from STRuqetz on 2001-12-15 09:31 [#00061182]
A bit off topic, but in an Autechre interview KOAN (the generative sequencing program) was vaguely mentioned.Is this how Autechre actually sequence their tracks?Doing it all in a linear fashion in Logic would be a muuuuch bigger pain in the ass! -OH, and How much of Richards software IS actually "home written"? Wouldn't it just be more sensible to use Logic+Battery/Reaktor and make life easier?
Any input would be good...
Scary Bear
on 2001-12-15 13:54 [#00061198]
Um, sorry, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But you seem to knw what you're talking about, you make tunes?
from the start on 2001-12-15 16:09 [#00061215]
does anyone remember koan on the atari?
from the start on 2001-12-15 16:14 [#00061217]
so i mean zonk, http://www.henniker.org.uk/html/rendered.htm
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-15 20:40 [#00061250]
i read in an interview that richard uses alot of software he downloaded off of the net. i can only remember that he only has one music program that he wrote.
but i could be wrong. check the interviews if you are really interested.
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