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RARE ebay items

glassid trip from az, usa on 2002-01-12 20:25 [#00068876]

Check out items sold on ebay NOW from "mattpyke", he's got
everything... or if you're not registered to ebay search for
"Autechre lego feet" and browse his items, he's scaring the
hell out of me


umbriel from quebec...the old on 2002-01-12 20:30 [#00068877]

its not scary. its exciting! i would love to have the
"Autechre / Basscadet / 3 x 10" Box Set". its a bit
expensive though. maybe i should just pretend i never saw
that auction... ebay scares the hell out of me!


titsworth_courier from washington, dc on 2002-01-12 21:51 [#00068934]

one time i won an item in this dutch auction of 20 aphex
twin logo pins for 99 cents each. i had my pin for about a
month before i left it in my suit jacket pocket by mistake
when it went to the cleaners. it wasn't in the pocket when
it was returned and they said they never saw it, nor was it
in the lost and found. i've not found the pin on ebay since.
i'm quite upset about it, it was a great pin.


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