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offline Torley Wong on 2004-06-27 02:33 [#01257520]
Points: 235 Status: Lurker

My bowl is too big? :)


offline roygbivcore from, of course! on 2004-06-27 03:01 [#01257534]
Points: 22557 Status: Lurker

your bowl cut is too ugly


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-27 03:26 [#01257561]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular

this calls for a picture. back in a sec!


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-27 03:29 [#01257567]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular

oh god that song is fucking awesome, sounds like a theremin
in some parts :)


offline Torley Wong on 2004-06-27 03:31 [#01257570]
Points: 235 Status: Lurker



offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-27 03:37 [#01257577]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to JAroen: #01257567

it could do with a bowl of eqing maybe

Attached picture


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-06-27 07:27 [#01257691]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular | Followup to JAroen: #01257577



offline deepspace9mm from filth on 2004-06-27 07:30 [#01257693]
Points: 6846 Status: Addict



offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-27 11:14 [#01257785]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to horsefactory: #01257691

a panda materializing between two bowls


offline PigeonSt from Detroit on 2004-06-27 12:08 [#01257836]
Points: 1780 Status: Regular

bowl of noodles is a wonderful notion


offline uzim on 2004-06-27 12:25 [#01257845]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

BOWLS!!! yeah! pandas! eating a bowl of Oval!

<- ***free temporary avatar!!!***


offline uzim on 2004-06-27 12:29 [#01257846]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

the beautiful sound of a red panda talking about bowls.


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-27 12:32 [#01257847]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular

cular azides are often thermodynamically unstable, shock and
impact sensitive, and should be handled with caution. For
example, triazido-s-triazine has explosive properties,*16
violently detonates during vigorous grinding in a polished
agate mortar, and produces pure carbon nanoflakes5a or
carbon nanotubes*17 when it explodes


offline uzim on 2004-06-27 12:37 [#01257850]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

L'ewHAWskwwwwwwwaAAAMole von
to changed for the alcohol-ill person of l'instabilità
those of
the most inferior chemistry of the part of restlessness of
situation d'industrie, being frequent attacks an effect,
sensitiveness the cause, hello to cular is and gives to
eight and the
obligation one thermodynamic for ossequio he. If like
l'explosiveness, with the relative connection of the thing
l'azote 6 of qualities S 3, cause to l extremity of the
eight * the 16 of the effect nanoflakes5.a of d'agate or
mortar of the coal nanotubes*17 an active duration of qu'il
polverizzazione, with the l interior of the coal, that is
pure, is
lucentezza with the triazido one of l interior
. ... . ...

. ... .






offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2004-06-27 12:43 [#01257851]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

OK. The topic 'Bowls ' has been deleted from your favorites
You are now being transferred back to the topic, otherwise
click here


offline uzim on 2004-06-27 12:51 [#01257856]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

S uEPER BOWlL!!! !


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2004-06-27 13:33 [#01257876]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker

a panda materializing between two bowls in this thread!



offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-06-28 02:41 [#01258361]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

Oh my God uzim that avatar is brilliant.


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-06-28 02:42 [#01258362]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular



offline Tomi from Poland on 2004-06-28 02:45 [#01258363]
Points: 409 Status: Regular

i have 4 types of bowls

and yellow ;)


offline horsefactory from 💠 (United Kingdom) on 2004-06-28 02:52 [#01258375]
Points: 14867 Status: Regular

Well... I must declare you the King of Bowls. All hail Tomi
the Bowl King.


offline od_step_cloak from Pleth (Australia) on 2004-06-28 02:52 [#01258378]
Points: 3803 Status: Regular

Whoa I used to have a phrase that was "Let's hear it for
knives and forks!"

Back when I used to be weird. Along with "Pushing bricks
between my fingers" and shit like that.


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-28 02:55 [#01258381]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to uzim: #01257845

that av only showed up today, damn temp internet file thing
issue thing


offline uzim on 2004-06-28 05:36 [#01258487]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

thanks! : )
i will probably change it soon because it makes me confused,
if anyone wants to have it, eat it or turn it into a lemon,
go ahead.

my bowl is a blue ceramic bowl. i like it very much. it is
i need to buy cereal.

should we all wear bowls on our heads?


