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Drill 'n Bass Beats

Jash from US on 2001-05-28 01:11 [#00007321]

Does anyone know the production secrets behind getting those
snare drills that Aphex is famous for? It sounds like he's
using a lot of flam and variable volume to bring the snares
in and out. Is that all there is to it?


rob fragilenine from inside a piece of techno on 2001-05-28 01:29 [#00007322]

i can get a similar effect with the E93, E92, and E91
effects in fasttracker II together with volume changes. If
you don't have FT2, go to www.relaypoint.net/~emillan/ft2/
and there should be a version to download...


M on 2001-05-28 01:33 [#00007323]

You must be talking about the song "4". I love songs that
are created in a way that defy comprehension. I finished
your remix rob, it's in your mail and it kind of sucks.


rob fragilenine from inside a piece of techno on 2001-05-28 01:37 [#00007326]

cool i like songs that suck


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