Id Lab
on 2001-04-06 00:16 [#00002718]

Just the fact that you've clicked on the word 'politics' proves something, I suppose. I'm wondering whether musical taste is linked to political leaning, and so whether everyone here will be in the same area politically. Please indicate roughly where you stand, something like 'liberal', 'anarchist', 'Nazi' or 'don't give a toss', so I can take a quick survey.
from Canada on 2001-04-06 00:18 [#00002721]

Im a "progressive conservative"... its a political party i voted for up here in Canada.. the partys name is PC. [hence the name].
from Australia on 2001-04-06 00:19 [#00002722]

anarchist, but in the nicest way :)
from Canada on 2001-04-06 00:20 [#00002723]

i didn't think that anarchy would work. at all. not in the state that humans as a race behave.
from Australia on 2001-04-06 00:31 [#00002730]

there are too many arsholes in the world for an anarchy system to work, but me and all my friends are anarchists, but we never do anything to hurt people, we just like blatent, unreasonable violence and stupidity, think fight club,.....
from Can. on 2001-04-06 00:41 [#00002735]

was being a nazi a joke? i hope so..if anyone digs Hitler that's stupid..
from Can. on 2001-04-06 00:41 [#00002736]

i meant as in id labs question of where you stand..
from Can. on 2001-04-06 00:42 [#00002739]

if i had to support a party it would unfortunately be ndp, ideas wise. But i dont like their party, so i couldnt support it. I'm more on the left side of things, but not as far as communism.
from Canada on 2001-04-06 00:50 [#00002744]

Ross; ndp i see.. well thats ok. I like the left side.. but it has its perks.. and i dont like dat! I voted PC and. i believe in it, they will keep our govt. outta our faces.
from san jose, ca on 2001-04-06 00:50 [#00002745]

hrmm, well i am pretty much a liberal, but i don't know what category my true political feelings would be placed in. basically i believe in peace, love, equality and all that bullshit. but i really HATE economy. i would love it if there could be a society without economy. it might not be possible right now, but technology is rapidly changing and it will affect our everyday lives. i don't doubt that we will soon be able to have robots do all of the in service jobs. humans will just be required for critical thinking and art.
i really do believe that.
from Australia on 2001-04-06 00:55 [#00002746]

I think that the internet is a good example of this, everything is either shared or free, I can't be bothered going in to the details, but I think that the world could revolve without money, sort of like a common curtasy thing
from Canada on 2001-04-06 01:04 [#00002753]

All these things are true in theory.. its nice though.. XEPHA GO ON ICQ!
from horse's foot on 2001-04-06 19:58 [#00002837]

i think political denominations are there to protect us from our stupidity, but would not associate myself with one. we ought all be at war against each other living within each of our clans. i would much hope that a future could bring forth such an oppurtunity.
from san jose, ca on 2001-04-06 20:01 [#00002838]

okay.. i think i've figured out my political choice. I am a confucian.
from horse's foot on 2001-04-06 21:44 [#00002843]

philosophical politics, eh? very interesting...
Id Lab
on 2001-04-06 23:04 [#00002845]

Ross - I wasn't expecting anyone to be a nazi, just giving examples of possibilities.
As expected, most people seem to be left-leaning. But this 'progressive conservative' thing confuses me - isn't that an oxymoron?
from Can. on 2001-04-07 01:18 [#00002850]

ah, no hard feelings id lab, sorry about that..yeah i expected everyone to be closer to the left, not to generalize, but to me, it seems like right wing people wouldnt listen to aphex. I dont know why..most right wing people i know are more 'moral' or conservative
Id Lab
on 2001-04-08 19:56 [#00002919]

That's what I thought, but I'm testing the theory. I see some confusion here. In the UK, the Conservatives are the right-wing mainstream party. So in Canada they're the left?
Anyway, I still think 'progressive conservative' is an oxymoron. To use the dictionary, progressive is 'favouring rapid progress or reform', and conservative is 'averse to rapid changes... disposed to maintain existing institutions'. Not to diss the party, just the name makes no sense.
from Manchester, England. on 2001-04-08 22:15 [#00002926]

i personally don't care that much. I suppose i am a capatalist but could not go into any more detail than that.
from seattle wa usa on 2001-04-08 23:17 [#00002929]

communalist-decentralist anarchy for me please
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-04-09 01:50 [#00002940]

