from school on 2001-04-30 16:38 [#00005177]

i need your guys advice..what ive heard about the new autechre is it may not even be worth picking up. I was going to pick it up and get into it anyway, to give it a chance but....I also really want to get the goldfrapp cd right now, does anybody have an opinion on what i should do? get the goldfrapp cd or just wait for confield?
from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-30 17:50 [#00005190]

If I were you, I'd go pick up a brand spankin new pair of balls. With these fasionable new items, muster up enough gusto to dl both of them for free online and stop asking rediculous questions based on the opinions of a vast array of characters on this board. Or better yet, go waste your money on both of them. I'd rather see you broke.
on 2001-04-30 17:57 [#00005193]

5is6, you are a complete bastard
from the uk on 2001-04-30 19:24 [#00005207]

take a chill pill 5is6 man, calm it
from the uk on 2001-04-30 19:57 [#00005212]

seaking about autechre, on LP5 does track 3 sound a lot like BOC? or is it me?
from Vancouver,Canada on 2001-04-30 20:14 [#00005214]

Yoh Ross, Autechre's new one is IMO a total pile of crap, and I wouldnt spend any money on it if I were you.
I love Autechre, but this is just dull and banal and probably the worst album theyve ever released.
On the other hand the new Plaid kicks ass!
from a crabs carriage on 2001-04-30 20:17 [#00005215]

maybe autechre's testing people's threshold for how much crap they can put up with. if i was a rich musician, i'd put out crap and watch people miserably try to enjoy it.
from U.K on 2001-04-30 20:32 [#00005219]

Hi ross don't bother man, AUTECHRE has lost it man with this. I hate to say it, as I have been a huge fan of there work. But this is taking the piss and trying to make a fool out of the people that are buying it.
The track listing is as follow's.Try and search the net and make up your own mind before you waste 11.99 on this. I think they need to look at what musical direction they are going on.
1.Lwntic Catachresis 2.Uviol 3.Eidetic Casein 4.Bine 5.Parhelic Triangle 6.Sim Gishel 7.Pen Expers 8.Cfern 10.Vi scose Polse
Lentic Catachresis is I would say the best track. About the only good thing AUTECHRE has done with this release is produced good names for the track's, but produced track with no balls.
Download the track of the net then buy if ya like Ross, but I would say get the other album and don't waste ya money.
from Sweden on 2001-04-30 21:07 [#00005221]

Am I the only one that enjoy Confield? :-)
Check out the correct tracklisting on www.autechre.nu
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-04-30 21:14 [#00005222]

well the latest poll on autechre.nu says that most people who know the album, like it.
but ofcourse you already know that, phobiazero :)
personally, can't wait to get it. hopefully tomorrow.
downloading entire albums sucks.
from U.K on 2001-04-30 22:03 [#00005233]

OK Here is the correct track listing,but Confield [WARPCD128] is not a good album in my view, the guy's of Autechre a capable of producing better work than this, this is a let down me.
01 VI scose poise [6:56] 02 Cfern [6:41] 03 Pen expers [7:08] 04 Sim gishel [7:14] 05 Parhelic triangle [6:03] 06 Bine [4:41] 07 Eidetic casein [6:12] 08 Uviol [8:35] 09 Lentic catachresis [8:29]
Here is the Autechre have to say
Confield, Autechre's sixth album, is yet another step forward into contemporary electronic music. The duo leave behind them the metallic atmospheres of LP5 to go back to the more organic forms of Tri Repetae and Chiastic Slide. Confield is anything but a regression though. The gentle underlying melody of VI Scose Poise, only just fighting off the distorted metallic marble, or the fast moving sonorities of Cfern, amid the chaotic drum pattern, demonstrate that Autechre have lost nothing of their ability to deconstruct any sound that crosses their path. The apparent simplicity of the beat in Sim Gishel is an illusion, as are the multi-layered bells of Parhelic Triangle. Uviol sounds even more basic; a simple melody, clicks loop, a few drum arrangements. However, the impression is deceiving, as the duo crafts their intricate universe between the lines. Bine is totally deconstructed, and works on many different levels. It almost sounds like two or more tracks playing at the same time. Yet, with disconcerting ease, Booth and Brown position each sound with absolute precision in their soundscape. They work at microscopic level, to ensure the consistency of their compositions. All along the album, each component of each track develops at its pace, and it is only when considered as a whole that the piece really takes form. Confield is the closest Autechre have ever been to the work of Pierre Henry, with astonishingly complex, abrasive structures slowly mutating, creating ever-changing, poly-textural life forms. Each track is independent, yet is an essential part of the finished work. In eight year and nearly as many albums, Autechre have invented, and continue to invent, a totally new form of sonic constructions, far beyond the realm of music as we know it. Sean Booth and Rob Brown have smashed the boundaries of modern electronic music, leaving their contemporaries far behind. Forever.
from Western Canada on 2001-04-30 22:06 [#00005234]

