from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:30 [#00045409]

i was laid off today...... i am really upset.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:31 [#00045410]

it happens
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:31 [#00045411]

dont let it get you down, time to get a new job. thats all
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:34 [#00045413]

fuck it all, eh?
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:36 [#00045416]

nows a great time to get a new job anyways, holidays coming up and all, everyone will be hiring extra help like mad.
unless you were some big corporate excecutive.......if thats the case i dont know what to tell you.
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:40 [#00045419]

things are sooo slow right now, especailly in my line of work.. maybe it is rime to "hit the streets" if you know what i mean..... so upset... it was such a sweet job... $9,50 an hour, good people, nice hotel..
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:43 [#00045421]

i wont work for anything under $20 an hour... be demanding!
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:43 [#00045422]

ak! dont spiral man :( just get a new job youll work your way up the ladder again :D
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:44 [#00045423]

hehe, nark. i work at a pizza joint. i should ask that for laughs!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:45 [#00045424]

what's $9.50 in english pounds? - isn't that ....well...'erm....shit?
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:45 [#00045425]

god, my fucking eyes are all swollen, and i am out of cigs... i feel like i am ganna die.. does any ione remember the "depressed" thread i posted not that long ago? if i could only have known what was coming...
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:46 [#00045427]

chicken paste man, that is US dollars. which is pretty damn good for starting pay.. i was going to go up to $10.50 once i was there for one year.. i was two months away...
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:48 [#00045428]

first off, fuck english pounds
second, what pizza joint bro?? we're locals so maybe i'll come grab myself a free pizza :)
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:48 [#00045429]

yes well done, but the question i asked was what is 9. 5 us dollars in english pounds/sterling?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:50 [#00045430]

all i did was ask a question, and now people get abusive, oh well..... fuck yourself narkotic.
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:51 [#00045431]

hehe, nice try nark. its the dominos in laguna. the manager likes me and im getting a raise to 7.50 in a couple weeks.
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:52 [#00045432]

is this the way all the communities posts going to go? stop fighting about shite..... god damn.
i wish i knew how to convert pounds into dollars... sorry, i about worthless as you all can see, having been laid off and all....
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:54 [#00045434]

thanksomuch, have you ever read the 'johnny the homicidal maniac comicss'? you remind me of wobbly headed bob! cut the 'oh worthless me' shit and stop taking it so personal.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:54 [#00045435]

thanks for addressing the question thanksomuch. don't get all down and depressed about a job....jobs are shit and nobody likes having one...so count yourself lucky.
anyways..you'll get another one. tomorrow is another day.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:55 [#00045436]

fuck you for not being educated enough to notice the differences between pounds and US dollars. a US dollar is equal to about 1.45 UK pounds.
forget to remove your anal plug this morning? you've been nothing but a sarcastic bitch lately
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:55 [#00045437]

most people say i resemble johnny more then bob, but suit yourself. you do not know what is going on in my fucking life right now, i have become the victim of credit card fruad too, so, as far as money goes i am fucked. thank you for your concern..
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:57 [#00045439]

oh my last post was directed towards CPM of course
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 16:58 [#00045440]

narkotic, you arse! stop being a god aweful bitch!!!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:07 [#00045442]

what's an anal plug? oh and please remember ..i am nothing but a sarcastic bitch..always have been, always will be?
also, you started all this shit by dismissing my question. i bet all those ten year old spastics that you ahng around with thought you were really 'cool' when you did that.
uneducated? ha ah ha ha. fuck you bitch. simply ignoring the exchange rates and differences between uk sterling and the us dollar is hardly a sign of being uneducated.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:07 [#00045443]

oh, because I was defending your wages i am the ass? you dumb ignorant bitch, go work the streets like you always wanted to.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:08 [#00045444]

nark has been giving you support 'arse'hole, weve been trying to help you out! if your gonna be that way than fuckoff.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:09 [#00045445]

well why would you even bother to compare what she makes with what you would make over there? saying that 9.50 in pounds is crap. thats like comparing apples to oranges. think before you speak you wank
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:13 [#00045446]

oh my god? surely we're dealing fully certified stupid pig fucker here.
listen you bitch - read it all over again and you'll find that your size nines are in your mouth.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:15 [#00045448]

fuck you cpm, every time you start posting in any fuckin topic an arguement arrises.
OF COURSE that probably isnt YOUR fault , right!?
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:15 [#00045449]

wise words coming form a guy calling himself "chicken paste man". I give up.
on 2001-10-25 17:16 [#00045450]

