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Global Goon

Mr Dirby from don't matter on 2002-01-25 23:14 [#00074954]

Can anyone tell me about Global Goon. My friend had the cd
and we didn't know if it is a complilation or a group or a
guy or what. It was really sweet though. kind of soft in
places but really sweet the next. If anyone could tell me
who they are and were I could get a copy I would really
appriciate it.


Gonzola from stockholm on 2002-01-26 01:09 [#00074984]

global goon releases his music on the rephlex label. he
lived in the same house as aphex in the early 90's. the
album 'cradle of history' from '98 is sweet, but the new
album(released in early february) is a total mindblow!!!!! a
must for everyone on this board!!!!


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