The new autechre album is alright.... i can listen to it.... and enjoy most tracks.. but its NO WAY near as good as their other stuff. Brilliant guys they are..... they will recover! Its not THAT bad.. just In my opinion it could have been a lot better.
from U.K on 2001-04-30 22:15 [#00005236]

Ya REFLEX you are right, maybe I'm being over harsh. I'm a great fan, but I was very disappointed when I herd it. It's ok saying they are trying to push the boundaries further and that they are trying to mutate music into a direction that has never been tried before. But there are some limits in which you can develop and tackle music. her are some greater innovative sounds on the album. But in my view they have not been constructed in the correct musical method. It just sound like this and that thrown together. No structure. But they will bounce back. There have the skill and the vision, but on this one I think they have been blinded and ended up down the wrong path. But there will be those that think this is the best album and those that think it's crap.We will have to wait and see what the record sales are like.
from Western Canada on 2001-04-30 22:18 [#00005238]

Martel: yes yes.... see I totally see the album as something that sounds like it was thrown together on the spot or something. Possibly I would think that the entire thing should have been in the "studio" or whatever... or stayed in the mixing process for another 2 months or so. It doesn't sound as "solid" as other Autechre releases.. which I Love.
from U.K on 2001-04-30 22:27 [#00005239]

REFLEX you are right a little more time in the studio would have maybe produced a better result. But music is a learning process and they will pick up on the vibes, if they don't and carry on in this method then they will lose fans. I don't think they are the sort of people that have thought lets just get this out there and people will buy it. As that is not the right attitude to take. But it's like with most thing's you try it and sometimes it works and sometimes it time to go back to the drawing board and plan ya next strategy.
But they are still making a contribution to intelligent techno and they deserve respect and good will for that.
from Western Canada on 2001-04-30 22:37 [#00005240]

Well yeah.. that is true. I still like the new one they have.. Confield. But i just think its not as good as the rest of their stuff. Oh well.... its ok.
from Lincoln on 2001-04-30 23:12 [#00005243]

cutting away from this just a tit-bit...I have EP7 and was wondering if the rest of Ae's stuff sounds like that? I'm questioning the relevance of their "genius" if they have any...need to know. I DO NOT want to go and try looking for them on Crapster
from a crabs carriage on 2001-04-30 23:59 [#00005249]

qouth : have you heard the hidden track on EP7? i cant because my car stereo is holding it captive for the moment and i wish i could hear it because i bought the cd not too long ago and just found out about the track. some of the stuff i've heard is like EP7. if i remember correctly, tri repetae ++ does.
from can. on 2001-05-01 00:04 [#00005251]

thanks everyone..5is6, it was just a question, what is wrong with getting people's opinions..Ive heard two tracks off of confield but ill get some more and check them out
from Western Canada on 2001-05-01 00:40 [#00005256]

Quoth: Most of autechres stuff is SIMILAR.. but not the same as EP7..... try out the Basscadet stuff, or Incanabula... or however you spell it, I have that one along with others by autechre.. that one is by far my favourite.. or Amber. Awsome stuff.
Chris Ochre
from rhymes with bum on 2001-05-01 01:19 [#00005262]

