photos, another industrial waterfall | xltronic messageboard
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photos, another industrial waterfall

offline Matvey from Kiev (Ukraine) on 2007-10-30 08:46 [#02139180]
Points: 6851 Status: Regular

So, it appears that there are two waterfalls in Kiev that I
know. I've already posted one a
time ago and now I found one more - first through ggl maps.

2000x666 - same as attached image, but bigger.

Some more photos of it and surroundings are at
http:/ with some text in russian (sorry).

And, there's also a video.

This shit is mixing (at this photo) and then
dispersing waterfall of station of aeration. Processed
sewage water is thrown into a 8-km long channel looking like
a small river and then it gets into Dnieper.

The place doesn't stink, and people are fishing here
(fucking assholes).

Attached picture


offline swift_jams from big sky on 2007-10-30 09:29 [#02139187]
Points: 7577 Status: Lurker

I love decrepit, industrial, derelict looking places. They
have a certain gloomy charm about them. Evansville,
Illinois, United States is a cool town.


offline mimi on 2007-10-30 15:19 [#02139293]
Points: 5721 Status: Regular

thos are A+, you live in a dream world

i like the animals across the tube


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2007-10-30 16:01 [#02139301]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

they're fantastic


offline Matvey from Kiev (Ukraine) on 2007-10-31 01:56 [#02139415]
Points: 6851 Status: Regular

Dream world? he he :) I like it, too. It is a bit bad
ecologically but very strange, fantastic, indeed.

I saw dogs have crossed the channel and gave them some food,
first on one side of the channel to make friends, then
called them from the other side to picture them crossing,
gave out some more food, then returned back again and called
them one more time.

P.S. Saw the link is fucked up - mods, could you add teh
"http://" there please if you have the powers?


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