more and more teenagers with horribly decaying teeth from a popular soft drink | xltronic messageboard
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more and more teenagers with horribly decaying teeth from a popular soft drink

ninja possum from hell on 2001-09-05 18:47 [#00029656]

babies who use walkers actually start walking later than
babies who didn't use walkers. in order to better asses
hemmrhoid pain, taking the pacifier out of a ten month old
baby and limiting its use can reduce changes in ear
infection. sucking the pacifier seems to deteriorate the
equilibrium between the ear and throat. when a kid drinks a
20 oz bottle of mountain dew it's like taking an adult dose
of no doz.


PearlsGirrl on 2001-09-05 19:20 [#00029659]

horribly decaying teeth, huh? do you live in england or
something? *snickers* :oD


thanksomuch from over here on 2001-09-05 20:22 [#00029671]

pearls, i am sure you've done that little trick in science
class, where you take a tooth, and place it in a glass of
coke, and in a few days it disolves, rigt??


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