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Audio > Images?

rob fragilenine from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-02 15:58 [#00008018]

Does anyone know a program that does this? because i want to
send an encrypted song as pictures instead of as an mp3
file... i've tried coagula, but it only lets you convert
images to sound...


Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-02 16:12 [#00008020]

errrr ..... i have friends that are into programming ...
maybe i can ask them to come up with something..... and i
have Microsoft C++ VIsual... maybe i could do something.....


rob fragilenine from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-02 16:17 [#00008021]

yeah that would be cool, only if you'd do it for nothing


Organ Grinder from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-02 16:29 [#00008024]

gladly.... it'd be a good first project for me.... hehe....


rob fragilenine from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-02 16:48 [#00008028]

cool... jus make sure you can:
import bmps to wavs and
export wavs to bmps...

it probably wouldn't be too complicated... you probably just
have to change the file header around or something?


hedtwin from manchester on 2001-06-03 01:16 [#00008078]

That sounds excellent. I woudl want a copy if u managed it


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