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alan partridge

offline billcosbydance on 2002-11-05 07:25 [#00428791]
Points: 59 Status: Regular

they're just deaf, they're not deaf offenders?....when is
the new partridge series starting guys u know it makes sense


offline jonesy from Lisboa (Portugal) on 2002-11-05 07:53 [#00428801]
Points: 6650 Status: Lurker | Followup to billcosbydance: #00428791

Next Monday (11th). Who is your favourite Lord?


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-11-05 08:04 [#00428808]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

Is that the the HOT TOPIC?

heh heh


offline jonesy from Lisboa (Portugal) on 2002-11-05 08:06 [#00428809]
Points: 6650 Status: Lurker | Followup to KEYFUMBLER: #00428808

Yes. which is your favourite lord? lord of the rings, lord
of the dance or lord of the flies.


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-11-05 08:32 [#00428831]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Followup to jonesy: #00428809 | Show recordbag

Cue Meho mentioning Traci...


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-11-05 08:45 [#00428846]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

Lord of the Sith


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2002-11-05 10:18 [#00428931]
Points: 27790 Status: Regular


check out the radio shows he did, they're available on cd &
slsk (if you're lucky)

so funnee


offline Anus_Presley on 2002-11-05 11:06 [#00428962]
Points: 23472 Status: Lurker

i don't find him funny rreally, am i bad...


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-11-05 11:07 [#00428963]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to Anus_Presley: #00428962



offline DJ Xammax from not America on 2002-11-05 11:13 [#00428967]
Points: 11512 Status: Lurker



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