from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:08 [#00014939]

on a scale of one to ten, rate your significance/ importance of existence
then, answer this question: if i was to walk up to you and place a gun to your head telling you that i'm going to scatter your brains about when i pull the trigger, would you be able to give me three reasons as to why i should not? i expect the three reason to be in relation with what your contributions are as a living being based on your significance/ importance of existence.
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:13 [#00014940]

well probably not no, i'd be slightly distracted by the faeces that was running down my trouser leg. if you're gonna get up to those shennagins why not just loose the gun??
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:16 [#00014942]

aaah i see-the gun was all part of the process. sorry. well i'd say that i'm pretty attached to living & having fun and multiple that by three. and if that wasn't good enough well, im sorry but id have to tell you to just kiss it.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-13 17:27 [#00014944]

I would have turned you into a cat meat icepop with my magical ninjutsu skills way before you had reached for your holster sonny!
and as for rating my magnificance thrice check my knighthood, obe and masters degree in astro physics! bullah!
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:37 [#00014949]

i would pull the trigger for both of you so far. i would not care about your attachment to life. i would reply " i dont care. you will die anyways. what should keep me from speeding up the process? why do you deserve or belong to be here?"
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:37 [#00014950]

erm....ok. maybe you should go to your nearest bathroom & have a quiet word with yourself. still, i admire you ability to turn me into catpopsicles or whatever. have you thought of going on jim davidsons 'generation game'?
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:39 [#00014952]

mmmmnnnn. do you pair get out much?
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:40 [#00014953]

look-can't we just talk about it?
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:40 [#00014954]

jesus!! no!! put down..
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:40 [#00014955]

from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014956]

from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014957]

i so..
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014958]

from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014959]

to li
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014960]

from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:41 [#00014961]

from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 17:42 [#00014962]

No one has that sort of right sorry Hevquip; while even I can look at people and marvel at their pathetic lives, I still have no right to do anysuch thing, If I had to give a rating for myself itd be about 7/10 and my reasons would be 1. I am in the pursuit to better understanding of myself and the situation of existence 2. No one is of real value when it all comes down to it, and 3. Id say survival of the fittest and bludgeon you to death sooner than run away.
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:44 [#00014963]

ooh. i see. you dont own a gun.anyway...o fuck i'm getting sucked into this ...& i dont want to go...but...now just maybe think alittle about this....why should anyone have to justify their existence to anyone else no matter what the duress? isnt that like, kinda facist ? d'y know what i mean?
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:45 [#00014964]

fucks sake! why on earth would you want to bludgeon someone to death just cause of who they are??
from afxs dusters on 2001-07-13 17:47 [#00014966]

mind you- look at phil collins!!hes a right cunt isnt he?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:48 [#00014967]

so far glitch remains alive. i believe the reasons he gave me are appropriate and acceptable. he has a goal to achieve. the issue however is not whether or not i have the right to shoot someone, but whether or not someone has earned there place on this earth and can keep it.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 17:49 [#00014968]

read what I wrote !!!
Id RATHER bludgeon him to death than let him Judge and possibly kill me.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:50 [#00014970]

camples getting the hang of this too. i might smack you with the gun and tell you to go do something important now.
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 17:52 [#00014971]

I would tell that my existence is justified because I am totally bullet-proof, and they are doing tests on me to see how they can save lives in the war-torn Middle East. Either way, I'm on a winner.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:52 [#00014972]

then lets forget that i have a gun, or that it's even up to me. if tomorrow you knew that you would cease to exist, what would you do or have to show that you should remain here?
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 17:56 [#00014973]

Because if I die, who's going to drive this bus?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 17:57 [#00014974]

chimp systems is putting his existence towards a good cause, so he's redeemed. i would like to test his bullet proof-ness though...but what makes saving the lives of those in the middle east worth it?
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 18:00 [#00014975]

erm... becaause they're human? I've got to go the cinema. Now. Play nice in here.
And I AM bulletproof. Watch - BANG!! See?
from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 18:01 [#00014976]

these strange debates are based on Ethics and the ability to determine worthiness, which no one person has been able to do, let alone agree on with others, this thread may as well die, before we start debates into why Adolf Hitler was/wasnt onto a good thing
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 18:02 [#00014977]

yes they are human. human life (particularly for them) is full of struggle, pain, hate, loss, and confusion. so wouldn't i be doing them a favor if i killed them all?
Chimp Systems
from Flat Mountain on 2001-07-13 18:03 [#00014978]

Are you experiencing a period of angst perchance? Stay off the weed man. It'll bring out the demons in yer.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 18:06 [#00014979]

No you wouldnt Hevquip, I personally believe that pain is a good thing and that Id still want to live my life even if the balence of bad times out weighed the good 99 to 1
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 18:07 [#00014980]

i'm not in a period of angst, but i think a lot of people cant verify the purpose their existence backed up with good reasons or understand what they are to be doing with the time that they have while they are here.
from danmark on 2001-07-13 18:19 [#00014982]

