rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-07-31 15:44 [#00018869]

How does everyone on this messageboard (everyone who makes music) come up with their track titles? I make them up usually before I write the songs, it's stupid I know, but it gives me inspiration for what kind of song to write. I usually make up words for my track titles (praya, ambiblismpot, hined, mketqggspa, phletd mkeno6), but some are anagrams (ad exhale given paint = negative alpha index) and some are just descriptions of the songs (lump song, ambient #008, clock pace, evil bits), and others are just cool names (decay, dust rake, go algorithm)... What about everyone else? I've seen some pretty wacky song titles out there by serial rate, artificial selection, mrprojectile, ductar_qvackenstein...
Don't reply unless you have something good to say, OK? None of this "oh, you fucking wanker you ripped off aphex twin so much fuck you" etc...
from 4345 Buffert Elf 4543 on 2001-07-31 16:03 [#00018871]

I dont make them up before i write them, like you. My tracks usually crap around in the house for a half a year before i get my arse up and name them. Sometimes i just "gerask-64fsuit" with the keyboard, and sometimes the track titles have a meaning..
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-07-31 16:08 [#00018872]

i've started numbering tracks now, but only the track files are numbered, because i hate making a song, and saving it as a certain name, then changing the name of the song later on... then i have to rename the file...
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-31 16:14 [#00018874]

some song names i come up with before the song, some after. the song names i've come up with before dont have a song made for them usually though because when i come up with a song name, the song has to sound a certain way after that. some song names come from the way they sound. i have a song called "dead crabs on the beach" because the song kind of makes the sound of those words and it reminds me of dead crabs. or one of my other songs, "coming home" is what it would sound like for me if i was coming home after a long period of time. "cloptic beats" has beats that overlap each other and kind of make a "clop" sound.
Wizards Teeth
from Parsnip Land on 2001-07-31 16:21 [#00018877]

I quickly type a few letters / numbers / carachters in a small burst on the keyboard. I like to do this at the end of making something as it is a final way to release teh stress that has built up.
some examples :
mxcpao2=0 x,[p `1 dl1]` = o1=`- e1-9 ;#qk0riu23=0
from Bedwan on 2001-07-31 16:24 [#00018878]

Rob: Thats a very good thing to do. I should number my tracks too.. before they get lost.. i have loads of tracks that i forgot i even wrote. Usually my friends tell me that they like certain tracks, they try to describe what they remember that they sounded like, and then i sit myself down with my huge md collection, find the track, and name it. Rob, are you able to send me some track? If you can, please do. Cheers.
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-07-31 16:27 [#00018879]

One of my fast jungle tunes is here: zebox.com/artists/plegz.html [lofer manic pinch]
There's only one song up on there, but I will upload more stuff soon...
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-07-31 16:30 [#00018881]

also: my tracker music
and I also have 3 remixes in the custom section: [ventosphan] Rated 10/10 by |REFLEX|!!! [ageispolis deformation mix] [hiplicker]
and the phobiazero theme song...
from Bedwan on 2001-07-31 16:43 [#00018882]

Just downloaded ventosphan, and i will listen to it later.. Have a good day.
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-07-31 16:46 [#00018883]

Cheers Matt from Newdab... Can you send a song to me? plegz@yahoo.com.au just keep it under 4 mb or so...
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-01 07:16 [#00019053]

The only artist I know whose song titles are almost exact equivalents of the songs is imaginary fantasy (@mp3.com). He said that he also starts with the name, then makes the music. (ex. "turtles eating popscicles", "the merry cannibals") I always name afterward, because I couldn't successfully create in a specific direction. I think of something ittiotic and fitting afterward (in my opinion), like "the homemade strawberry jam song" (the melody sounded like homemade strawberry jam to me even though I've never had homemade strawberry jam...)
"'('(...diAgnYtic~p8rplE+ion...)')'" For that song, I started off with meaningful words, then altered them until they were meaningless (and added fancy marks)
"asexual spore releasing hyper bloomer" it sounded organic and alien-plant like. etc.
I guess it is kind of fun to name them, like trying to do the wildest thing in a name (the equation song?). But the only purpose really is so that the songs can easily be distinguished from one another.
from Wabden on 2001-08-02 10:21 [#00019292]

Hi Rob. I will send you a track soon. I´ve got some problems with my mail so i can´t upload mp3s right now, but you will get a track when i found out what i do wrong.. hopefully.
/ Matt
from Webdan on 2001-08-02 10:25 [#00019293]

And oh, by the way, do you know about, like, any free internet space thingie where you can upload mp3s?, cuz that would ease my "commercial" problems for the moment..
rob fragilenine+knukklehedz
from a warm place on 2001-08-02 14:08 [#00019334]

zebox.com is quite good, they let you upload files of any bitrate (64, 128 etc) and i think they give you unlimited space, or quite a lot anyway... Plus you can basically configure your page to be a complete home page...
from Webdan on 2001-08-02 14:44 [#00019343]

thanks. i´ll check that out.
from perth on 2001-08-02 15:06 [#00019355]

i make the track then apply the name
i have a load of names in my headsometimes if i cant thnk of a name i use one i have thought of earlier.
also my track filenames are numbered......im up to untitled486 or somehting at the moment......a lot of my old ones and my latest 30 or so have actual names as filenames.....te new ones are sorted into styles ie xxuH is the drill ones, pho:a is the softer ones etc...
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-08-02 16:18 [#00019362]

