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awt from sweden on 2001-12-18 12:32 [#00062110]

i realy dont know wich album of aphex i should buy first.
And i realy wish for some disturbing sounds so Í can escape
the sound of my the monkeys in my school

so wich one ?


dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-12-18 12:51 [#00062116]

if its taken you this long to find Aphex then i wouldnt


MrGlitch from In your head on 2001-12-18 12:55 [#00062117]

awt - Depends, what kind of music are you normally into ?
Hard and Fast or Slow and Ambient ?



IronLung from Dark Side of the moon on 2001-12-18 14:52 [#00062146]

DingleBerry is right....its like a 40 yr old trying cocaine
for the first time...its you just missed it, give


Scary Bear on 2001-12-18 15:03 [#00062149]


If you ask me Come to Daddt isn't disturbing its just

Disturbing in the sense of genuinly fucked up sounds that
are completely fast and mental? Get druqks.

Disturbing in the sense of very slow scary ambient sounds?
Get Selected ambient works Volume II

Disturbing in the sense that you would like to have
ear-damagingly high pitched noises, and very trippy tunes?
Get 'I care because you do...'

Or you can get The Richard D. James album which is fucked up
and chilled out at the same time. Well, quite chilled, you
can't really call it chill out because it depends how you're
listening to it, system, volume etc...

that was more than needed to be said, I said I was going to
fuck off and now I will...



Ophecks from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-18 16:05 [#00062160]

Drukqs is amazing, a huge step up from everything else he
ever did, I think... I think I'm alone in that opinion,


Chrispy from UK on 2001-12-18 16:09 [#00062161]

I think you are too... I love it, but, not a step up. Step
along maybe.


Ophecks from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-18 16:11 [#00062162]

It's not too revolutionary... I dunno... I love listening to
it much more than his other stuff, and the harder tracks
really take his abrasiveness to a new level. And the soft
tracks, wow!

I luv it!


Chrispy from UK on 2001-12-18 16:14 [#00062164]

You love a bit of it! PHWOOR



The_Funkmaster from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-18 16:38 [#00062175]

I'm really into The RDJ album now... it's great... it's
shorter, but theres a damn lot jammed in to each song, and
really, the best songs are the longest ones... I like it...
it's beautiful, faster... great stuff...


awt from sweden on 2001-12-19 09:32 [#00062449]

ok thanks to the one who answerd my quistion.

Oh you say too late. well i was recently borned. And there
is alot of music in this world i would like to listen to.

I have to begin somewhere, isnt that true.

Or you f heads wanna be the only guys whos really into
And thats why youre trying to tell "beginers" like me, Hey
dude forget it youre fuckt.

Well Ok, You guys are realy funny



beetlebum on 2001-12-19 10:26 [#00062456]

RDJ albums a good start..
first album i got, still my fave.
its completly awesome..


beetlebum on 2001-12-19 10:28 [#00062457]

Allmusic call "Milkman" disturbing..
but its totally hilarious


Fernz on 2001-12-19 10:31 [#00062458]

Theres quite a few different sounds that Aphex Twin does.
Some people may like Selected Ambient Works 2 but hate
Drukqs and thats understandable. It really depends what you
like. Personally, Id start with RDJ, I Care Because You Do
and Selected Ambient Works 1 or 2.


Netlon Sentinel from yurp on 2001-12-19 14:27 [#00062507]

drukqs is a little bit like an aphex twin greatest hits
collection, imo, except that the songs on it hadn't been
released before. if you catch my drift. drukqs contains
songs that could've been on older albums. still good though
and a good impression of his music.
and no, you haven't missed out. i'm sorry for you fanatics,
but it's not like you missed out on something like the


Scary Bear on 2001-12-19 16:32 [#00062548]

Ophecks: You're not alone


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