from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-06 21:52 [#00020154]

Well, I meailed two higher up people ate REPHLEX and WARP and asked them about the Aphex Twin.nu album idea, frankly - they both talked to Richard D. James themselves in person and he does not like the idea of anyone using his name for it. So basicly, he does not want us to do this album. Now, if this means we cannot host it on this site, or call it the AphexTwin.nu album I dont know. I highy doubt we can use that name on the album. So it may not happen at all folks. Sorry, I do not want to cause any legal trouble with two great record companies. They both spoke to Richard and like I said, he does not like the idea of people using his name. Discuss this further please. Iam awating more email from these two people at WARP and REPHLEX. I want to see just what is allowed and what isn't. Thanks.
from Sweden on 2001-08-06 22:07 [#00020155]

Make the compilation without mention Aphex Twin then?! Because, basically, the music has nothing to do with him, right?
from Sweden on 2001-08-06 22:08 [#00020156]

Oh, Reflex, could you send me a copy of the e-mail messages sent to the HQ:s and their answers...?
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, Oregon on 2001-08-06 22:17 [#00020157]

As a "musician", I wouldn't want to be an album named after another musician who had nothing to do with it, anyways. Seems kind of subservient and lame to me.
I reckon most people's music is about themselves, and not someone else. If it was an aphex twin remix album then sure...but any other way seems kind of bad karma.
I can completely understand Richard's apparent viewpoint as well. It'd be best to find another non-Aphex related name.
Keep in mind if you continue to go this route, you may also catch shit from Aphex Ltd. as well. I believe they and richard have an agreement right now, but certainly that doesn't extend to this sort of thing.
Do your own thing, Just my buck 50
from european realm on 2001-08-06 22:24 [#00020158]

this idea is as stupid as fuck
from Sweden on 2001-08-06 22:28 [#00020159]

I don't think this idea is "as stupid as fuck"... it's a pretty good idea - but things need to be sorted out properly.
from NYC on 2001-08-06 22:43 [#00020163]

Lets do it anyway and get sued by WARP! It will be like the battle of the little guy against the big evil corporation! I'd love to sit in court with RDJ standing in the prosecuting table glancing over and giving me evil looks every few minutes.
And yes...you don't have to tell me that just because we get sued by warp doesnt mean I'm going to court with RDJ..
from manchester on 2001-08-06 23:49 [#00020173]

Weel, what u shud do is make a website for the album which is a direct portal to this mssg board or something.
Is this made by users of this board? Is it everyone or just a few peoepl cause i would be interestgin in putting forward a track or two for it :)
from Canada on 2001-08-06 23:55 [#00020176]

Why don't we just come up with a different name for the album, and not mention Aphex Twin at all?
on 2001-08-07 00:15 [#00020179]

why don't we call it "Captain Pugwash Rips off the Taxman", or "Ché Guevara's Bleeding Iris", or "Urban Pink vs. the Lovers of Gibbon", or something else WE can come up with?
from Norway on 2001-08-07 00:38 [#00020183]

hm, what about Rdj fans mix or something, or doesn't he like that?
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-08-07 05:13 [#00020220]

Hmmmm... I still haven't given you my song...
Anyway, it is a much better idea not mentioning anyone else. How about something like TEFOSAV? Let's all try and come up with a name. I think it should have to do with electronic music since that's what is on the CD.
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-07 06:21 [#00020222]

Why dont you name the album Phob's Bitches.
from Canada on 2001-08-07 06:30 [#00020224]

Yeah, something like Tefosav would be ideal! but we still have to think of a GOOD name!
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-07 08:05 [#00020227]

YOu should name it ' Mike P is a bitch and wont respond to me ' - very catchy.
from manchester on 2001-08-07 13:03 [#00020257]

can anyone of this message board do a track?
on 2001-08-07 15:18 [#00020272]

'Twinge Vol. 1'
from aus on 2001-08-07 15:21 [#00020273]

ive shitloads of traks
from Sweden on 2001-08-07 15:35 [#00020274]

"Community Vibes Part 1"
on 2001-08-07 16:20 [#00020279]

Do it like that V/VM guy just fuck it around so much that u cant get sued.
or you could just change the spelling around...
on 2001-08-07 16:24 [#00020281]

'FX Twine :A'
from canada on 2001-08-07 16:35 [#00020286]

who would i send a trck to?
on 2001-08-07 16:50 [#00020288]

'Super Album #47'
from manchester on 2001-08-07 17:16 [#00020293]

I think it shoudl be called "now thats what i call .nu or somethign along thsoe lines.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-07 17:39 [#00020295]

the "royt joberhexam cantashir" album
on 2001-08-07 18:17 [#00020299]

