Richard/ autechre. []pusher/ boc | xltronic messageboard
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Richard/ autechre. []pusher/ boc

offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-15 07:03 [#02624185]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict



online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-15 20:57 [#02624215]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict loan me some of your gear if you're not using it.
yes, that will do nicely


offline Roger Wilco from Mo's Beans on 2023-01-19 13:01 [#02624349]
Points: 1909 Status: Regular

I wouldn't be surprised if Richard had called it a day.
Squarepusher has got progressively worse and he knows jt. Ae
will have set up The System to release an album every three
years for 1000 years longafter they've passed on.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-19 16:51 [#02624352]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

Roger, most of your idm comments are stupid


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-19 20:32 [#02624355]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict

i want AE to make some dancerush stardom trax


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-19 20:41 [#02624356]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict | Followup to Roger Wilco: #02624349

also, i claimed The System first. they can have merely
"System" if they'd like

"my system is different from your system, and
neither my system nor your system is the same
thing as the system.

a subsystem of the system is the morning
, which is a generalized framework for an
optimized morning routine. my morning routine is not
the same thing as your morning routine, but both fit
within the overarching framework of the morning

most systemic confusion results from confusing your
with someone else's system. within the
overarching framework of the morning routine. most systemic
confusion results from confusing your system with someone
else's system." which i would add: "System" is not "The System"


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-19 20:50 [#02624358]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict

"my opionion may differ from your opinion,
while the opinion may refer to either your
or my opinion, depending on the sphere
of context
in which the opinion is referenced.

for example: when i refer to my opinion within
my system, it is my opinion.

however, when i refer to my opinion within
your system, it then becomes your opinion, and
within this seperate context, my opinion may differ
from your opinion.

think of it like an opinion onion."


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-21 14:00 [#02624405]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

squarepusher lost his magic


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-21 14:03 [#02624406]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to recycle: #02624352

the ae comment was pretty cool imho and i agree with the
squarepusher comment


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-21 19:13 [#02624416]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict | Followup to mermaidman: #02624405

mermaidman speaks as if anyone gives a fuck what it thinks.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-01-21 19:16 [#02624418]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular

Squarepusher is too upbeat and jazz-noodly for me. But his
2020 release Be Up A Hello was my favorite thing he's done
since Go Plastic (2001). He's got a lot of talent.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-21 21:03 [#02624446]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

I need to go grab a few []pusher releases, I think I have 2
or 3, today is a blah day and. Need jazzy bass


offline Portnoy on 2023-01-22 16:55 [#02624488]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02624418

i didnt even try the album for some reason but o really
liked that glitchy video in tokyo and the song was epic.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-22 18:12 [#02624492]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict | Followup to Portnoy: #02624488

And that one subway train video during Corona isolation.

So goooooood


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-01-22 18:13 [#02624493]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

Me thinks they are mental


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2023-01-22 19:16 [#02624502]
Points: 4851 Status: Regular | Followup to Portnoy: #02624488

I really don't like Squarepusher much (again I think he's
alarmingly talented, just not quite to my taste), but it's a
genuinely cool album, worth checkin out!


offline Portnoy on 2023-01-22 19:54 [#02624512]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to recycle: #02624492

Yeah with the printer, that was good


offline Portnoy on 2023-01-22 19:56 [#02624513]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02624502



offline mermaidman on 2023-01-23 08:44 [#02624525]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02624416

are you referring to squarepusher as an it??


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-23 11:49 [#02624526]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict | Followup to mermaidman: #02624525

no u


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-23 11:50 [#02624527]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict | Followup to Portnoy: #02624512

> And that one subway train video during Corona

detroit people mover


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-23 11:52 [#02624528]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict

but i'm obligated to re-post The Squarepusher Joke

if squarepusher is to ever to un-reverse-tube-sock, he
needs to stop playing simulations with himself all day and
get a live funk band. coathangar hed band, led helmet
band... man, get hand bands banned so they don't get out of
hand. on the other out of hand, this joke got out of my head
as many mines were simulated out of my butt that i realized
that squarepusher is the joke. so far gone up his own butt
he's come out the other side and realized: shit, i'm the
joke, let's go with it. hug it and see what it likes for
lunch. simulate bands so more squarepusher jokes will
self-organize on forums and explain to me exactly what's so
funny about myself. i take my music career very seriously
and i don't understand the rude comments, guys



offline mermaidman on 2023-01-23 12:49 [#02624533]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02624526

ppl give a fuck about what i think!


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-23 12:50 [#02624534]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

i am a mermaidman bro don’t refer to me as an it so rude!


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2023-01-23 13:02 [#02624535]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

It feels like its all receding into the past now like
everything ive ever loved or apprecoated, making me
immensely depressed, how good we had it, now its a barren
cultural wasteland :-(


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-23 13:34 [#02624537]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict

i remember, christmas 2001, i'd discovered aphex within the
last year two and i got drukqs in the mail over break. i was
new to the whole thing and i remember thinking, "oh good,
can't wait to see what he does next year"

and i crossed that bridge in like 2012.

be up a hello was squarepusher's best in ages, really


offline Portnoy on 2023-01-23 14:19 [#02624539]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02624537

I held off on buying drukqs - it was a double album and
expensive but then later I was washing dishes in the UK and
took the plunge, my whole world view changed


offline mermaidman on 2023-01-23 14:19 [#02624540]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02624537



offline Portnoy on 2023-01-23 14:22 [#02624541]
Points: 1487 Status: Regular

I ripped it onto my og xbox. It had a 10gb hdd. It was cool
the mp3s you ripped were integrated into the games. Used to
drive around in project Gotham racing with vordhosbn. Good


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2023-01-23 22:54 [#02624558]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Followup to recycle: #02624185 | Show recordbag



offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2023-01-23 22:59 [#02624559]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Followup to mermaidman: #02624405 | Show recordbag

Some of his last tracks are brilliant imo, wizard style


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-24 03:10 [#02624566]
Points: 24975 Status: Addict | Followup to mermaidman: #02624534

> i am a mermaidman bro don’t refer to me as an it
so rude!

You're Yasir Al-Rumayyan, managing director of the Saudi
Arabia government's Public Investment Fund (PIF). Roger
Wilco is Elon Musk


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-01-31 19:02 [#02624764]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

I want some milk of the milkmans wifes tits


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2023-01-31 21:10 [#02624765]
Points: 6299 Status: Regular

sqp is the only of the "big warp names" who can make 2step /
garage worth a shit. i respect this


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