Donkey kong- aquatic ambience. | xltronic messageboard
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Donkey kong- aquatic ambience.

offline stilaktive from a place on 2005-02-22 13:52 [#01508198]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

Does anyone else share the love for this song? i only
played DK once, when i was around 8-9, and the only thing i
remember is this music, and also the background of the
level, it was like vast open water, but not deep, just vast.

i did some random searches and now i have the song and its
brilliant, just brilliant.


offline weatheredstoner from same shit babes. (United States) on 2005-02-22 13:54 [#01508204]
Points: 12585 Status: Lurker

is that the one for Super NES ? Where you ride the swordfish
and stuff?


offline stilaktive from a place on 2005-02-22 13:56 [#01508208]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

i cant remember the level at all, just the music and
background. my answer is probably.


offline stilaktive from a place on 2005-02-22 14:01 [#01508217]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

rwah hah theres loads of cinematic remixes of it:



offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2005-02-22 14:01 [#01508219]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Followup to stilaktive: #01508198 | Show recordbag

Yeah it's absolutely beautiful. In fact that game a handful
of really ethereal tunes all the way through it, some of the
moodiest music ever in a 2D platformer.

Has anybody here played Donkey Kong Jungle Beat for


offline Combo from Sex on 2005-02-23 04:48 [#01509142]
Points: 7532 Status: Lurker

i have all the soundtrack of DKC on CD ; i could rip it if
you're interested ; it's a nice SDK ; especially aquatic


offline DJ Xammax from not America on 2005-02-23 05:30 [#01509203]
Points: 11512 Status: Lurker

This thread provoked me to listen to it again, it really is
fantastic, sounds kinda Blade Runnery in some places. The
whole soundtrack is quite nice.


offline Exaph from United Kingdom on 2005-02-23 05:31 [#01509205]
Points: 3718 Status: Lurker

who's responsible?


offline aquagak from Berlin (Germany) on 2005-02-23 10:56 [#01509704]
Points: 4397 Status: Regular

Hell yes, that’s what makes the Donkey Kong series so
great. The music is soo fantastic. Especially in Donkey Kong

Combo do you share on slsk? I’d love to get this


offline magicant from toronto (Canada) on 2005-02-23 11:22 [#01509732]
Points: 2451 Status: Regular

yes, the music is wonderful. i bought it for that sole

what's great is that some levels, you start off and the
music is all dusty and dirty sounding - and then they morph
into absolutely beautiful ambient tunes! particularly the
Caves levels and the Snow levels, and the Mine levels.


offline uzim on 2005-02-23 11:36 [#01509760]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

ah, donkey kong country... i just love everything about this
game, i think. ♥ : )

donkey kong country 2 was a let down for me though : (
(haven't played the 3rd one)
(dk64 was a let down too)


offline epohs from )C: on 2005-02-23 11:39 [#01509767]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

I think donkey kong country was the last game i played to


offline magicant from toronto (Canada) on 2005-02-23 11:42 [#01509771]
Points: 2451 Status: Regular

DK64 sucked.


offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-02-23 11:45 [#01509776]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker

Yavo got me this for valentines day

Attached picture


offline Vin3islih from United Kingdom on 2005-02-23 12:13 [#01509826]
Points: 1066 Status: Regular

amazing music.... those soundtracks never came out
officially in the UK, but the Japanese love that stuff.


offline stilaktive from a place on 2005-02-23 12:15 [#01509829]
Points: 3162 Status: Lurker

i need to get more tunes


offline Combo from Sex on 2005-02-23 12:38 [#01509866]
Points: 7532 Status: Lurker

DCK2 was even better than the first !!!!!! the third was
just nice, not as good as the two first but very nice ! one
of my favourite games ever (if not my favourite game ever :


offline aquagak from Berlin (Germany) on 2005-02-23 13:15 [#01509908]
Points: 4397 Status: Regular | Followup to Combo: #01509866

Same here, I can truthfully admit that Donkey Kong Country 2
is my no.1 favorite video game of all time. My brother
would also agree with me.


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