reason to look for anything there?

what is your favorite movie starring a lesbian or gay actor?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:19 [#01479617]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I guess?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:19 [#01479618]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Finding Nemo


offline brokephones from Londontario on 2005-01-28 15:20 [#01479619]
Points: 6113 Status: Lurker

Have you ever suffered from bloody stools?


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-01-28 15:22 [#01479626]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

would you rather be omnipotent or allmighty?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:26 [#01479633]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

No blood in my doo doo



offline brokephones from Londontario on 2005-01-28 15:28 [#01479636]
Points: 6113 Status: Lurker

Would you rather be dead or deceased?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 15:31 [#01479644]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I would like to be referred to as dead by friends and
deceased in business, 'Randell and 010101 deceased'


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-01-28 16:32 [#01479736]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular



offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-02-02 14:57 [#01485347]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

More questions please.......


offline epohs from )C: on 2005-02-02 14:59 [#01485348]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

Robert, why did you put the gherkin in the commode?


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-02-02 15:01 [#01485349]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I don't get it. You are scaring me shope...


offline epohs from )C: on 2005-02-02 15:02 [#01485350]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

sorry, it was a really old, and very inside joke that there
was no way you could get.

i'll leave now.


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