fancy some free music? | xltronic messageboard
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fancy some free music?

s+ from Belgium on 2001-09-19 14:30 [#00034139]

u can check out two songs of my friends project on

lemme know what ya think... the guy can use some support...


Mrs Robinson on 2001-09-19 14:31 [#00034140]

Arh, some free music, huh? This music wouldn't happen to be
shit, would it.


Mrs Robinson on 2001-09-19 14:32 [#00034141]

I'm surprisingly quick moving through these threads
destroying hope and crushing spirits.


Mrs Robinson on 2001-09-19 14:33 [#00034142]

Don't give up, +s. If at first you don't succeed it's
probably because you're shit.


dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-19 14:34 [#00034143]

i just think it might be! who gives away free music? apart
from that scabby whino with the penny whistle and the dog on
a length of string!


HeKTiK from someplaceinspace on 2001-09-19 14:49 [#00034145]

how bout checkin' insted of crappin'

the stuff's actually quite allright; some more info would be
sweet tho...


CUN8eR LASiT from id on 2001-09-19 15:30 [#00034168]

i'll resurrect flea's string. post your thing there. who
knows you may even get the thing posted, and maybe, just
maybe you might get a review from the almighty


CUN8eR LASiT from id on 2001-09-19 15:44 [#00034177]

hey s+ dude - your mp3 link crapped out on me???

probably my agricultural phone line but ther eyou go


Jay from the porcelain throne on 2001-09-19 15:54 [#00034183]

me likey alot; check yer mail hombre...
how about puttin' the rest of the album on there hey matey?


Captian Slipknot on 2001-09-19 20:28 [#00034284]

You suck!

well, not really. i never listened to it. i'll listen to it
if you charge me 5 bucks.


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