New Stars of the Lid stuff | xltronic messageboard
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New Stars of the Lid stuff

offline clint from Silencio... (United Kingdom) on 2007-01-18 10:21 [#02034042]
Points: 3447 Status: Lurker

I'm looking forward to this now. Just downloaded the second
of two free mp3s from pitchfork LAZY_TITLE and it sounds
pretty great.

Its been a while... the Dead Texan and Brian McBride albums
were both good (esp the former) but they weren't as good as
the last Stars of the Lid album. The first album in ages I'm
really looking forward to.


offline Vin3islih from United Kingdom on 2007-11-24 18:51 [#02147463]
Points: 1066 Status: Regular

This was the only thread I could find on the new Stars of
the Lid... thoughts anyone?

It's a double.


offline Vin3islih from United Kingdom on 2007-11-24 18:52 [#02147465]
Points: 1066 Status: Regular

'And Their Refinement Of The Decline'


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2007-11-24 18:58 [#02147468]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

i haven't heard the latest stars of the lid album, but i
like this new thing on kranky quite a bit



offline Vin3islih from United Kingdom on 2007-11-24 19:32 [#02147475]
Points: 1066 Status: Regular

^ that's nice. Probably more interesting than the Star's
album. It's a bit meandering and kind of slow/dull but also
very melodic and atmospheric. I think the problem is it
goes on for too long and again not enough variation
happening across 18 tracks. I was just wondering if anyone
has given it any time.


offline paul8088 from United States on 2007-12-10 14:12 [#02152903]
Points: 225 Status: Lurker

great album

it does put me to sleep


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