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Hey Archrival

offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:20 [#00081936]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

i wanted to give you props for your wonderful freestyle. my
boyfriend pointed it out to me a couple of weeks ago and i
you have STYLE! i don't know if i should tell you this but
ever since then i refer to you as Archie, it's said with the
greatest respect of course. =]


offline Archrival on 2002-02-07 07:26 [#00081940]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

hmmmm maybe I should change my name to Archie, I kinda like
it. It sounds much nicer than Archrival ;) I mean im not
trying to be a rival to no one.

Hey thanx, I hope you liked it :)
Now Im gonna be happy all day long :)


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 07:39 [#00081953]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

I got more rhymes than the bibles got psalms, I came to drop
lyrical bombs, vietnam, the cong, disinfos hit and got the


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:43 [#00081955]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

nawwwwww Archrival is a cooooool name keep it dude!!

i'm waiting for the REmatch, then maybe one day i'll be able
to FREESTYLE with style. =]


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:43 [#00081956]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

lyrical bombs? Ill show you the cost...

my tritium and deutrium fuse, then you feel my holocaust!


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:44 [#00081957]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

woah......not bad for being smashed grower of the corn =]


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:46 [#00081958]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

Im listening to Ziggomatic...
what a fuckin insporation!
For me re-rout yo lyrical telecommunitcation!


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 07:50 [#00081960]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

Ahhhh shit here we go lyrical ciatation, believe my ass
relocates your occasion, sucka mother fucka... hmmm no good
no good.

Raw Im gonna give it to ya, like molivia just like cocaine
straight from bolivia, rought like timberlin we yeah! get in
the flight like my land crousers over dere.. yeah.


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:50 [#00081961]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

Im listenin to this song...
It seems to make my shoulders bob up and down
should I hit the bong, or go to sleep a little more


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 07:51 [#00081963]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

6 fake dollars to whoever can guess what rap group I stole
that from and modified it a bit


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 07:52 [#00081964]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

Hit the bong and then go to sleep later.., thats what Ill


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:52 [#00081965]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

Talking bout that yay?!!!
Fuck takin a line...

Ide rather help reveal you as a lyrical


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-07 07:54 [#00081967]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

ohh god... that was fuckin horrible!!


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 07:55 [#00081969]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

OH MY GOD! hahaa.... jesus christ! that was funny.


offline Archrival on 2002-02-07 08:01 [#00081978]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

That was Wu tang clan - Mystery of chessboxing

U- Gods verse "raw im gonna give it to ya

Raekwons verse rough like timberland wear, yeah

Ok.....now gimme the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-07 08:04 [#00081982]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

Good good.. yous da knowin' shit. I modified it.. to see if
anyone would know it. But ofcourse I figured you would.

*hands Archrival 6 fake dollars* hey man, you won it fair
and square.


offline Archrival on 2002-02-07 10:42 [#00082054]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

thanx man I needed em, I aint got much money these days.



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