AphexTwin.nu auto-update | xltronic messageboard
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AphexTwin.nu auto-update

offline Junktion from Northern Jutland (Denmark) on 2002-03-20 21:48 [#00133140]
Points: 9713 Status: Lurker

If ther is going to be an auto-update-function on the
topics, how should it work?

I think: Selectable in account. And Phobiazero..if you can
script this: it would be cool that the auto-update-function
stopped when your mouseover the topics, so it youldnt update
while your trying to select a topic for view.

Any other ideas? post it...


offline Junktion from Northern Jutland (Denmark) on 2002-03-20 21:49 [#00133142]
Points: 9713 Status: Lurker

nevermind!!!! Phobiazero just said that the auto-update
couldnt be done....sorry


offline nanotech from Sukavasti Amitaba Pureland (United States) on 2002-03-20 21:58 [#00133152]
Points: 3681 Status: Regular

yeah, an outo update would be pretty koo'


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