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prefuse question

offline nacmat on 2007-11-19 13:07 [#02145422]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

sorry if this has been discussed but I didnt find anything
with the search

what is this preparations new cd?

I see it in warpmart but its seems to be out of stock... has
this really been released?

anybody have it and want to review it?


offline rad smiles on 2007-11-19 13:29 [#02145460]
Points: 5608 Status: Lurker

it sucks


offline staz on 2007-11-19 13:34 [#02145465]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

let me just say

once upon a time, p73 was good


offline clint from Silencio... (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-19 19:24 [#02145642]
Points: 3447 Status: Lurker

I don't know why its got so little attention on here

I think its pretty cool. Better than the last one...


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2007-11-19 20:33 [#02145659]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular



offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2007-11-19 20:39 [#02145661]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to staz: #02145465

ok... I suppose I'll be serious... I know nacmat be hatin on
dem trollz...

As a big fan of Prefuse back in the days, I hate to say
it... but I think you're on to something. I'm simply less
interested in his new releases with each release. This time
around, I had heard that a new Prefuse CD was out, but I
didn't even look into it.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-19 20:40 [#02145662]
Points: 21392 Status: Lurker | Followup to staz: #02145465

Don't forget autechre and aphex twin.


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2007-11-19 21:06 [#02145673]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to w M w: #02145662

What?! You talkin shit?! Let's take this outside...


offline SValx from United Kingdom on 2007-11-20 03:18 [#02145717]
Points: 2586 Status: Regular

I saw Prefuse live in October doing their Preperations album
tour, and they were really really terrible, so if that's
anything to go by then I'd say that the album is awful too.


offline hedphukkerr from mathbotton (United States) on 2007-11-20 03:22 [#02145718]
Points: 8833 Status: Regular

i think the ablums really great. lots of 8bit-ish sounds. i
havent returned to it despite enjoying the first few

the "companion" disk or whatever, interrenegrums, is
godawful. prefuse trying to do ambient or something, just


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