from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-11 20:54 [#00059999]

None of that stupid PS2, XBOX, GCube garbage...
What's your fave old school games?
Castlevania 1 2 3 4 Mega Man X 1 2 3 Shinobi 3 Sonic 1 2 3 Mario 3 Contra 3 Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 3
BTW, Super NES has AMAZING soundtracks, check out Castlevania 4, it blows my mind!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-11 21:01 [#00060004]

narc. chrono trigger. final fantasy 3&5. thats all i really liked.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-11 21:02 [#00060006]

Oh, and Starfox.
on 2001-12-11 21:20 [#00060010]

God I'm old. Pole Position Tron Bionic Commando Ninja Gaiden Akari Warriors Mike Tyson's Punchout MK I and II and a game called Major Havoc which was the coolest thing I've ever played but never seen again.
from Wales on 2001-12-11 21:25 [#00060011]

Bombjack Chase HQ S.T.U.N. Runner Hunchback Chuckie Egg Legend Of Zelda Superman Marble Madness Super Mario World
And a shit load of arcade games I can't remember...
on 2001-12-11 21:32 [#00060015]

Chrono Trigger FF2 (Shit graphics, AMAZING game) FF3 Life Force (anyone remember this cool NES game?)
from England on 2001-12-11 21:32 [#00060016]

Mega man Spiderman (Mega drive) Legend of Zelda
from Wales on 2001-12-11 21:33 [#00060017]

I remember Life Force, it was also called Salamander wasn't it? Two player horizontal shooter.... cool
on 2001-12-11 21:35 [#00060018]

Yep, that be it. Awesome game.
Ceri JC
on 2001-12-12 00:12 [#00060055]

If it's strictly old school, Elite on the NES or Mr. Do! in the arcades. Both prety near perfect.
from at work in bothell, north of seattle, USA on 2001-12-12 00:27 [#00060059]

i like virtually everything everyone listed but also:
act raiser 1 lode runner boulder dash B.C.'s quest for tires defender of the crown q bert river raid
rock on
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-12-12 01:08 [#00060073]

ColecoVision and Atari ! -Front Line, Ladybug, Sub-Rock, Dr J vs. Larry Bird, Miner 49er, Space Fury, Space Panic, Joust, Missile Command, Raiders Of The Lost Arc, Frogger, Defender, Space Invaders, Q-Bert, Turbo, Galaga, Galaxion, Stalker, Armour Attack, Smurf series, Spy Hunter
Nintendo and Sega Genesis -Castlevania series, ExciteBike, Hogan's Alley, Urban Champion, Super Mario 3, Wario, Dr. Mario, Tetris, Contra series, Ghouls and Ghosts, Dragon Warrior, Strider, Sonic series, NBA Live 95, Fantasy Star
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-12-12 01:09 [#00060074]

from NYC on 2001-12-12 03:23 [#00060106]

Since this has been discussed so many times and I've already mentioned all my old-school RPG's I'll go out on a limb here and tell you all that
Military Madness for Turbo Grafx 16 is one of the finest gaming cartridge to grace this planet.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-12 03:27 [#00060109]

Mario Bros 3... I remember when that came out, playing it was like an event... we would seriously have like 15 or 20 people in a room watching two people playing it... I remember one time like that when the two people in question made it to world 8 or something for the first time... great stuff... and see, we used to play it after all the fishing was done, so it meant a lot more to us...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-12 03:28 [#00060110]

and plus, back then the fishing wasn't so good, so all 15 or 20 of us could only afford one Nintendo...
from Lincoln on 2001-12-12 03:28 [#00060111]

Ninja Gaiden I Ninja Gaiden II Ninja Gaiden III Metal Gear Ice Hockey EXCITEBIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Tyson's Punch Out Zelda Mario Brothers I
from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-12 03:36 [#00060117]

Hahahaha, fishing.
MO 2
on 2001-12-12 06:20 [#00060193]

Genesis ---------- NBA Live 96 NHL 95 Tommy Lasorda Baseball Any Madden football Mega-Bomberman Streets of Rage series Kid FUCKING Chameleon Soldiers of Fortune
Sega Master System ------------------------ Spy vs. Spy Michael Jackson's Thriller
from Eugene, Or on 2001-12-12 06:42 [#00060196]

Mario 3 Dragon Warrior Zelda Ninja Turtles 2
from St.John\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-12 07:35 [#00060201]

Metroid 1&2 Zelda (all) Puch Out Mario Kart (not the second one, it blew) Castle Vania Final Fantasy!
from internet on 2001-12-12 07:50 [#00060204]

from Amsterdam on 2001-12-12 10:42 [#00060228]

Jet Set Willy Manic Miner Marble Madness
from padova on 2001-12-12 12:39 [#00060251]

come on guys you all know it has to be rocket raider on the beeb, followed a close second by jetpack on the sinclair.
I spent hours completing those games.
from at work in bothell, north of seattle, USA on 2001-12-12 17:33 [#00060295]

