wizards teeth
on 2001-06-02 09:51 [#00007974]

I too find man to be evil.
I do not understand why people fight each other.
I hate going to places on a night out when people have been drinking and there is a hint of violence in the air.
There are two choices, being nice or being a c*nt.
A few months ago I was sitting on the back of a bus at the right hand side. My leg was in the walkway area. This man got off the bus a few stops before me. When he got out of his seat he passed me, I did "not" have to move my leg to allow him to pass.
He turned around and said to me, "Next time i get off the bus, move your fucking leg".
I said to him, " I did not have to move my leg as you wer able to get passed without me moving"
He then said, "You have been a cheeky bastard all night"
*Please Note - I had only been on the bus for five minutes
He then said, "If you want a fight, then get off the bus"
I said, "No thanks i do not like fighting"
**********WHAT A PRICK HE WAS***********
What shall I do ?
If I see him again shall I lower myself to that standard and kick his head in ?
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-02 10:36 [#00007976]

You can call him a prick or whatever, but what does it even mean to call someone something. "Prick" is only a sound made by lips and throat. Of course it is part of language or slang at least, and therefore has agreed meaning. You could call him a "dickhead", but a dick is only a reproductive organ and a head is only the housing of your major senses and brain. All bad-name calling means is that the name caller disaproves of the person being called a name, and I suppose rightfully so in this case. If you want me to explain why this person acted this way, I can't. This is human behavior, it's too complicated to predict or understand. I suppose weird substances which alter states of consciousness, like the beer, may have been the catalyst. Or possibly environmental stress. And rightfully so considering that a human of basically the same genetic make up of prehistoric (before writing) man who has been used to roaming naked, hunting, socializing without written laws, and generally in a happy place, suddenly found himself on a piece of metal that can actually roll really fast called a bus in an insane city where there are no animals to hunt anymore and the streams that once flowed now are confined to pipes. The poor guy has his own fucked up life. For some reason you were inderectly involved with anger that he had to release for reasons other than your fucking foot being in his way. Or something like that. And stuff.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-02 10:38 [#00007977]

You sure do post at near the same time as Rob Fragilenine, I think you're him!
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-02 11:11 [#00007979]

I think I will just leave it.
If I see the human again I will ignore him.
I am not Mr or Mrs. Fragile9
Bye Bye
from ... motivation drive .. (the bus ruote) on 2001-06-02 11:19 [#00007980]

.. hmm .. nice philosophical slant mate ... but one could say that humans are sometimes .. all too predictable .. it's the thinkers you gotta watch out for .. (i would generally move my leg .. no matter the width 'ov the aile .. as a matter 'ov habit .. thereby defusing any possible future problems .. from the over zealous .. just the act 'ov moving my leg would be seen to the agressive party .. as a gesture 'ov submission .. even if subconciously regestired ... thereby smoothing my busride .,... ) ...
yob_ .. with a capital .. 'ee 'arr ...
from New Zealand on 2001-06-02 12:36 [#00007991]

Im am ambivolent on alot of the topics being raised here, Humans have not changed since we started walking on two legs, we still act the same way to other people as we did thousands of years ago, the timid take whats thrown at them, while others see what they can get away with, from a violent drunks point of view its most likely to be like, "fuck I hate myself, lets see if I can make someone lower than me by making them bend to my will" maybe not as a concious thought, but as a emotional drive.
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-02 12:43 [#00007994]

True about some fools trying to make others "bend at thier will".
I will not allow this to happen as I studied martial arts for approximately eight years.
Next time it happens I will expalin to the man / lady that I will be bale to blind him and crush his wind pipe in less than two one second.
I do not like to be violent that is one reason why I stopped going, but if required I will remove someones throat in three seconds if enticed.
from Australia on 2001-06-02 12:44 [#00007995]

I tottaly agree,.. people can be nice personality wise but have a fucked sub-conciouswise,.. I hate those people
from .. The Challenge .. screening at a theatre near you 27 years ago .. on 2001-06-02 12:52 [#00007996]

.. wow .. i need you as a buddy karate guy .. definately .. reminds me 'ov a mate kev .. he used to do martial arts .. but acctually runs away from fights cause he hate meaningless confrontation .. sorta the opposite angle from what you see in these macho fight films ..
.. where do you come from in oZ'ee previous poster .. ?? .. me is at the top 'ov the whitsundays .. in mango country .. o(; - ] ..
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-02 13:10 [#00007999]

That is what happens to me.
I have fought in a few competitions and done quite well.
But then when it comes to reality I shit myself and loose all powers of fighting.
from Denmark on 2001-06-02 21:10 [#00008060]

The political meaning is: to want to destroy the government, even if you dont have anything better to put in instead.
last nihilistic thing i´ve done: Changing the "for sale" signs in a small summerhouse area, thus causing mayhem and distress
from New Zealand on 2001-06-03 10:57 [#00008093]

