from pleth on 2002-01-27 06:54 [#00075295]
australia day caned.
anyone here have a big one?
on 2002-01-27 07:00 [#00075298]
from Dallas,Texas (Plano) on 2002-01-27 07:32 [#00075303]
Darth manchu
on 2002-01-27 11:09 [#00075322]
Well yesterday was australia day where everyone has a big party and celebrates being an aussie, while imigrants practically kill them selves in an attempt to get a bit of freedom.
from pleth on 2002-01-27 13:54 [#00075332]
they should have a global standard setting in regards to refugees and whatnot, i reckon, to stop everyone comparing the differences between countries' policies.
oh, b.t.w, i only really made this thread coz i liked the drunkQs pun in the title. sorry :)
from Canada on 2002-01-27 17:13 [#00075350]
i wish canada day was that exciting
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