I'm in the "don't give a toss" section. Then again, that's probably cause I'm not even old enough to vote.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-10 20:28 [#00003060]

confucius was a philosopher... but he was mainly a philosopher of society. he was governer of his hometown once, where he made major reforms. it was known as the only time when there was virtually no crime. confucianism is not a philosophy, but an idealism for society.
from world on 2001-06-01 06:23 [#00007808]

Please...all of you....go to this site...it will be a badass way for you to insight into anarchism and free-living.
check out the articles and the messageboard there
do yourself the favor...it cant change your life but itll help. reclaim the streets.
from red-neck backwoods ... on 2001-06-01 07:35 [#00007811]

this is in reply to .. "XePhA88"
who stated .. "i don't doubt that we will soon be able to have robots do all of the in service jobs" ... no offence dude .. but this is the prevailing myth .. that has been bandied about to subsequent generations .. 'ov workers for nearly a centurary .. 'the technology will lead to a utopia for all' ... well .. i'm afraid that it appears that we're not really heading in that direction .. i mean what happens to people who don't work in our society these days .. who through the above quote should been seen as the forunner's for this idealic social nirvana .. and look how they are treated by the general public .. as pariahs .. not as the inevitable result 'ov the expanding mechanisation 'ov labour .. but leaches on the rest 'ov society .. for not "working" .. even though there are no jobs for them to fill ... so if one were to extend forward a few years .. to when much more is automated .. who would really be benefitting from this ... and what would happen to the rest 'ov us ...
.. power is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands .. disinfranchising the masses .. as they are given the same tired old line .. that if they just tough it out for a few more years .. we'll all be living in the perfect world .. (i could go on and on .. to really prove my point but i won't ...)
i'm against most politics .. as the current democratic system doesn't have enough real participents .. to make it a valid representation 'ov democracy as a defined ideal .. (only a very small minority within the population is actaully a member 'ov a political party that then preselcts a candidate to stand for office .. therefore 'ov course we end up with idiots in office) .. we don't have real democracy .. and the people don't seem to care .. as their life skills have been impared be a poor education system .. and a generally ignorent community .. who's lase faire attitude is fualed by cynical media barons .. and opertunistic .. and parasitic corporations ..
that said .. i'm probably gonna vote .. green .. even though the one's in my state .. stupidly believed the lies 'ov the conservatives three elections ago .. and gave them .. their preferences .. oh well maybe .. they've grown a brain ..
yob_ .. with a capital .. 'ee 'arr ...
from in front of b00ba on 2001-06-01 09:43 [#00007828]

delet...: I agree with you about the prevailing myth, but just because predictions have always ended up as myths does not mean that it will always be result in yet another myth. But as for us actually reaching that technology soon? I don't know, who knows what will happen in the future for our planet. So then in that case, I'll take that comment back. Because soon we'll all be worrying about power, then water, and then all of a sudden we'll all be over populated-- ow, my skin hurts... must be the UV light... --Issues like these should be the ones that our leaders are addressing as their top priority. Here in america, bush's top priority is his obtainment and foothold on the presidency, rather than being the presidency itself.
Also, understand my tone first before you start making comments sticking up for the "forunner's for this idealic social nirvana" as if i were putting them down. wtf do you think i am? so freakin' aristocrat sittin' at home all day listen to twin? no, i'm just another joe schmo workin' hard like the rest of you.
Anywho~~ i'm not saying you should expect some utopia in 30 years, but just realize that one day, you won't need the goddamn keyboard under your hands to communicate your thoughts into words... you won't need a big hunk of metal in front of you to display windows, and you won't need speakers to tell you that you are listening to aphex twin... our minds, our ears, nose, eyes, skin and our goddamn tongue act simply as a receptors of the outside world, and utilize as input into our brains to give us a perception of the outside world, from within.
-i've been sittin' in front of one of these goddamn computers for the last 11 years, and I'm going blind at 20 frickin' years old. And I'll tell you, when I 40 years old, I sure as FUCK don't plan on having to sit and watch myself click on 'Start|Programs|Windows Explorer' then expand the C:-Drive, then go into the windows folder, etc. etc. etc., --when for the past 20 YEARS i've known the exact path of the file i want, and exactly what i want to do with that file. why should I wait for some goddamn piece of metal? It's all just in our heads.
Anyways, love ya! Have a nice day, plz don't get me wrong, i love to argue, but not to fight, so let's keep this an argument. :-)
from .. the place that is all a tingle .. with expectation at writing a new post ... on 2001-06-01 09:56 [#00007831]

