from Wales on 2001-12-19 22:20 [#00062610]

Nothing to do with Aphex I know...but I love books and was wondering what people's top 3 faves are (iff u reed, thatt iss); Mine are: 1. 'American Psycho' - Bret Easton Ellis; 2. 'Wizard And Glass' - Stephen King; 3. 'The Beach' - Alex Garland
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-19 22:26 [#00062612]

my favorite is probably It by Stephen King... great book... also, I'm reading the Wheel of Time series now, currently I'm almost finished book 5, and I'm getting book 6 for Christmas... that's an awesome series...
from Wales on 2001-12-19 22:27 [#00062613]

Hahaha! I messed up and put WAG in instead of IT.... you are a cool dude, Funkmaster!
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-19 22:29 [#00062614]

well thanks... :)
on 2001-12-19 23:13 [#00062619]

Confederacy of Dunces
on 2001-12-19 23:26 [#00062625]

selfish gene- richard dawkin evolution isn't what it used to be- ? fractal geometry of nature- mandelbrot (but only because of the main idea it set, the general reading was torture)
natures numbers- ? patterns in nature- ? the orion book of evolution- ? encyclopedias are the best reading because they are so generalized on many subjects, not a single one.
on 2001-12-19 23:28 [#00062626]

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S Thompson...
on 2001-12-19 23:29 [#00062628]

the birds, the reptiles, the earth etc. books from time life books (I think)
on 2001-12-20 01:00 [#00062642]

Ender's Game.. and the rest of those books by Orson Scott Card
from Dark side of the moon on 2001-12-20 01:17 [#00062647]

YES....Enders game is one of the best for sure....
on 2001-12-20 01:52 [#00062650]

You said it buddy! Enders Game and Enders Shadow were most definitely the best though, the rest were.. yea.
on 2001-12-20 01:54 [#00062651]

Oh, and the very end of the series let me down bigtime. In v5 will there be the option to edit messages? I think of things after I've already posted often..
on 2001-12-20 03:51 [#00062675]

crying of lot 49 - pynchon strange pilgrims - marquez ariel - plath
(for now)
from The East on 2001-12-20 04:01 [#00062678]

Doesn't any body like Anne Rice? Eithor Stephen Kings "Dark Tower Series." All the books kick ass.
from The East on 2001-12-20 04:02 [#00062680]

Something went terribly wrong a moment ago...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-20 04:03 [#00062681]

ringworld - larry niven all of my psychology text books talisman - steve king intensity - dean koontz strangers - dean koontz the stand - steve king
from road is land on 2001-12-20 04:46 [#00062709]

douglas adams - the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-20 04:48 [#00062712]

your Psych books? I did psych this semester, and it was awesome, but I wouldn't rand the text book in a top three type thing... maybe top three text books... you must love psych...
Pusher of the Square
from mars on 2001-12-20 06:22 [#00062741]

i hardly watch tv anymore with the exception of the adult swim on cartoon network.... so books are what I am reading now.... at this time I am reading the Dalai Lama's book The Art of Happiness.....
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-20 06:53 [#00062742]

i only took one sememster of psych in high school. bought the text books for my reading enjoyment. i love psychology.
from Dark Side of the moon on 2001-12-20 08:49 [#00062757]

Hitchikers!!!...Man I forgot how fun that book was to read....over and over....
])@RTH \\/@])ER
from An Imperial Cruiser on 2001-12-20 10:19 [#00062772]

I have been reading a lot of swedish history novels abaout vikings ,temple knights and shit lately.
I wonder ,perhaps you britts out there could recomend something similar from england.
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-12-20 10:35 [#00062773]

lord of the rings hitch hikers guide to the galaxy pingu on holiday
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-12-20 14:18 [#00062795]

Its dark but, Poe, Lovecraft, and clive barker are the greatest !!!!
from ken on 2001-12-20 14:25 [#00062797]

sophies world-jostein gaardner
the dharma bums-jack karouac
the wind up bird chronicles-huruki marakami
oh and life after god by douglas coupland-genius.
sinista six thou
from the refridgerator on 2001-12-20 15:50 [#00062815]

1. Siddhartha (hermanne hesse) 2. Brave New World (a. huxley)
i'm currently reading "requiem for a dream" by hubert selby (jr.?), and i have a feeling that it's going to take this spot or the #2 spot. But i have to throw in "cat's cradle" by k. vonnegut, too.
on 2001-12-20 16:18 [#00062816]

All series in my list: Dune - Frank Herbert Hyperion - W. Hatshisnameagain? Foundation - Isaac Asimov
Shit almost forgot: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and the sequal Lila are briljant too. Also from the very famous writer W. Hatshisnameagain?
on 2001-12-20 17:20 [#00062838]

I really liked the first dark tower by steven king, "the gunslinger". That was one of my favorite works of fiction. I also read the second in the series, but that was totally weird, still pretty good but not as good as the first. It got weird when he started finding doors to portals in new york city or something. Then I read a bit of the 3rd, only the part where the giant bear was crashing through the woods, and a little ways after, but it sort of lost the feel of the original "gunslinger" so I stopped reading it...
on 2001-12-20 17:29 [#00062848]

Illuminatus Trillogy - Robet anton wilson and robert shea
Almost anything by Kurt Vonnegut
I just read Zen and the art of motercycle maintenance and it was very good. A bit dated, but good nonetheless.
Snow Crash by Niel Stevenson is also pretty fun.
on 2001-12-20 17:30 [#00062849]

I forgot to mention Cryptonomicon by Niel Stevenson as well. Fun fun fun... pretty heavy tho.
from NYC on 2001-12-20 18:19 [#00062864]

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
those aren't the best, just the one's currently on my mnd.
Hitchhiker's Guide is great, the funniest books I've ever read.
Also the MYTH Inc. Books by Robert Aspirin. I don't know how popular these were or if anyone remembers them but they were fuckin' great.
on 2001-12-20 18:49 [#00062871]

the winter of our discontent - steinbeck
i just got through with it and i loved it
and hell yes ender's game
Netlon Sentinel
from yurp on 2001-12-20 18:52 [#00062872]

if you like english (well, scottish, really) humour with a sick twist, a tad horror, sometimes some sci-fi and always truly great stories: check out iain banks.
iain m. banks is his pseudonym for his insanely imaginative scifi work.
trust me on this one!!
from european realm on 2001-12-20 19:03 [#00062874]

from new zealand on 2001-12-20 19:16 [#00062881]

v. - thomas pynchon
catch 22 - joseph heller
lolita - vladimir nabokov
close 4th & 5th the crying of lot 49 - pynchon a clockwork orange - burgess
from UK on 2001-12-20 20:08 [#00062909]

No mention of mr rankin.
The snuff fiction and sprout mask replica are two of the funniest books i've ever read.
optimus prime
on 2007-07-06 15:47 [#02100268]
Points: 6447 Status: Lurker

1. war and peace by leo tolstoy (anthony briggs translation)
2. finnegans wake by james joyce 3. moby dick by herman melville
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