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effective use of language

dug creedy from yelsewhere on 2002-01-15 23:08 [#00070428]

'you can stick it up your arse and fuck off while you're
doing it'...(from 'withnail & I')

great put down line i think)

I also like the word 'fucknut' as a put-down.

as for posiitives I'm on the look-out, any ideas??

'diamond-geezer','star',''you da man','wazzuuup' 'homey'
etc....... they're a bit hackneyed now..

as for 'crispy'/'crisp' (Leicester slang for 'fine'/'cool'
(apologies to Chrispy)- It just don't sound right....

what do YOU say fucknuts ?


Jarworski from Wales on 2002-01-15 23:11 [#00070429]

Pipe - Girlfriend as in "Fetch my pipe and slippers,

Cod - Somebody staring at you

Mumbler - Girl in really tight pants, as in you can see the
lips but can't hear what they're saying

Pair of Britneys - Two beers please


/-T|K|R-\\\\ from the start on 2002-01-15 23:54 [#00070440]

me and my best mate back in 92 come up with "cunt lumps", or
you can say "lumps of cunt"


thanksomuch from planet claire on 2002-01-16 00:40 [#00070453]

i preffer "bloody cunt muscle"....


/T|K|R-\ from the start on 2002-01-16 00:41 [#00070454]

blood axe wound


StueF from does it really matter? on 2002-01-16 03:11 [#00070487]

"cock jockey"


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