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Come to Daddy Remixes

Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-22 19:40 [#00017102]

Phobiazero, if you are out there, i have a bit of news.

I found an Aphex Twin single called "Come to Daddy Remixes"

The CD is completely orange except for white text reading
"An image of children chasing an ice cream truck advertising
text messaging."

This single contains:

To Cure a Weakling Child; Contour Regard
Funny Little Man
Come to Daddy, Mummy Mix

By the way Phobia, i finally found copies of SAW 85-92 and
Classics. As well as both the Ventolin EP's and On.

You are quite right - SAW 85-92 is fucking excellent.


Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-07-22 19:41 [#00017104]

Now that i think of it, you must have excluded due to the
fact that it's insignificant to an AFX collection. But...
were the Come to Daddy songs split apart at some point or
another on separate discs?


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