on 2001-10-26 04:34 [#00045632]

I LOVE you , thanksomuch, don't listen to that tosser.
on 2001-10-26 04:59 [#00045638]

thanksomuch, just wanted to send good vibes your way, i know it's hard with everything going down, but i hope things get better
Colonel Harland Sanders
on 2001-10-26 05:09 [#00045639]

Thanksomuch, in these hard times, your only friend is drug and alchol abuse, followed by the previously suggested suicide.
on 2001-10-26 05:20 [#00045641]

colonel, slag off
Colonel Harland Sanders
on 2001-10-26 05:36 [#00045642]

Hey, you "slag" off, I'm just trying to help her out, she's obviously distressed and lonley, suicide is the sollution.
from perth on 2001-10-26 06:40 [#00045646]

now i dont wanna slag off anyone, but Colonel Harland Sanders, that really isnt funny, dude.
you know that if someones dow and you say that kinda stuff, they might actually do it. and if you think thats funny, well then theres something wrong with ya.
i mean i joke about suicide and that all the time, i just reckon ya should tell someone to do it, esp when theyre not happy..
thanksomuch - dont worry bout it, youll be "back up n breakin' in no time!"
from over there on 2001-10-26 07:52 [#00045650]

first off, thanks to all who give a damn for a stranger in need. i needed that extra boost.
as for "hitting the streets", if any of you have been around here for the past couple or months or so, you would have seen by now that i am very sarcastic, as my nick name indicates.
hev, it is nice to see you be so kind... how could i have ever been so nasty to you before?? and about the pay-sites.. know any more about that? you know my addy, email me with some more info, please?
Ophecks, again, thank you. it is weird going to people you don't know for words of encoragement, but some times it is far better then famly, or group therapy.
od, once again, your charming side shines through all the shite on this board. fucking moron, egging me on to kill mayself. and you know, none of you would know if i had killed myself! you'd all just be like "where the fuck did that bitch, thanksomuch go?".... but you had a good point. you never know how some one would repsond to that sort of thing. thankfully.... i am stringer then that(?)...
boxrocket, thank you too. it was a nice job.... i plan to move "back home" and work yet again at the hotel i worked at previouly... they said i can be a MANAGER (ooow!)...
ross, when you told colonel to "slag off", well, it made me smile. thanks.
COLONEL, you shouldn't say such things to a girl! we females, are ruled by our emotions, and i have to tell you, when i was sitting in the Human Resources office, and the HR Director was telling me how sorry she felt (blah blah blah), i actaully THOUGHT about throwing myself from my 17th floor patio. but i am far too weak, and dedicated to my long term BF to do some thing so..... rash? but any ways, there is always time to redeem yourself, so stop being an arse.
from UK on 2001-10-26 11:25 [#00045687]

That's about £6 int it? That's quite good. I'm really sorry mate. A load of my work friends got laid off the other month and I didnt know what to do! It's a horrible thing for everyone, especially if you feel like you were the one who deserved to get laid off instead of someone else like I did and still do.
Gotta remember though that if bad things like that happen, fate usually dishes up a nice plate of good news and more often than not you'll be better off with another job. I mean, it wasnt your fault so they should give you a good reference shouldnt they?
Chin up girl!
on 2001-10-26 12:04 [#00045696]

maybe you'll starve to death...i guess you could always live on dirt and leaves...maybe you'll die...
from UK on 2001-10-26 12:08 [#00045701]

always nice
on 2001-10-26 12:08 [#00045702]

Not many people know, but I'm quite rich. I'll send you a rather large sum of money, TSMuch, until you get back on your feet.
No I won't, I'm lying, I'm a poor college student, but I would if I could, eh?
from planet claire on 2001-10-27 00:13 [#00045934]

Ophecks, damn, maybe i should start looking for a sugar daddy.....
Foon, there is a hospice dealie down the street, i could get some grub there.... but sticks do sound pretty damn good..
Chrispy, yeah, i am sure i'll be ok..... thanks for being nice, and all....
on 2001-10-27 00:46 [#00045941]

thanksomuch, no problem
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