on 2001-11-29 18:38 [#00056882]
ok, i am in the process of starting a new []pusher site. anyone with info, pics, anything squarepusher who would like to contribute. please send stuff to webmaster@squarepusher.zzn.com
also, any suggestions about what you people want would be appreciated. i havent taken on anything of this scale before, so im not too sure how it will go. but with a bit of help, we might get a decent []pusher site yet.
ps: the address will be www.squarepusher.zzn.com although this might note be approved for a bit yet.
from pepper on 2001-12-03 00:52 [#00057614]
*get as many interviews as you can *good discography *gigography
Korben Dallas
from _ on 2001-12-03 00:54 [#00057616]
Ram files like phobz got on this site??
Good luck - go hard
on 2001-12-04 01:07 [#00057879]
I'd be happy with lots of interviews.. and articles about him.
also a well done biography or discography
from mp3.com/quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-12-04 01:51 [#00057886]
lots of colorful pics and trashy rumors
on 2001-12-04 02:31 [#00057896]
I say try to go for an overall sense of 'completeness', like this site does.
Fill the site with every single detail you know, and make it nice to look at.
No flash (please), and give us lots of rare audio. Only use good graphics, no dodgy lo-res magazine scans but nicely cropped, sharp and straight pictures.
Use photoshop 5 or 6 for graphics, not crummy old Paint Shop Pro or anything similar.
Don't use Frontpage, use Dreamweaver (or preferrably notepad) in stead.
Don't overload with graphics. Make sure to maintain a clear and transparant site structure.
And don't publish before it's entirely finished.
& good luck mate!
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