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2004-06-28 05:47 [#01258492]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker

i'm afraid i'm more a cup person myself. sorry. i just have
a fetish for ears. can't help it. bowls are so ...earless


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-28 05:50 [#01258494]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to goDel: #01258492

bowels are my perfect geometrical shape

the centre of gravity lays ouside the ceramic!


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2004-06-28 06:32 [#01258508]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker | Followup to JAroen: #01258494

true, but the same holds for cups, boxes and buckets


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-28 07:25 [#01258526]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to goDel: #01258508

no, youll find the density of ears to be infinite kg / m³

it feels lighter because the atoms in the cups ear are
immune for gravitons


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2004-06-28 07:46 [#01258546]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker | Followup to JAroen: #01258526

what can i say but: WAY TO GO CUPS!!!!!!

show those gravitons of what you're made of
go cups
go cups


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-28 07:59 [#01258558]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to goDel: #01258546


Attached picture


offline Quernstone from Padova (Italy) on 2004-06-28 08:01 [#01258559]
Points: 1826 Status: Regular

'lawn bowls' is what i say.


offline Mertens from Motor City (United States) on 2004-06-28 08:36 [#01258598]
Points: 2064 Status: Lurker

Bowls are not great. Plates are great.


offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2004-06-28 09:00 [#01258623]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

OMFG this cereal in a mug thing is fucking GENIUS

I always overfill and loose a shitload of rice bubbles and
on top of that I'm always spilling during transport, this is
like a godsent, I can now go pick up the morning paper while
I'm having breakfast


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2004-06-28 09:01 [#01258626]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker | Followup to JAroen: #01258558



offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2004-06-28 09:03 [#01258629]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker


Attached picture


offline big from lsg on 2004-06-28 09:06 [#01258634]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Followup to Refund: #01258629 | Show recordbag

not a bowl b7


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2004-06-28 09:07 [#01258636]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

hahahahaha, uzim's avatar is splendid!!!


offline JAroen from the pineal gland on 2004-06-28 09:12 [#01258644]
Points: 16065 Status: Regular | Followup to Refund: #01258629

rice krispies? mmmmmmmmmmmmm :)


offline big from lsg on 2004-06-28 09:14 [#01258647]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

with rice crispies and smacks too it's awful to do them in a
cup, you'll notice flooding problems with the stuff (not the
with cornflakes it is possible however


offline big from lsg on 2004-06-28 09:15 [#01258649]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Followup to JAroen: #01258644 | Show recordbag

pop pop pop


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2004-06-28 09:16 [#01258650]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

did he apologise yet?


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2004-06-28 09:19 [#01258654]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker | Followup to Refund: #01258629



offline Refund from Melbourne (Australia) on 2004-06-28 09:45 [#01258676]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker | Followup to big: #01258647

I jsut filled the cup with rice bubbles (that's what
they're called over here) and put shit all milke in and just
kinda stir it,.

lovely, AND useful


offline big from lsg on 2004-06-28 09:57 [#01258688]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Followup to Refund: #01258676 | Show recordbag

yes, i saw from you photo that u have i more apt cup for it

and u use little milk
i like milk on the other hand


offline Mertens from Motor City (United States) on 2004-06-28 10:00 [#01258691]
Points: 2064 Status: Lurker

Plates DAMMIT!


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2004-06-28 10:02 [#01258693]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i hope this thread dies a slow and painful death, along with
all the cunts that replied in it.

(oh no what have i done)


offline Mertens from Motor City (United States) on 2004-06-28 10:11 [#01258701]
Points: 2064 Status: Lurker | Followup to J198: #01258693

I agree with you fellow cunt.


offline uzim on 2004-06-28 10:32 [#01258716]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

i like red fruits special k cereal.


offline uzim on 2004-06-28 10:33 [#01258717]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

but rice krispies a.k.a. rice bubbles a.k.a. rice pops are
good too =)


offline Mertens from Motor City (United States) on 2004-06-28 10:34 [#01258719]
Points: 2064 Status: Lurker

Fruity pebbles owns you all!


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