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Grym Reaper Is Dead

Archrival from New York on 2001-07-16 14:44 [#00015481]

Some very sad news, poetic aka Grym Reaper did pass away
yesterday at 10:40am e.s.t., he will be greatly missed. this
is a great loss, not only to Gravediggaz, but to underground
hip-hop in gereral. my condolences to his family and his
wife dee dee. this was announced yesterday on hot 97 by
mister cee and he played a few gravediggaz tracks as a

(poetic aka Grym Reaper of gravediggaz's condition has
worsened greatly. if you don't know, he was diagnosed with
colon cancer 2 years ago. recently his kidneys have failed
and the doctors have given him a day to live (from the 13th)
but they believe he won't live at long. he may have already
died even (lets hope not). to help out his family, please
send a cheque to this address in the name of anthony
berkeley or poetic:

meridian entertainment
1 orchard st.
jersey city, nj

this is not to raise money for his cure but to help out
poetic and his wife, dee dee, to pay for the huge medical


Archrival from New York on 2001-07-16 14:45 [#00015482]

who likes Gravediggaz


Archrival from New York on 2001-07-16 14:46 [#00015483]

Much love and respect goes to Poetic and his family.



rubbish john. on 2001-07-16 14:48 [#00015485]

the gravediggaz kicked arse.


Chimp Systems from Animal Chin on 2001-07-16 14:49 [#00015486]

Fuck, that's terrible... I heard he was ill but, fuck...
That 1st Gravediggaz album has got to be one of my favourite
records ever. At least he got to make a permanent record of
himself before he left earth...


Archrival from New York on 2001-07-16 14:57 [#00015492]

The first record WAS great but the other was pretty average

I got their third "Nightmare In A minor and its GREAT"
Poetic is all over it.!!!


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