Hi everyone,
I've only heard snippets from Warp's site, but what I have heard hasn't been particularly inspiring, to be honest (although it's difficult to just such music sitting at your computer and listening at a crap bitrate).
It seems to be that ever since Tri Repetae (their finest hour IMHO) or maybe Ae they have just been bothered with rivalling the rest of the Warp roster as to who can make the most head-fucked sounds. Gone are the melodies and sparse harmonies of Amber, the intertwining beats of Tri Repetae. Instead we're left with a mess, with little direction or reassurance. They seem to be veering nearer the fucked-up end of Aphex territory with regard to rhythms, paying scant regard to musicality.
Whilst I appreciate the fact that artists must progress to avoid turgidity, I find myself missing Amber and Tri Repetae. I'm beginning to question Ae's direction and any hope of resolvement, y'know?
By the way, I never realised that Chris Cunningham was involved in Toytronic Records - I just chanced upon their website whilst checking out some Mr. Projectile (sorry I'm a bit slow).
Ochre www.mp3.com/ochre
Chris Ochre
from rhymes with bum on 2001-05-01 01:20 [#00005263]

Hi everyone,
I've only heard snippets from Warp's site, but what I have heard hasn't been particularly inspiring, to be honest (although it's difficult to just such music sitting at your computer and listening at a crap bitrate).
It seems to be that ever since Tri Repetae (their finest hour IMHO) or maybe Ae they have just been bothered with rivalling the rest of the Warp roster as to who can make the most head-fucked sounds. Gone are the melodies and sparse harmonies of Amber, the intertwining beats of Tri Repetae. Instead we're left with a mess, with little direction or reassurance. They seem to be veering nearer the fucked-up end of Aphex territory with regard to rhythms, paying scant regard to musicality.
Whilst I appreciate the fact that artists must progress to avoid turgidity, I find myself missing Amber and Tri Repetae. I'm beginning to question Ae's direction and any hope of resolvement, y'know?
By the way, I never realised that Chris Cunningham was involved in Toytronic Records - I just chanced upon their website whilst checking out some Mr. Projectile (sorry I'm a bit slow).
Ochre www.mp3.com/ochre
from can. on 2001-05-01 03:55 [#00005273]

I agree Chris, i downloaded a couple more tracks and it sounds like directionless noise, not even interesting noise at all..
on 2001-05-01 05:51 [#00005281]

Essential ae Amber Chaistic Slide Envane EP7
on 2001-05-01 07:08 [#00005291]

I know I'm in the minority on this and it's perfectly fine if you disagree, being that musical taste is subjective. But I honestly think that lp5 and ep7 are the two best albums ever. I LIKE headfuck music. They produce hallucinating effects. I like these 2 albums better than all the rest of ae (except amber which I havn't heard), and similarly with aphex twin, I like his later more cerebral (extremely cerebral) creations better than his earlier stuff.
from Portsmouth on 2001-05-01 12:36 [#00005307]

Hi, I brought the Autechre new album on vinyl and recieved it on Monday. I have listened to it and enjoyed it. It is different to there othere stuff but it still has that Autechre sound and feeling to it.
It might be one of those albums that grows on you every time you listen to it. Give the new album a chance.
from New Zealand on 2001-05-01 13:13 [#00005309]

Everyone seems to be expressing Major feelings about this album, No wonder Richard aint releasing anything, youll all piss over it if its not as groundbreaking as some of his earlier stuff(like ae as well), but I tell you what, Im going to get Confield as soon as I can, the either Love it or Hate it albums are usually the best.
wizards teeth
from a shop that sells dust on 2001-05-01 13:46 [#00005312]

I find the record to be very good.
How much does a stylophone cost these days ?
from U.K on 2001-05-01 17:32 [#00005321]

Does anybody know where there is a site where I can download a promo produced by AUTECHRE called Radio. It was out around 1997.But is impossible to get hold off. I can find it anywhere, Napster Win Mx you name it. Released on WARP51.I think they only produced about 1000 copies world wide. You can hear it on http://www.warp.com but they do not even sell it.
Any ideas would be helpful or places where this can be bought from
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-05-01 22:05 [#00005330]

i picked confield up just this afternoon. it is indeed a hard-to-listen-to album.
words that crossed my mind when listening to it:
unemotional (but hey, that's what i liked about lipswitch)
pity about the boring 4 min. outtro to the last song.
overall, i like it. it's unlike any previous autechre release, which is a good thing. i hate it when bands don't innovate.
confield makes ep7 sound like pop :)
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-05-02 06:11 [#00005364]

I listened to the samples on warpnet and I cannot wait to get it. Some of it was mental but I will probably learn to like it. LP5 rox my sox to the dox.
from in here on 2001-05-02 09:14 [#00005377]

I bought Confield yestarday .
Listened to it last night .
It's very evil . In places .
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