Miner 49'er was KICK ASS! i liked the levels with the teleporters and stuff. i used to play it on my atari 5200.
did you ever play montezuma's revenge?
from Denmark on 2001-12-12 19:04 [#00060320]

Who had an amiga 500??? cool shit. i never grew old enough to appreciate the c64, untill it got thrown out... but an amiga 500 is cool two.
MANIAC MANSION!! great game... Most of my childhood was spent on that fucking thing..... and i dont regret a thing.
:) Please someone share theire amiga memories with me... I played a lot of different games, because a friend of my big brother got them cracked... :)
from at work in bothell, north of seattle, USA on 2001-12-12 20:10 [#00060328]

my cousin had an amiga 500 we played defender of the crown on it. and i remember this cinimaware game call king of chicago.
from bed and not on 2001-12-12 23:53 [#00060363]

Bruce Lee on the ZX48
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-12-13 01:38 [#00060382]

Montazuma's Revenge....hmmmm was that on the atari2600? I think I have it...I have a box of 120 Atari and about 60 Coleco games...It's madness really....Turbo for Coleco was the greatest driving game for its day...the coleco steering module was pretty dope!
I remember playing Krull and Centipede with the rollercontroller module as well....fun times man!
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-12-13 01:40 [#00060383]

...the dopest thing about Colecovision was that they had the Atari adapter that clicked into the Coleco....I didn't have to buy an Atari! Hahahaha!!!
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-13 03:23 [#00060414]

from UK on 2001-12-13 10:07 [#00060485]

Secret of mana on the SNES but...
Codename MAT, Spindizzy (original) Way of the exploding fist Who dares Wins II
All on the Amstrad 6128/464/664
from brisbane on 2001-12-13 10:10 [#00060488]

oh i love SimCity... and X-Men2 on the mega drive rocked... i liked Space Invadors... and Kick Off on the C64... cool shit...
oh and Shinobi and Sonic on the Game Gear...
and OutRun...
thats all i can think of.
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-12-13 12:59 [#00060521]

does anyone remember a game called biplane? it was on the amiga and i think was free with a pc magazine. it was amazing, simple but really addictive when playing against yur mate...
from the start on 2001-12-13 13:00 [#00060522]

super hang on on the sega master system
from Denmark on 2001-12-13 15:49 [#00060566]

i heard theres a new version coming?!
from doghole on 2001-12-13 19:59 [#00060609]

from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-13 20:17 [#00060613]

I always loved the Ninja Turtles.
from at work in bothell, north of seattle, USA on 2001-12-13 20:51 [#00060620]

i played Montezuma's revenge on the atari 5200 i don't know if it was on the 2600. it was this game where you went around looking for different color keys to open doors to go deeper into this dungeon. there were screens where it was completely dark and you had to jump around to platforms by memory.
anyone remember Spelunker on the Amiga? that rocked too.
Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-12-13 21:12 [#00060623]

Galaga brings me joy. It's pretty much the only game I ever play in the arcade at the theater I work at.
And I've recently been having a ball with MAME. I've got The Simpsons, Galaga, Gyruss, Final Fight, Mortal Kombat, MK2, MK3, Ultimate MK3, Joust, Rampage, Space Harrier, TMNT, Splatterhouse, Contra, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, and many others, weeeee...!
I've also got Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct 2 on my 'puter. They have their own emulators 'n' stuff.
on 2001-12-14 03:07 [#00060690]

best game....EVER...Makes me so nostalgic too...:(
Maybe it's just because I have The Beauty of Being Numb on...o.O
from the start on 2001-12-14 12:11 [#00060793]

Worns on the ps1
from UK on 2001-12-14 12:14 [#00060796]

Those last two wern't really classics though were they?
go here: http://remix.kwed.org/
...to find all of you C64 SID music needs... I especially like o2's remixes (of Nemesis the warlock and Delta)
Sound Assassin
from The Patent Office UK on 2001-12-14 12:15 [#00060798]

Repton and Repton 3, on the Acorn Electron, man the level editor on that was awesome!
Have fun.
from the start on 2001-12-14 12:19 [#00060802]

ok a classic for u Beach head and beach head 2 on the c64
from UK on 2001-12-14 13:55 [#00060822]

Beach head was always better than beach head 2... I played it all on the Amstrad though... The music and graphic definition wasnt as good as the C64 but the colours and memory were better I feel. 6128 rocks!!!
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-12-14 16:35 [#00060864]

oh yeah....buggy-boy on the atari st
from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-14 16:37 [#00060865]

Darkwing Duck Little Nemo the Dream Master Monster Party Monster in my Pocket Blades of Steel
I don't know about any systems PRE-NES, I'm only 18. NES was my early childhood, makes me said to think of that 'ol grey box. :-(
from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-14 16:38 [#00060866]

Oh, and Rygar Duck Tales Ninja Gaiden Double Dragon 2 (FUCK YEAH!!!)
from UK on 2001-12-14 16:46 [#00060876]

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