on 2002-01-18 20:18 [#00071807]

Altered states of consciousness. We still do not know what it is to be high or why we seek that state so persistently. Peak experiences trascend the limits of normal consciousness. Meditation- avenue to passive withdrawel from the world. Many non-ordinary experiences are not pleasurable- they are powerful, different, strange, even terrifying. Still we call them “highs” because somehow they seem able to change us for the better. One common trait of all highs stand out: they’re all a technique of focusing awareness, of shaking us out of our habitual modes of perception and getting us to concentrate on something, whether a sound, a sight, an unusual sensation. Possibly what we call a high is simply the experience of focused consciousness, even if on something painful or unpleasant. In “normal” states of mind, our conscious energies are scattered. Our attention wanders aimlessly. You can focus on: exs. A thought, external, internal sensations, past future, hopes, fears, objects, images, tunes. Meditation is nothing other than directed concentration. Concentration is power. Sometimes we enter states of concentration without making any effort. In fact, being high might be the most natural condition of all. An intensly unusual stimulus can draw our single minded attention. Getting high and staying there makes us better able to function in ordinary reality.
“using just yourself” chapter: concentration is learning to focus “staying with” the object of our attention despite distraction. Part of the pattern serves as the background so another part will stand out as the foreground. To concentrate means the foreground stands predominate-clear of the background. Pick a thought, idea, object, person and stay with it. The process is more important than the subject of concentration. Concentrate on one of your fingertips. Treat the fingerprint as a maze, choose a beginning and end. Find out what happens to your concentration when it wanders. Through philosophical awareness, we focus our attention on questions and problems brought about by the “facts of our existence. What is it to be alive? What is the meaning of life? Who am I? Am I real? Who are you? What is the world, solar system, galaxy, universe? What is knowledge? One of the major problems with dealing with questions like these is our language. Sensory awareness: we receive info from our environment through our senses. Sensory deprivation-find out what it’s like without them ex. Blindfold. Examine every point and surface where your skin and clothing thouch. Taste spices (parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme) 5 min. each. You do not HAVE senses, you ARE your senses.
Rhythmic and cyclic awareness. Meditations= sit with spine straight, fix gaze on a spot ahead, let eyes stop there with out really looking. Direct vision inward, 15-20 min. clear attention and ability to focus and concentrate happens. Fix your thoughts on a problem or on NO thing. Prolonged observation (this worked for me in school heh heh, staring at the top of my desk for long ass times, It helped me “see” drawings in the papers little subtle shady spots.) fervent prayer= a sentence or paragraph you make up and keep repeating. Long times at sea, desert or arctic. Self hypnosis= sit, say to self “I am growing sleepy, my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. I am sinking away. I can’t keep my eyes open.” Deep breathing. When eyes close, repeat a key word (ex. “deeper” or “further” “now”) relax. As u count from 10 to 1, imagine traveling traveling deeper into yourself. Let each part of your body become heavy. Then light and flat away. Say “now I will end my trance and wake up” to end. Perform a ritual each week. The repetition over a long period of time will have the ritual take on a spirit. Spin/get dizzy. Chant. Auditory illusions. Unfamiliar realm. Psychological excersizes= recite the Gettysburg address while counting backward by 3’s while saying peter piper picked a pail of pickled peppers… repeatedly. Let a=1, b=2 etc. and say stuff in numbers. Begin singing with force “aaaaahh” turn it into as melodious and continuous a song as you are capable of. Don’t worry about aesthetics at the beginning, just continuity. Zen power yell, roar like a lion, you are powerful and ferocious. The most turned on language is poetry. Phosphene stimulation (lightly press fingers against eyes till see “stars”) voluntary silence. Suffering= forces us to reassess our place, position,goals, value direction. Brings about transformation. Suffering, incompleteness can be the impetus to finding a new situation for ourselves. It demands relief, new environments, new supports. Pain= any systems resistance to a stimulus. Exercise to the point of pain. Long dull pain usually promotes listlessness and depression. Continuous pain dulls awareness. Forbidden activities. Rage= get angry w/ inanimate objects (pillow) paranoia- everything that happens to you is part of a benefic plot, a grand scheme so marvelous it’s hard to believe it’s happening to you. Neurosis= phobias, avoidance, inability to perceive the obvious, nervous. Demonic possession= to feel another move your limbs, to feel the other in your mind. To know the other. Not all bad. Not all good. Fasting- sensation of hunger usually departs after first 3 days. Sleep deprivation- after 70 hours, difficult to do any normal easy tasks without errors. After 30-60 depth perception becomes disturbed. After 90- hallucinations set in. 100 cant say alphabet. 120 delerium. 150 total disorientation. Record is 268 hours, he had after effects 10 days after. Claustrophobia. Fantasy, an important part of the daydreaming process is the ability to let go, to go w/ the currents of the imagination and allow to emerge whatever will emerge. Private activity, no way this privacy can be invaded. Theory- fantasy is used to rehearse our roles in future activities. Image a journey to the cave of the witch or the forest of the mythical beast. Writers often depend on their ability to fantasize within a given situation. In this way a plot can be carried through antire work of fiction. Make up a story, remembering is the essense of knowing. It’s usually activitated analogously (we see something that reminds us of something else which activates a memory) we rarely take the time out to try to use our memory to completely re-create a special incident or event in our lives, good or bad. Remember what you saw tasted heard, smelled, touched feelings had at the time. Sleep with arm in the air, if fall asleep, arm falls and wakes you up, allowing you to stay at the realm between dream and awake. Dreams are more vivid than the greatest movies. Lucid dream, aware that you are dreaming, a way to control contend of dreaming is to control stimuli you’re exposed to while sleeping. Write down as soon as you dream them all details. Shifting between sleeping and waking makes vividdreams. Boredom translated into nervous energy or ittiots play (making music heh heh). Forgetting, if we agree that the only constant of life is change we must loosen our hold on all that is precious to us. To observe the unexpected, the unknown, and then use what one finds there in a new, unique way: that is creativity. Perspective. Running, jumping, mountain climbing. Survival tests: ex. Parachute into desert, jungle or forest. The future of the present is the past. The future of the future is the future. Social withdrawel, believing one is superior to society at large. Logotherapy- the patient sits in a chair and hears things he finds unpleasant to hear. Anxiety of the child-isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world. Synectice= the bringing together of diverse elements that seem unrelated. Irrational and emotional helps in creativity. Thanatological awareness, everyone who ever existed, everyone who exists now, will die. This fact is very difficult to stay with, to make truly real. There are many ways to rationalize death and rob its eventuality of realness. Martial arts. Real magic is always secret. Metronome, a device that marks time with a steady beat and is adjustable. Used in training for musical instruments. Rock throwing, automobile destruction. Gliding, up to 45000 feet, up to 160 mph. Over 600 miles without landing. Soaring clubs to learn, buy rent a glider, supposed to take a plane to 3000 feet . sensory stimuli illusion-taking given stimuli from the environment and misinterpreting it. Synesthesias, perceiving an image with a sensory receptor not designed to receive that image, seeing sound, feeling color. Many consider contemporary urban life, increased activity, lights, noise pollution to be permanent state of sensory overload. Intricate patterns changing on film. Moiré patterns= take 2 identical black combs, align them and move one back and forth, a third pattern will emerge. “repition tapes.
from Wales on 2002-01-18 20:20 [#00071808]

