JEDY you Dub fecker! | xltronic messageboard
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JEDY you Dub fecker!

offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 12:38 [#00350683]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

We gotta hook up, man! I'm defo going to ATP2003 and it
needs to be booked very very soon. I know 2 definites who
will come and i think the price is very reasonable plus i
got loads of time to save for the other
expenditures......boat, drugs, food etc!
Whatcha think? I don't know enough braindancers in
dublin....they're mostly techno heads....yawn!


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 13:04 [#00350729]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

yeah i know
there is no many of us here


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 13:04 [#00350731]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

do you really think there is not much time to book?


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 13:05 [#00350732]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

what you real name btw?
i'm luciano


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:06 [#00350798]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker


well, i'd say the tickets should be bought by end september

So Luciano, you not really from these parts? Italian? What
are ya doing in dublin? I'm trying to get computer work
(web, database) but there's sweet fuck all happening. Right
now i'm in work experience for FAS and next week i'll be job
hunting again. i also make music and fly my kite when the
weathers nice!


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:23 [#00350812]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

i'm from argentina are you alex iglesias?


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:30 [#00350822]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

.no....alex martinez. I swear, my grandfather was spainish
but i'm as irish looking as a pint of guiness. We talked
before on this mb......i think ya even gave me your number,
but i forget these things to much....
So what do you do, how long ya been here, got any sisters?


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:33 [#00350826]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

your old nick was al>< i remeber you from last year

i had you number too and email

my sis is here too she free for the moment


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:34 [#00350827]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

did you ever listen to ufeari?

or decal (are they from dublin,no?)


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:45 [#00350840]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

decal...... bits and pieces. Must get some of their stuff.
Never saw em live though.

ufeari, no..
my new faves are phoenicia, kid606, global goon....of which
i gotta get more stuff!!
You going to dj hype @ TBMC saturday?
....d&B but, hey why not? May get in for free again!


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 14:50 [#00350843]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

get ufeari is very nice a month ago i got the cd for 3 E in
the square on temple bar

is any good over there in tbmc?

last time there where doing a r'n'b and charging 10 E the
of course i didn't get in i hate that boring music
since when there are doing D&B?


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 15:27 [#00350892]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

You have to start getting "the event guide", man! It shows
whats on, where for dublin and there is always something
worth going to at TBMC Its expensive and they close at 3ish
but thats fucking dublin! give me a free rave any day!

If nothings on and i want to hear good tunes..Handles,
Switch, Lazybird, Thomas House....its all in the guide!

What do you do for craic anyway? Where in dublin are
ya?...i'm in Drumcondra:


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 15:29 [#00350894]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

yeah i know i kinda lazy
i'm in ongar d15
drumcondra is really nice


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 15:57 [#00350923]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

where? d15.........? you got a car? Thats a pain-in-the-ass
busride. No wonder you don't get out much!!
So....what are ya doing over here,. man?
Looking for irish roots? Needed a tan? Escaping the feds?
I wanna go to Argentina!!!


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-15 16:54 [#00351006]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

at great risk, my number is
...i'm always up for a few tokes and a bit of
braindance!....bring yer sister!


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 09:46 [#00351944]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

thank mate but ithink is not working i have your old number
is that one working


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 14:17 [#00352390]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker

That you?


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 14:30 [#00352407]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

just sent sms;)


offline KEYFUMBLER from DUBLIN (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 14:33 [#00352410]
Points: 5696 Status: Lurker


now we'll see if i get a load of weird MB txts!!!!!....


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 14:35 [#00352413]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

i hope not


offline Jedy from dublin (Ireland) on 2002-08-16 16:33 [#00352663]
Points: 1280 Status: Regular

see you keyfumble if i'm going out i send you a sms
other wise have a nice week end


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