If you don't mind working with people (I hate that) be a cashier somewhere, they make like 16/hr. Try Ralphs or something, but you have to work your way up from a bagger probably (takes about 6 months- 2 yrs.) You have to list 3 references for that job, you could list chicken paste man, I'm sure he'd say something nice like you were a major buyer of his product chicken paste.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:18 [#00045451]

whatever you fucking gaylords. all i did was ask a question as i am unfamiliar with the american currency.
now please, just accept you were wrong to be a bunch of cunts instead of throwing out more ridiculous abuse.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:20 [#00045452]

cpm :'what's $9.50 in english pounds? - isn't that ....well...'erm....shit?'
ok so who dissed who first?! calling someone's wages shit isnt really a very constructive point to make if you want information from them is it, chicken paste man.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:21 [#00045453]

oh yes paste , never mind, we are wrong, you are right. how fucking stupid of me, you goddamn hypocrite.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:23 [#00045455]

i got laid last night, howabout you cpm?
thats what i thought
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 17:25 [#00045457]

you people make we want to wretch..... curse me out, be urde, what the fuck else did i expect?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:27 [#00045459]

dblhelx - you said i called her wages shit?? ha ha silly boy. you should get detention for that one. calling something something...like calling wages 'shit' is in actuality - making a statement...something which i didn't do....i think you'll find i asked a question.
if you still don't understand i strongly suggest that you go and see your english tutor and advise him to fuck you vigorously up your anal shaft until you understand and/or get sick.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:29 [#00045461]

chicken paste logic: be nic to me you fuckin jerks. stop the fuckin abuse you cunts! i am a nice guy now fuck off you underpaid arse or ill kill you!!.
dumb ass. im out this topic isnt worth the effort.
just get another job
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:31 [#00045462]

chicken paste man!! on 17:45 10/25/2001 what's $9.50 in english pounds? - isn't that ....well...'erm....shit
its right there genius. grow a fuckin memory
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:32 [#00045463]

what did you think narkotic? i presume you're expecting me to come back with something like 'yeah i did get laid actually, and i fucked your mother' - i can't be bothered with this shit anymore.
i know i'm about all this shit. sorry to fuck up your topic thanksomuch, and good luck job hunting.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:32 [#00045464]

post number ten, its right up there
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 17:33 [#00045465]

thanks chicken paste man......
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:33 [#00045466]

naw I didn't think, but thanks for being a man and admitting your errors!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:34 [#00045467]

very good dbhelx - get a dictionary - look up statement, then look up question.
find out the meaning of a question mark (?) and i hope your english tutor fucks you up hard.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:35 [#00045469]

i have no errors.
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:36 [#00045471]

yeah, man , fuckin flawless piece of work. thats you. im so effin sorry. ill go crawl under a rock now SHUT UP!
from planet claire on 2001-10-25 17:37 [#00045472]

. . . . . .
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-25 17:53 [#00045474]

go be an artist or poet or comedienne. that way you can rationalize your poorness by saying "yeah, i'm broke, but it's not like i have the type of job that's meant for a good income, so i'm not surprised." if you're poor and work at mcdonalds though, then that's just your fault. i don't know if you're understanding my concept. as for "hitting the streets," ummm...try the internet first. i'm sure you could get loads of money if you had a pay-site.
final solution: suicide. blow up the building you worked in too.
did you steal anything from the hotel you worked in? i would've taken a bunch of stuff after they fired me, shouted on the way out, thrown things, grab peoples bags and run around with them.
on 2001-10-26 04:04 [#00045628]

thanksomuch: sorry to hear you're having a bad time. 9.50 is a very good amount of money starting out and it's really fucking hard to find a job that gives you that much to do something you enjoy (and generally if you find one, the people you work with fucking suck). may not be your thing, but if you're interested there can be good pay to be found in computer related jobs. i suggest finding something in that field if you're in a cramp for money. again, it sucks to hear things aren't going well.
Colonel Harland Sanders
on 2001-10-26 04:15 [#00045630]

Thanksomuch, there's an answer: one word: suicide. Just do it, what do you have to live for? Family? Friends? No, no, no, they don't like you, everyone secretly hates you, you should just kill yourself, think about it, it's the only logical choice in such frantic times; Suicide, Thanksomuch, don't think about, just do it.
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