Aphex Twin's GX-1 on Vemia | xltronic messageboard
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Aphex Twin's GX-1 on Vemia

offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-05 17:20 [#02141231]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular



offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-05 17:30 [#02141235]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

Where does it says its aphex's?


offline Sano on 2007-11-05 17:36 [#02141237]
Points: 2502 Status: Lurker



offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-05 18:03 [#02141244]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

it doesnt, but it is, u should know!


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-05 18:05 [#02141245]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

i'm buying it for elusive for christmas but don't tell him


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-05 20:57 [#02141270]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

Im sure there is more than one gx-1 in england. Actually, I
think there is a deceased rock star (Mickie Most)
unloading a gx-1. Maybe Rich bought the gx from Mickie. I
would assume they would advertise the synth as Richards
though, just like they did for that Yamaha cs-15

retrosynth write up


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2007-11-05 21:53 [#02141280]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular | Followup to bogala: #02141270

retrosynth.com isn't very accurate. Most of their reviews
are way off. There's at least 70 GX-1s. There's one in a
hotel lobby in Los Angeles for decoration. Looks good but
it's a slow sounding thing.


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-05 22:26 [#02141283]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

Its not a review, Its Peter Forrest from vemia notifying
everyone of the GX-1 auction


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2007-11-05 22:30 [#02141287]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular | Followup to bogala: #02141283

Bogala, are you listening to to Buff-Hype Blog house at the
moment? Peddle back a few messages and re-align your self.


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-05 22:34 [#02141288]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

ah, Hi steve


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2007-11-05 22:38 [#02141289]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular | Followup to bogala: #02141288



offline elusive from detroit (United States) on 2007-11-06 07:36 [#02141369]
Points: 18361 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

is there a fucking chat room, or something that you guys are
all in.


offline yabyum from Zwolle (Netherlands, The) on 2007-11-06 14:26 [#02141485]
Points: 20 Status: Regular

don't think this is aphex twin's gx1..
aphex twin talked on the analogue heaven mailing list (under
the name panflet) about having modified his gx1.
pretty sure this would've been mentioned in de description
at vemia.
besides that, don't think he'll ever get rid of it and
especially not since he's making music with it right now.


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-06 14:58 [#02141496]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

no, he said he would attempt to modify. No word that he did.
No proof panflet is him either.


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-07 09:37 [#02141643]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

erm well he is getting rid of it and he aint making music
with it right now cos he's flogging it on Vemia!


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-07 19:50 [#02141802]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

There 8 different synths in the gx-1 right? How many are


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-09 17:27 [#02142346]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

how is anyone here supposed to know / care ?


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-09 18:42 [#02142353]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

i was hoping bingob would chime in


offline bogala from NYC (United States) on 2007-11-09 21:25 [#02142367]
Points: 5125 Status: Regular

Guess he changed his mind


offline FlametopFred from Vancouver (Canada) on 2010-03-08 22:20 [#02370549]
Points: 1 Status: Lurker

Over the last two years I have learned much about the GX-1.
In many ways the instruments that followed were superior
(the CS-80 and E-Series) in stability - - as far as design
and production were concerned.

That is is to say, if you take an E-series and motify it,
you can get all the same sounds as the GX-1.


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