.. i love to argue too .. but not to fight .. ahahah .. chill man .. i was using your quote .. more to get a point across .. than as an afront .. this message stream .. was the perfect soap box .. for the ole deleter... an .. i agree with the technological advances .. it's a pity most politicians haven't got the background knowledge we have on .. even the most rudimentary green .. and future issues .. maybe .. they'de be frightened into doing the right thing ..
from perth on 2001-06-01 13:49 [#00007861]

...oh jesus christ what the fuck... but whilst im here.....
my mantra is "sombody else bloody do it, and if they dont then anarchism..."
i do realise thatd id probably regret it if anarchy did happen, but is it my job to think forward? cant someone else do it?
from the uk on 2001-06-01 14:00 [#00007866]

all you people piss me off, you dont do fck all for anarhy, you say you will/do anarchsitic stuff, yet you dont, people like you piss me off, i bet the majority of you eat from mc donalds, use multinational companies, and buy from companies that destroy our world, all of you SHUT YOUR GODDAM FACES UP
on 2001-06-01 14:08 [#00007873]

po{e] - sort it out! I suppose you live in a commune and survive in a subsistence economy, eating nothing but grass and not using any of these global corporations. Face it, it's the way of the world nowadays that capitalism exists and it wouldn't be here if people weren't willing to spend money on these corporations. Money makes the world go round, I may not agree with it, but it's a fact. If you wanna fight a one-boy crusade against the global economy, then good luck - but I don't rate your chances.
from .. i for one .. lane .. on 2001-06-01 14:12 [#00007874]

... never said nuffin' 'bout no arachy mate'ee ... noh a sill'ee'ball .. nah .. in'tah tha anar'chee stuff .. (also don't buy macca's .. cause they give me consterpation ; - p .. well if they don't they should .. me prefer's sushi when shopping for guitar strings (cause i ain't winding 'em myself .. (sushi roll's that is ))
from the uk on 2001-06-01 14:17 [#00007876]

ok, first things first, I whereever possible do not shop at these big multinationals, I shop independent places (eg for records sister ray in london not virgin or hmv).
Money does make the world go round, but do you want to give big companies more money so they can exploit their work force even more, dminate mrkets and generally take over more of the world, giving less variety to other consumers.
and shit jon or whatever, you are a fucking moron mate, get a life and post with at least a certain degree of legibillity
from the uk on 2001-06-01 14:18 [#00007877]

sorry, im so used to that anker jon, i ment to say delet
from perth on 2001-06-01 14:27 [#00007883]

jeex po{e} were joking or not totally serious well i am. im just saying im lazy and i dont realy care, until some anarchist bugger tries to make off with me TV or some shit.
actually yeah fuck anarchism they all take my TV.
on 2001-06-01 14:29 [#00007884]

I'm all for supporting "the little man" amidst all these mutinationals, (I'm a bit of a leftee) but basic economics states that the bigger companies can use their large profits to buy in bulk and pass on their savings to the consumer in the form of cheaper products. A good thing?
from perth on 2001-06-01 14:29 [#00007885]

and honestly the people that try to avoid giving big multinationals money are wasting their time unless they are good at organizing massive effective lobbies.
if you cant be bothered beating them, join them. unless you cant be bothered.
from the uk on 2001-06-01 14:32 [#00007887]

those big business are only interested in keeping their shareholder happy, so their mony that they get will only be used in making them a bigger more dominant company
nekta killa
from in a bin on 2001-06-01 14:34 [#00007889]

i think about it like this, children are being encouraged, at a younger and younger age all the time, to grow up not having to think about anything at all, they are shown what to wear, what to eat and what to listen to and ultimately how to live. This scares me alot as if i try to express individuality, people just either don't understand or laugh at you. i was looking at pro(xy) s website last night and saw his review of a night he played at, the stuff he said fits in perfectly, you should be given the chance to express yourself as an indivdual and if no one else likes it, then they don't have to say anything.
i have probably mucked this up as i start off knowing excatly what iwant to say and then waffle, but i enjoy being who i am, mainly cos it does piss off everyone else, and if you convert anyone along the way its a bonus, as long as i have a mind, then i am happy :)
thats it i think.....he he
from perth on 2001-06-01 14:39 [#00007893]

yeah i totally know what you mean. i soprta go with the flow tho. i choose not to be a complete individualist, like i look like everyone else etc...
i think true individualism is thinking in your own way and having your own opinions
on 2001-06-01 14:49 [#00007897]

