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How NICE for you to have so much space to yourself on 2001-07-28 21:05 [#00018382]

te he


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-28 21:08 [#00018383]

Good lord, can I get anything for you?! Do you need to be
fanned, or you feet massaged? I'll get some grapes for you
to eat right away...


How NICE for you to have so much space to yourself on 2001-07-28 21:11 [#00018384]

Just roll me a big fat one!

And fan me,

I litttle cream on my feet wouldnt go a miss,

Also a cold beer,

and a small line of charly,

and tune the music up!


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-28 21:13 [#00018385]

Yes! Right away your majesty!


How NICE for you to have so much space to yourself on 2001-07-28 21:19 [#00018388]

thats better!


phiz from over there on 2001-07-29 02:31 [#00018425]

now thats what i like to see, everything catered for.


m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m on 2001-07-29 08:53 [#00018443]

Well it looks like your enormous space shrunk down quite a
bit! Yes, I'd say that it's... even smaller than mine. I
hope you don't mind fanning me, I rightfully reclaim the
throne, having the most space in my posts, thereby being the
most important. Give me some grapes! And peel them first,
the skins give me an upset stomach!


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