I like that one.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-07 20:40 [#00020319]

Xehpa Students Intelligence....Dementia?
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-07 20:41 [#00020320]

I don't think i need to talk of my contribution. I'm pretty sure everyone on this site would like to contribute.
from Holland on 2001-08-07 20:45 [#00020322]

Can someone explain to me what this album is all about? Im kinda new to this board so I dont know a thing about it. Is it a compilation of some songs in the custom zone or something?
from seattle, washington, usa on 2001-08-07 22:02 [#00020328]

why does this album even have to be sold? all it has to be is an interesting way for us all to hear eachother's music. it could just be a site with a stack of mp3's by all of us and you can listen to and download the ones you like and burn your own c.d.s.
it should be about being heard not about cashing in; and, well, if it leads to a bit of publicity, and money happens to come from it in the future then so be it. but if you are setting out to make music just to make money then you are no better than the fatty behind the desk producing back street boys or britany spears.
from Canada on 2001-08-07 22:06 [#00020329]

Good point
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-08 22:48 [#00020512]

Community Vibes Part 1 is what the name would be, its Phobiazer0s idea for the name, and quite frankly its the best sounding one that has nothing to do with Aphex Twin. I got more email from the top guys. Here is some of what they said:
•All I can say is that he's {Richard D. James} not into your concept - he said "I'd rather it
didn't come out at all."
So, thats kind of a let down. To hear that. But I emailed him back asking if I can its all right to just release it totally diferenential to the Name Aphex Twin or anything. Just ... whatever. Fuck. Its a let down to say the least. More to come.
from manchester on 2001-08-08 22:52 [#00020513]

jesus christ, Richard D James is such and asshole!!! I don't care if he reads this, if he does YOU ARE A CUNT!!! HA HA!!
That name is wicked community vibes part 1 or whatever it is. we shud get someone to do some multemedia content or somethign, some visuals or whatever :)
from Sweden on 2001-08-08 22:55 [#00020514]

I've actually created a cover. I'll post it tomorrow if you're interested.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-08 22:56 [#00020515]

Phobaizer0: yes indeed. please post!
from Sweden on 2001-08-08 22:58 [#00020517]

It's very minimalistic - but why make flashy stuff? Let the music speak...
As I can see it, this compilation has nothing to do with Richard - and thereby it's pure legal. Are we gonna sell it or what?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-08 23:00 [#00020518]

Phobiazer0: Selling it huh? Possibly. But that raises a few good questions, as Iam sure you agree. We must discuss this further. Iam so goddamn busy right now. But lets talk about this.
from Sweden on 2001-08-08 23:01 [#00020519]

Let's decide not to sell it then...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-08 23:05 [#00020520]

okay fair enough. that totally cool with me, as iam sure its cool with others. I think I will email you some specifics right away here.
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-08 23:52 [#00020527]

It should be Phob presents Notes of A Community,,,,now that is grand.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-08 23:59 [#00020531]

nah.. we decided the name already, but thanks!
from Canada on 2001-08-09 00:03 [#00020533]

Community Vibes is a cool name!
R3FL3X: Did you get a chance to check out href="http://www.mp3.com/Aron_Zacharias">my mp3.com page, I think I'd like to use my song "Invisible Limits" on the compilation. You have to download it off of href="http://www.mp3.com/Aron_Zacharias">my mp3.com page though, cause it's too big to email you.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-09 01:51 [#00020561]

Aron?: I took your song, and its included. I will update this section further tonight. Iam off to the clubs once again! YES>
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-09 03:58 [#00020572]

I will put my song contribution on my zebox site: zebox.com/artists/plegz.html
ps. Are we going to send this compilation to Rephlex/other labels?
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-08-09 05:07 [#00020584]

Reflex: You've got ICQ don't you? I'm downloading it right now.
from KC Missouri on 2001-08-09 06:59 [#00020596]

Hey Recycle - Is there anyway i could mail you some stuff instead of mp3?
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-09 08:11 [#00020599]

Hey reflex... grab digital angel of of my page at http://ampcast.com/disfony and please please please use "disfony" lower case just like that instead of djfony :) thanks man..
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-08-09 08:27 [#00020602]

i know it's only one track.....perhaps you'll like it.
from geoworld on 2001-08-09 08:48 [#00020607]

Hey, I made a track which I think is good. Although you probably won't accept it. What standard do the songs have to be to get on the album?
from geoworld on 2001-08-09 08:52 [#00020608]

I made it in Fruityloops and Cakewalk Pro Audio - it's like a cheesy 80s dance tune, but then it changes to an ambient thing. No, what am I thinking? It's too crap. Phobiazero, should I e-mail you a low bitrate version so you can hear it, and if you like, I can send a good quality version?
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