If big companies just give their pfofits solely to their shareholders instead of passing them onto their consumers, then their sales will eventually decrease....... contrary to popular belief, all people aren't stupid.
on 2001-06-01 15:52 [#00007907]

Who wants to join me in an armed-uprising and a march on Downing Street to reclaim the power and give it back to the people? We could co-ordinate with our American and European friends to form a global alliance! Who's up for it? At the very least, it will give us something to do this weekend.
from the uk on 2001-06-01 17:32 [#00007914]

dick, what the hell do you think may day is about, you are a month or so too late m8 :P
from Edmonton on 2001-06-01 18:57 [#00007920]

I just don't give a fuck, would that place me under the anarchist category?
from New Zealand on 2001-06-01 20:05 [#00007926]

EVERYONE IS GETTING COMPLACENT, by this I dont mean people on this board, but the world. Everything is now designed to pull the wool over your eyes. I hate politics, I hate having people try and make me choose something from a list, here you can be a Democrat, you can be a Republican, fuck all that shit, Im me, I live, breath and hate the situation that the world is forcing everyone into.
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-01 20:20 [#00007931]

i look at this way: freewill vs. determinism. determinism is winning right now. you may have your choices, but those choices have been determined as to what they will be and who they are for. i can never make up my mind too well, so i enjoy it and appreciate the freedom i have. anarchism wouldn't work in my opinion, but it isn't a bad idea to throw the system off every once and a while. from order you gain nothing because actions are performed in the same manner through and through. chaos brings learning and experience when one is forced to devise their own controls for situations.
from .. the pond 'ov sudden realisation .. and satisfied understandings .. on 2001-06-02 03:33 [#00007954]

.. now i know what that " { " ... in between the o and e in your name is po{e} ... it's an L .. which makes your name .. pole ... i i firmly believe this pole .. after having read a few 'ov your postings .. is firmly entrenched up your arse ....
a) .. you have no sence 'ov humour .. we can't be serious all the time ... even when considering important matters ..
b) .. your not very tolerent ... most other people would ignore a sill'ee litle post that i make .. if they don't like it or understand it .. but you have to make it into big deal ... assuming that it shows how ignorent i am ..
c) .. you don't know me from a bar 'ov soap .. (nor most 'ov the other posters on this board it seems) .. to say that "we" all aren't as informed as you on the issues .. and are just blindly going out and contradicting ourselves .. by going out and helping support multi-nationals .. is just play cod's whallop ... after i had written that long post .. on here .. as to my political leanings .. you'd figure that you would have at least given me a little more credit .. here's one example .. from my life to illustrate your judgemental misgiving ... in short (we have a development (large block 'ov multi story units) .. that we (the local residents) have been actively fighting in court for three and a half years .. that was going to be build right in front 'ov the beach on basically beach protection area right next to where turtles nest.. in this we had to fight against .. not only the developers .. but the local council .. and it seems .. even the state enviromental .. minister .. they have ignored several .. planning acts and eviromental protection acts to get this development through and it's starting to look like we've lost .. as we haven't got the kind 'ov money that our opposition has (the council was footing some 'ov the bill in the developers case .. so that's my rates going to help those ar( ; )se-wipes) to pay for "experts" .. in court .. and layers fees .. it's all so depressing .. even the judiciary .. were making decisions .. that were contrary to laws they should have known about because 'ov an entrenched anti-green .. and development 'ov any kind is good sentiment ...)
so mate .. grow up .. get a clue .. and ffs .. get that alignment tract cleared 'ov said pole ..
from in front of b00ba on 2001-06-02 06:43 [#00007966]

*sigh* okay, i refrain... i mean, i'd like to talk about this, but.. ehh.. :-)
from .. eheheh .. flats .,... on 2001-06-02 07:22 [#00007968]

.. sorr'ee to get all 'ev'ee on the message stream kid's .. but i never take a poorly defined insult lieing down .. ; - ] ..
from Western Canada on 2001-06-02 07:33 [#00007969]

Id Lab: Just a thought going out to ID LAB, I got to see Id Lab in my city last weekend. good stuff.. I think. I was drunk, but it was cool.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-02 08:54 [#00007972]

I've read a lot, mostly to entertain my brain, even though it's pointless to accumulate recorded knowledge, since you'll die someday anyway and it will all be deleted right out of your head. I tend to avoid any topics that are related to the insanity of man's systems, but indirectly, in everything else I've read, I've found man is very very evil.
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