wizards teeth
from under a nice leather shoe on 2001-03-03 11:40 [#00000695]

i like s club 7, especially that fat one who looks like some brie. i must now leave as i have an appointment with a gang of tulips as they have hired me to impersonate a lemon seed painting a
fox onto an elephants arse.
Scary Bear
on 2001-03-03 13:54 [#00000699]

it happens
Id Lab
from www.brakehorse.com on 2001-03-03 14:53 [#00000704]

I made bread, but then that's what I'm like. You know the feeling, when you've got some work you must do, but you don't want to, so you do something else useful instead? Cleaning is good, or checking this messageboard. But my favourite is making bread. Useful and creative, a perfect timewasting activity.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-25 08:08 [#00010920]

The tulips PAY you to do that?! Jesus, I've been doing it for free. When I find those tulips I'm going to offer my services for half the wages you make! You'll be put right out of business!
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-25 08:13 [#00010922]

if those fucking smarmy tulips endorse any more tattoos of more bastard foxes on to that fat elephants batti my left arm will wither and die
my face
from who knows? on 2001-06-25 08:56 [#00010930]

My my...... You cats are so crazy, I can't help but laugh my arse off at your insane antics. Get the fuck out of my face......
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 09:00 [#00010931]

Hey stop saying rude words, I am contemplating becoming a vicar.
my face
from who knows? on 2001-06-25 09:04 [#00010932]

Then fuck off and become a vicar, join your vocation and get the fuck out of my face.....
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 10:36 [#00010936]

Please note I do not usually swear as I find such words to be used by simpletons / simians, but:
Whoever you are fuck off you childish twat. Yes be critical if you want but there is no need for such........
Ignore the above I am not going to bother responding to such a person who's pet Elks laugh at him / her as their genitalia are made out of card.
I ask you this "Mr or Mrs Face" - Is there really any point in making such comments?
my face
on 2001-06-25 11:00 [#00010939]

I could ask you the very same question.....is there any point in making such stuuuuupid remarks as "a person who's pet Elks laugh at him / her as their genitalia are made out of card."??
Is it some lame attempt to appear "wacky" in front of your cyberspace bretherin? Seems you're just as childish as me....
PS - You're about as wacky as Russ Abbot.
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 11:14 [#00010944]

Exactly there is no point, that was the point I was trying to make.
What is the point in being a miserable twat like yourself?
I agree Russ Abbot is quite shite.
Would you like to help me complete my You've Been Framed video collection. To complete my collection I require episode 603, the one were Jeremy Beadle shows the audience his small "child like hand". I was wondering if you will sell me this episode, I know this is your favourite masturbation material, but I am desperate to complete the collection.
Do You Like:
a) Brass?
b) Sleeping with your Dad?
c) Sleeping with your Mother?
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 11:25 [#00010946]

Please add the following comments to the last post:
a) My Dad is bigger than your dad
b) I am a faster runner than you
c) Your breathe smells of dog's eggs
d) I am a better footballer than you
e) You live in a cardboard box
f) You go to Butlins for your Holiday
g) You are not allowed pets
h) You are an Albino
i) You invented hairnets
j) You are addicted to tipex
I hope these comments are "adult" enough for you
I know we have not known each other long, but shall we get married I think we share similair views
from the petal of a chatherine wheel on 2001-06-25 11:36 [#00010949]

I think the whole point of the above comments was to amuse people like myself, good work chaps, a special thanks to My Face.
my face
on 2001-06-25 11:39 [#00010952]

Please add the following comments to my last post: You are a cunt. Ahhh, the subtle enigma that is Wizards Teeth. Part contradiction, part total prick. What a crazy character.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-06-25 12:12 [#00010959]

looks like everyone here needs to sit down and tuck into some good ol' chicken paste!!
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 12:43 [#00010962]

Dear Mr. Face,
I am not crazy. People who are crazy masturbate into thier own excrement and eat it.
I should know this, as I witnessed this first hand when I was taking care of you one weekend.
By the way you left your underpants under my Grandmas bed, you mucky boy or girl or puma.
cheech wizard
from age on 2001-06-25 12:48 [#00010964]

yes,and were all cool....and no one one gets kicked out like a fascist...leave it wizard....ZZZZ....
my face
on 2001-06-25 12:54 [#00010966]