At least put it into paragraphs dude!
on 2002-01-18 20:25 [#00071811]

No! the information must be as tightly packed as possible. there's only capital letters at the beginning of sentences bezuk microsoft werd up does that autocatalysistically.
on 2002-01-18 21:15 [#00071840]

what the hell are you all doing burrying MY important message under YOUR insignificant messages??
from Nova Scotia on 2002-01-18 21:30 [#00071853]

I can't read that, I need paragraphs. My eyes hurt...
besides, I know everything already. Nothing I can learn in that excerpt that I don't already know.
on 2002-01-18 22:29 [#00071895]

I have a rare disorder where my brain lacks a memory. So I have to write down everything that seems interesting within the split second of the present. I forget where I got this information or what I just said three words ago. What am I talking about... "what"... "what", what does that mean...? WHOA I have many strange digits on the end of my... "arms" I think they're called. I think I'll call them fingers.
Korben Dallas
from _ on 2002-01-19 00:00 [#00071949]

Interesting! - didn't read all of it, as my reading attention span doesn't last that long.
Funny how meaning undermines itself through the very means it exists -
I'm currently quite intrigued about some philosophy of language -
Hey m-m - do you know any books re: patterns in nature and that sort of thing ? I take it you are reasonably well read - if you could drop some names that'd be cool.
from Wales on 2002-01-19 00:18 [#00071954]

Stop watching Memento so much dude!
on 2002-01-19 00:19 [#00071955]

Becuase I got high, because I got high, lalalala
from toronto, canada on 2002-01-19 00:20 [#00071956]

am i the only one who read the whole thing..?
anyways.. yes, very interesting.. where'd u get it from?
on 2002-01-19 05:02 [#00072008]

I never heard of memento. This is from "the book of highs:101 ways to get high without using drugs" As for books, I suggest library book sales (often like 1$ each) and the actual library books too. A lot of stuff is designed for college courses or something or are poorly and pointlessly written, you have to do a lot of sifting, most of the stuff is good though if you choose an interesting topic. there is a book called "patterns in nature" (it might have been rhythms in nature) I also wrote down excerpts from that one so I wouldn't have to remember with my biological brain, but they're in pen so I can't copy/paste it. Symmetry, torture, fractals, forests, evolution, caterpillars, anything is interesting almost.
Caserol Joe the Chubby
from Minneappleseed on 2002-01-19 17:55 [#00072249]

I know what getting high is about, what is there to question?
Caserol Joe the Chubby
from Minneappleseed on 2002-01-19 17:57 [#00072250]

I mean, it's a pretty straight forward experience.
Caserol Joe the Chubby
from Minneappleseed on 2002-01-19 17:57 [#00072251]

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