No-one is more important than another. The meek shall inherit the earth. I am not important but I have repent my sins and shall be rewarded in heaven. Pull your trigger and suffer in hell.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 18:32 [#00014984]

oh for fucks sake..
the meek shall rot in the earth, while the strong of mind are expelled into the cosmic nothingness.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 18:38 [#00014985]

i dont much like your opinion mariah. i do not believe in the god, nor do i like the church. i believ that religion exists because people are afraid of their mortality. they invent concepts to trick themselves into thinking that they will have something to look forward to because they do not want to acknowledge the fact that they are frail little people who only get one chance at living. i do not think that it is the churchs place to tell us what is right or wrong and try to enforce it because i think that they are too biased and closed minded. i do not believe in god because i do not think someone should judge us on how we live the way he does or why one individual wields as much power and significance as he does. the god and devil concepts are for the weak. all things good are the result of gods doing, all things bad are the result of the devils doing. where is the responsibiltiy in that? why is one not given control of their own life? i believe heaven and hell are concepts the church made up so people would go to mass. without heaven and hell, no one would go because they wouldn't be tricked into thinking that there is something waiting for them in the end. people can make it through life without god.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-13 18:48 [#00014986]

I agree with alot of that Hevquip, but having just writen what you did, dont you see the similarities between the idea of "God" and the role you were playing ?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 20:03 [#00014993]

yes, although my purpose was not to decide who should live or die, but to make one ponder the signifacance/importance/utility of existence. the gun would act like a catalyst to extract an answer from someone who usually does not think of such things often.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 20:05 [#00014994]

the answers to the my question would be much more succint (sic?) if it meant the possibilty of death.
from IL on 2001-07-13 21:01 [#00015003]

Someone watched Fight Club for the first time. =P
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-13 21:42 [#00015005]

yeah...i realized that there was that correlation, but i didn't borrow it from the movie. i'm not really going for the 'live you life to the fullest' message though, i'm more interested if one can come up with and understand their reason for existing and what affect it has on the world. if ones existence would be wiped out tomorrow, would they be able to give a good reason as to why it should not? that's what i'm looking for.
from over here on 2001-07-14 07:32 [#00015052]

hevquip's significance: 1 (being the lowest)
that that is all...
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-14 08:05 [#00015057]

You have some interesting scary ideas brewing. You feel that there is no reason for human existance (I might expand this to include no reason for the existence of LIFE period, but we're all humans here, unless you are an ostriche that has learned to communicate in english.) There doesn't really have to be meaning, exactly. Define meaning. Actions simply take place and are stimuli for more actions. Life, however we define it, is only a manifestation of energy, the actions that have been taking place, all catalyzed by the first action according to theory, the big bang. I suppose nearly all the energy that fuels earth life is from the sun. The first action that created the sun. It's a form of "life" itself, and it only existests because energy cannot be destroyed but can only change form. You fear death, for good reason I suppose, I'm not necessarily one to say. We are both going to die, no matter what. If you pulled the trigger, you'd die no more than a hundred years later too (given plenty of play room, in case you are 1 year old and live for 100 years.) People would like to think they are significant in some way. I'm not one to say. I am merely a person too, and must confront death and my own significance like everyone else.
m....MwMw wwW(m M m)Www wMwM....m
on 2001-07-14 08:11 [#00015058]

I read "sex and the orgins of death". When single cells existed, death didn't really exist. A parent cell simply divided resulting in to almost completely identical copies. When sexual reproduction started though, the whole purpose was to combine the traits from 2 individuals in order to have a more varied gene pool to be a more adaptive life form. It was now necessary for the old phenotypes/genotypes to die, to make way for newly mutated ones. Life wouldn't adapt if they hung around forever.
from manchester on 2001-07-14 10:49 [#00015073]

I would have made a coin appear from behind your ear, even though it was really obviously in my hand before i pretended to find it there, however, i think you would be suitably impressed and would spare my life.
If you did not, at least i woudl go out with a bang, and then a thump, and then a sort of trickle.
from Australia on 2001-07-14 11:43 [#00015083]

My Importance 10: I am reverred as a god
just not yet
from danmark on 2001-07-14 15:08 [#00015090]

I don't believe in such a simple theory of religion as you proposed earlier either hevquip. But it seems to me that you are doing exactly what spawned the multitude of religions that exist today by questioning the reason for our existence. YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME with such shallow played out discussions. If you're going to attempt a debate on something interesting why not try something tangible and real that actually affects the human race. We are here now this is all we've got at the moment - everyone is as important as each other. We may as well try to make the most of it.
from perth on 2001-07-14 16:47 [#00015098]

id probably say hmm for a bit (his is if i didnt shit myself straight away) and then id say that i am living an experimental life. i seek to find out what makes people react in manners they do. people with no apparent personalities are quite interesting because you say strange things to them and watch their faces. they cant thing of anythign to say. this is not to say i am better than them in any way...i just am used to that kind of thing.... id be shot, but
you know what? after you die...its not like you really miss living.
from LAPDANCERLAND on 2001-07-14 18:00 [#00015106]

from confield on 2001-07-14 22:48 [#00015124]

id mindfuck you. id be like "youre right, my existence doesnt really matter, but how does blowing my brains out help you? is it gonna make your life any better? YOU SIR ARE ACCUSED OF SKULLDUGGERY IN THE NAME OF PANTOLONES! BOW DOWN BEFORE GARTH THE CATS WARF GOLDEN ONE!"
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