Im so Nihilistic that I dont even believe in Nihilism
from perth on 2001-06-03 14:31 [#00008104]

maybe its me or where i live but ive never been violent drunk, my friends have never been violent drunk and i have been around quite a few pissed people in town and that. and they always just seem to be oversociable, sometimes irritating, and happy. oh and raucus.
nekta killa
from in a bin on 2001-06-03 18:58 [#00008129]

it is always about family never politics, as long as you know what you stand for then why should it matter?
no one can be persuaded unless they know it makes a change and music hasnt. thats why zamumi should. it is the most beautiful song ever, ever please listen and learn. it is the only way
on 2001-06-04 10:55 [#00008192]

po{e} - listen up, I know my response is a bit late and I apologise for interrupting the flow of this debate, but I'll tell you what May Day is all about.......No more than about 10% of those "protesters" who come to London are actually interested in protesting. The majority of the other 90%, who are supposed to be fighting for anti-capitalism and the common-man, are in fact middle-class 'Daddy's little rich-boys', who come down thinking they are revolutionaries when the only thing they revel in is smashing up the city "in the name of freedom". Little wankers. I tell you, if you live in London, it really pisses you off when these rich-kid tossers come down shooting their mouths off, before driving home to their palaces and mummy and daddy's stocks and shares.......
from perth on 2001-06-04 14:56 [#00008209]

streamer - YES thats totally right! you see that happening....id never thought about the rich little kids bit, tho....mostly i thought it was just try hard angry young men.
on 2001-06-04 15:06 [#00008212]

Cheers, od. It's strangely comforting to know that there are others around the world who can see through these so-called "anarchists" during these anti-capitalist protests. I personally think they are more of a menace to society than capitalism itself.......I despise these people.
from the uk on 2001-06-08 11:24 [#00008708]

ok dip shit delete or whatever,
1) you have to slag off my name,s howing that you re too stupid to understand my own constructive critisism, this shows how arrogant and stupdi you are.
and i have a life so i cant be arsed to say anymore shit to you, although i have one thing to say...(to all people who are arrogant)
on 2001-06-08 11:50 [#00008715]

Sort it out po{e}, stop being "stupdi".
rubbish john
from i dunno where on 2001-06-08 11:53 [#00008716]

don't make me say it!!!!
from bill gates' office under his desk tying his laces together on 2001-06-08 12:21 [#00008720]

have a nice long bath po{e}? and chill out i swing left myself not militant(yet)mind, this whole mnc thing does me head in its really hard to buy smth that hasnt been made in a sweat shop or the company are just wrecking the enviro. or both; most of the demonstrations in ireland are taken over by the socialist worker prty, i dont like 'em very much.
Why cant we all just get along;Aristotle had it sorted bout humans being zoon politicon
from perth on 2001-06-08 14:32 [#00008728]

po{e} give deleter a brewak hes a cool bastard and he raps like no ones business ive hread!!!!
rubbish john
from london's east end on 2001-06-08 15:02 [#00008735]

that po{e}, he's a right 'ol proper cunt. he thinks he is above every one and sits on a throne. well, po{e}, listen here - i know that your throne is made entirely of shit.
from Denmark on 2001-06-08 15:29 [#00008740]

I wear this crown of shit Upon my liars throne Full of broken promises I cannot repair
NIN, "Hurt"
from perth on 2001-06-08 15:48 [#00008751]

no no im not baggin po{e} hes a good bloke and that just saying so's deletro cmon this is an afx board we should be all sophisticated and that.
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-06-08 15:48 [#00008753]

*****Poo Hat Song*****
I wear this lovely hat Knitted from stringy fish shits With a bobble on top made out of a small horse "nodule"
*******The End*******
from the uk on 2001-06-08 15:49 [#00008754]

Wizards Teeth
on 2001-06-08 15:52 [#00008756]

That song was not sophisticated in the slightest.
I shall now be sophisticated:
"I like eating selections of cooked meats"
In 70 minutes I am on holiday. I go to place with many people and lots of smoke and concrete. There are also a few pigeons there, I will say hello to them.
Bye Bye
from Denmark on 2001-06-08 15:54 [#00008757]

Mein hut, er hat drei ecken Drei ecken, hat mein hut Und hat er niiiiicht drei ecken Dan ist es nich mein hut
from Lincoln on 2001-06-08 18:38 [#00008776]

registered republican here.....Dubya is the man wit the masta plan
on 2001-06-09 12:18 [#00008893]

"Dubya" is potentially the scariest, most dangerous man in the world. Considering he is the most powerful person in the world.......the man is a complete moron. America owes it to the world to revolt against him!
from Lincoln on 2001-06-09 13:18 [#00008899]

lol...in order to be a party of their game...you must participate in it
from Lincoln on 2001-06-09 13:19 [#00008900]

or shit...in order to HAVE a PART in their society you must play along with it
Mother's Home Made Fucking Jam
from General Franco's Womb on 2001-06-09 13:27 [#00008904]

Quoth, you really have shown yourself to be a complete CUNT. FUCK OFF AND DIE.
"Dubya" is the best symbolism of the amount of simple minded, self-indulgent, thick-as-fucking-pig-shit, people there are in the U.S.of fucking gAy.
from Lincoln on 2001-06-09 20:27 [#00008967]

who gives a fuck about what other people do? besides it was a fucking joke you moron
from the uk on 2001-06-09 23:24 [#00008980]

mnorein yyour sa dem fidkccc fsndew
goc fuck yoyr oddr mujmm
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