After wiping away the tears of laughter at Wizard Teeths latest witty outburst, I find myself bereft of ribs......He's just so avant-garde! I can't handle it anymore, I fear my face will explode......
He deserves his own slot on Jane Macdonald's "Star For A Night"......he's gonna make it!
rubbish john
on 2001-06-25 13:16 [#00010968]

wizard's teeth - you are almost as bad as po{e}. you write some load of bollox, and when someone else decides to say something about it - you declare war and bombard them with childish silly insults like "you're gay!" or something directed at thier mother.
sort it out for fucks sake!
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 13:56 [#00010969]

Rubbish John,
My initial outburst was catalysed as I was told to "Get the fuck out" of someone's face. I thought this retort was excessive for the initial message from myself.
Do you think my initial post deserved a "Get the fuck out" response ?
I used the list of poor insults as a joke, I am afraid they were not serious as you were led to believe.
I do apologies for the silliness it will now stop.
Sorry John and sorry Get the Fuck out of my face.
W. Teeth
my face
on 2001-06-25 14:13 [#00010970]

No need to apologise, WT.
rubbish john
on 2001-06-25 15:20 [#00010974]

wizard teeth - there's no need to be so apologetic really. i just don't like insults such as the ones you used - cos they are playground banter. i was quite dissapointed in you actually, as i believe that you can come up with better put downs than that.
and also, with regards to your initial message - saying stuff like "i like s club 7" may warrant people requesting that you get the fuck out of thier face.
my face
on 2001-06-25 15:21 [#00010975]

Yeah, Get the fuck out of my face.......
from perth on 2001-06-25 15:31 [#00010977]

wivs teef is a champ fuck off my face
i think chicken paste has the right idea.
up the paste
my face
on 2001-06-25 15:42 [#00010980]

Fuck the paste
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-06-25 15:51 [#00010983]

i am chicken paste man!! i eat chicken paste. i drink chicken paste. i bathe in chicken paste. and i also fuck chicken paste. people should really get into the chicken paste thing. i am chicken paste man!!
wizards teeth
on 2001-06-25 16:36 [#00010987]

What is chicken paste.
Here in England we only have Owl Paint.
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-25 16:43 [#00010988]

you are arguing. you are not supposed to be arguing, you are supposed to be making cakes.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-06-25 16:55 [#00010990]

fuck the owls!! make chicken paste not war!!!
from Denmark on 2001-06-25 20:20 [#00011007]

from the petal of a chatherine wheel on 2001-06-25 20:29 [#00011009]

great stuff lads!
rob fragilenine : rf
from noodles on 2001-06-26 02:21 [#00011022]

HEY wizard's teeth rocks! He's not meant to be taken seriously!!! I suggest to face that he/she/it should "chill out" with his/her/it's "homies" in "tha freeza", and then go home and smoke some "donkeys".
I have made the following assumptions about this "my face" character:
:: You probably would like to watch "88smpo" on channel "-1"
:: You use Netscape Navigator. (sorry, no offence, netscape)
:: Ock :: Ack :: Uck :: Ick :: Eck :: Creq :: 70's stuff :: and stuff :: or something
These all may/may not be true, sorry for interrupting your fight...
from Australia on 2001-06-26 07:47 [#00011044]

stop it children
my face
on 2001-06-26 08:31 [#00011047]

Your assumptions are incorrect and particularly unamusing. I am indeed, my face........ I am the all-seeing face who controls and manipulates faces across the globe with customary style and vigour.
However, I sense that the one who calls himself "rob" is nothing but an imposter, a second rate Wizards Teeth wannabe, trying to appear "crazy" infront of his peers in a vain attempt to attract a cult-following equal to that of myself or the infamous "chicken paste man".
Such a following can not be acheived through unfunny jokes, one must have the complete trust of one's subjects via the gift of charm, chicken paste or face manipulation.
Here endeth the lesson........
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-26 08:43 [#00011048]

I'm glad I resurrected this old topic from the abyss of page SEVENTY FOUR! What fun, I was entertained for seven whole minutes!
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