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5is6 from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-28 02:13 [#00004942]

New Poll:
Do you think Aphex should have an official webshite or do
you think its better that hes behind the scenes and lead the way in AFX info?
O - Yes I think AFX should have an officail webshite
O - No I think should continue being a path
unto our feet


[REFLEX] from Canada on 2001-04-28 02:15 [#00004943]

5is6: good question! my response:

No I think should continue being a path unto
our feet!


5is6 from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-28 02:28 [#00004944]

Im hoping this topic is worthy of an official posting
Phobia0. Whatcha think. Im determined to find something
worth officially posting about! ....Damnit!


Ramalpha84 from New Zealand ( on 2001-04-28 03:31 [#00004947]

Well, if there was an official site, it wouldn't be run by
Rich, so it wouldn't make too much difference. But since
most official sites suck, I'd go for "No".


5is6 from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-28 03:58 [#00004950]

I just meant it would have the blessing of Rich making it
official. I realize that he wouldnt be running shit.


TekN010G from Australia on 2001-04-28 04:21 [#00004952]

I think that this site should have official support and
become the "Official Site" that would be pretty Awesome


[REFLEX] from Canada on 2001-04-28 06:17 [#00004954]

This.. pretty much Is THE page to come for, for Aphex Twin.


5is6 from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-28 08:36 [#00004966]

This is true REFLEX, being stated in the second option in
the question at the top of the page.


po{e} from the uk on 2001-04-29 22:18 [#00005073]

i think it is better as it is


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