from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-17 13:10 [#00071229]

Yeah thanks, its pretty strange isnt it. Its been a while. To be back is strange. Cant wait....
from UK on 2002-01-17 13:13 [#00071231]

We just need po(e) back now and it'll all be fine.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-17 13:49 [#00071240]

from ken on 2002-01-17 13:59 [#00071243]

i only asked what he'd alledgedly done. oh well...
Richard D James
on 2002-01-17 14:11 [#00071244]

I can't wait until Reflex "makes another mistake" and gets banned again.
It could be a sitcom.
on 2002-01-17 15:21 [#00071256]

Just straying from the topic a bit...
I got a friend living over here from Canada and she's from some strange part called Thunder Bay... Whats that place like then, coz she reckons Scotlands better...? Obviously she isnt looking properly.
from Essex on 2002-01-17 15:26 [#00071257]

REFLEX...1 little point...I was real dissapointed & offended with all that "YOU CUM SUCKING FAGGOT" talk of previous times...
Pls pls pls...don't ever get like that again or you are gonna lose us all again...and if Phobia don't ban you, I'll get my hacker mates to pay you a visit...
Only a little warning mate...that shit was totally beyond belief and I wanna believe you are better than that....
No offense, mate...just speaking my mind, hope you understand...
from ken on 2002-01-17 15:29 [#00071259]

oh...i see.
from Nova Scotia on 2002-01-17 16:24 [#00071268]

Actually, Joyrex activated some verification option so that only people he WANTS on there can join. Reflex isn't allowed. So you ain't goin' back to Joyrex, Flex.
Well, you seem nice enough, always good to have another Aphex fan around. Cheers!
from Milan on 2002-01-17 17:04 [#00071280]

Yeah, now we need poe...
...and what's about "chicken paste man!!!"? Hey Chicken back to v4.
Don't forget :"I'm a chicken paste man!!!"
from Milan on 2002-01-17 17:07 [#00071282]

reflex: Do you remember your topic "Stupid Ravers"? Try to see how many visit has now.... it's really a world record. :)
braggie von braggsalot
on 2002-01-17 17:29 [#00071290]

just one question:
who is this REFLEX-guy?
i'm sorry, but i'm new.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-17 21:36 [#00071369]

Thanks a lot. Whoever said their hacker friends would get after me. Good luck! Id love to see that one happen. About the only thing that can get into my system here is a Trojan Horse, now if they have that they are true hackers.
Woofer: it is best to see you here again!
from canada on 2002-01-17 22:17 [#00071373]

i like horsees
laughable butane BOB
on 2002-01-17 23:06 [#00071387]

REFLEX will fit in fine with a couple of these other guys. Maybe they can all move to an REFLEX AOL chat room, and enjoy each others ignorance and lying about what studs they are.
from NYC on 2002-01-18 01:14 [#00071413]

Hey Reflex!
Haven't been around here as much recently...
Glad he admitted you back (hope I helped), did you read the thread I made?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-18 02:11 [#00071429]

Yes I checked it out. Thanks!
Russian Woodpecker
from Ural on 2002-01-18 05:14 [#00071482]

Of course.... I can't wait to see what happens next.
Caserol Joe the Chubby
from Minneappleseed on 2002-01-18 06:22 [#00071493]

Whoever posted as Richard D James is a genius! A new format of sitcoms... Message Boards! We got all the material to work off of right here. Every little hmorous event and dramatic situation could be exagerated. The posts would go up as we program them to. Nobody would every write and nobody would ever read it, but it's still a wonderful concept.
from UK on 2002-01-18 08:32 [#00071513]

It's funny how loads of people with real weird names come out of the woodwork since you've come back |REFLEX| and all they seem to want to do is tell you off for being a naughty boy :) .... I've never seen some of these guys before!
They dont have anything decent to say. What's the deal guys?
Richard D James Who Swears Too Much
on 2002-01-18 11:29 [#00071540]

'Reflex' is filmed before a live studio audience..
*a bunch of people are sitting in a room REFLEX: hey guys sorry I shouted at you before!! PERSON 1: oh...er that's OK I suppose. Welcome back. REFLEX: so what are you doing? PERSON 2: we're listening to IDM REFLEX: IDM is a stupid fad!! you fucking fags don't know what you're talking about.
PERSON 1: that's YOUR opinion. REFLEX: my opinion is FACTUAL and your all fags. PERSON 1: fuck aaaaaaawf reflex!! REFLEX: i'm going to the apartment next door because you all suck!!!
*in the apartment next door
REFLEX: hi guys REFLEX: the other apartment is SHIT and full of fags. EVERYONE: fuck off you twat, we don't want you here REFLEX: YOUR ALL SHIT BASTARDS REFLEX: stupid fag parade
*the next day, reflex goes back to the first apartment
REFLEX: hi everyone i'm sorry... PHOBIAZERO: hi, er welcome back EVERYONE ELSE: oh just piss off, you're the scum of the earth.
from UK on 2002-01-18 11:32 [#00071543]

The Richard D James
on 2002-01-18 11:38 [#00071547]

You're the twat, Chri5py, you're the twat.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-18 11:44 [#00071552]

Yes, it is quite funny indeed.
The Richard D James
on 2002-01-18 11:47 [#00071556]

Oh reflex.... you and I both know you're going to cause trouble.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-18 11:48 [#00071557]

Thats strange. I dont think so.
The Richard D James
on 2002-01-18 11:49 [#00071558]

cute. aww!
from UK on 2002-01-18 12:13 [#00071572]

|REFLEX|... What do you do in your job.... you've prolly said before but I cant be arsed to find it LOL
from Nova Scotia on 2002-01-18 13:05 [#00071600]

You know what... one of the reasons I decided to join this board was because the trolls are absolutely HILARIOUS!!! I mean genuinely brilliant, they have me in stitches!!!
The Anti Reflex Consortium
on 2002-01-18 13:08 [#00071602]

Shut up.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-18 14:54 [#00071637]

I work at an internet cafe. late hours, from 11pm to 10am the next day, a few nights in a row. Its a good job.
from UK on 2002-01-18 14:57 [#00071638]

Sounds cool man! You still talk to Jack (po(e))? I dont usually now coz I shouldnt really use messenger at work at the mo :( They're clamping down but they'll forget in a month!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-18 14:58 [#00071641]

Naw, poe is a annoying fellow. Quite strange, in a bad way. I blocked him from my ICQ list a while ago. Shame...
from UK on 2002-01-18 15:00 [#00071643]

mmm... I'm surprised. I havent talked to him in a while but I still get on with him... dunno.
Back to work I go then.... hey ho
Russian Woodpecker
on 2002-01-20 00:51 [#00072358]

the kize
from glasgow on 2002-01-20 01:30 [#00072367]

scratch that patch just at the left
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