I usually just slam randomly on the keyboard if i´m writing something out in fruity. then later on ill make something up that i think sounds funny.
some of them even have somewhat meaning.
my latest track is called "One eyed daffy duck" (formerly known as "ZgDfhh7w3")
once when i was little i was painting a picture of daffy duck and then i in a mistake painted one of the eyes over.
and then i called it "one eyed daffy duck"
brilliant eh?
other track titles.
"Bonkers beats" "Wax eater" "the sound of a boy that makes love to a waffel iron"
from manchester on 2001-08-02 16:36 [#00019364]

i usually just hit teh keyboard. Its not a very good method but you can end up with some amusing names. SOmetimes i name it afetr what i am doing at teh time or after someone i know and the like.
I have also been known to try (usually fail) to have a comically titlle. Hope that helps :)
from ------ on 2001-08-04 19:18 [#00019719]

http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html http://zebox.com/artists/mikro12.html
from european realm on 2001-08-04 20:20 [#00019731]

I can tell you folks how afx creates his titles : www.anagramfun.com
that easy, hihi
from confield on 2001-08-05 07:38 [#00019829]

i usually think of the title and the basic idea/sound at the same time. like this track "venom keg" i tried to make(i dotn have the right stuff to make it sound right) i wanted to imitate a bunch of rattlesnakes fighting, and the melody to be like hate/fear. so the idea was to make a song where the beat is made of snake rattles(which i think sound awesome, mutli layered) and hisses, and an oboe(just cause the snakecharming thing) still on my mind, seems like a good project. if you steal it ill make you eat your parents.
Beef Fog
on 2001-08-05 08:36 [#00019832]

I name most my songs after the images i picture while listening to the song...for example i have "discovery of a corpse", "lying in an alley bruised and beaten", and "snail song"... I also have songs that i do not like much...for example "look what i barfed up"...I'm never really satisfied with my song titles, so i may need to find a new method...
Beef Fog
on 2001-08-05 08:38 [#00019833]

I name most my songs after the images i picture while listening to the song...for example i have "discovery of a corpse", "lying in an alley bruised and beaten", and "snail song"... I also have songs that i do not like much...for example "look what i barfed up"...I'm never really satisfied with my song titles, so i may need to find a new method...
from MiddleCreak Wildlife Reserve on 2001-08-05 14:06 [#00019873]

I also make music, and track names are pointless, but necessary. BTW, Are the majority of these "musicians" on this messageboard know how to play and instrament - just wondering, cause people who come into techno from no previous musical backgroud usually are only as good as the sounds they are using, with the underlying music being predominatly shit
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-05 14:34 [#00019874]

yes i actually play an instrument (guitar). I only started making electronic music 5 years ago, but I've been playing guitar since I was 6. Am I enough of a musician to be a 'musician'?
#1 Toothcock fan
on 2001-08-05 14:37 [#00019875]

Ok, I'm just going to assume that alot of you missed my last post about this, so this is the deal: Toothcock. They've released a new album called "Fresh Beats For White Girlz" and with it, they've gone in a new direction, they're more rap-hip-hop oriented rather then their usual black metal styles. This album is mindblowing, it's like combining the slick rough beats of DC Talk's first breakthrough album "Jesus is Alright" with the (highly underated) jive turkey funk skills of Jay Z with a teensy mix of Sisqo; and it all comes together laying out the blueprint for what is Toothcock's finest hour.
This album has been getting nothing but good reviews around the world. An esteemed American critic John Cassavettes wrote: "This album enobles music"- but it doesn't stop there, Toothcock's album is a non stop blast of pure B-Boy beats, an astounding album. If you haven't got this album yet, then what are you waiting for? A personal call from Toothcock's agent?
Hightlight tracks on the album include: B-Boy Beats City; Sugar Bitch; Mangina; Whose Penis Smells Like Fish; Check That Bitch's Forehead........ and many other great hits.
Check out Toothcock's Official Site at: http://www.watervalley.net/users/christianrap/midget/toothc ock/default.html
Or to order their album: http://members.aol.com/vlcncrptns/Toothcock-bitchesliveform yfluid.html
and tracks from their first album are still available for free* download off:
And as one Asian critic said "If you haven't got this album, you're not completley cool"(Asian Choclate Magazine 12/4/01)
*plus $12 download fee
rob fragilenine
from a warm place on 2001-08-05 14:40 [#00019876]

I also produce music in different styles, under a few different names:
negative alpha index: 'idm'/ambient dynamic flux transient: prodigy-like techno e-scape: cheesy dance fragilenine: industrial/metal test signal: ambient (like quake soundtrack) clicktrack: drum'n'bass rock laww vs. unkind nation: rock/metal total harmonic distortion: funk/acid jazz/hiphop there are more, but i can't think of them now...
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