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I like swiss cheese

Storm Threader from Aphextwin.nu on 2001-11-14 04:22 [#00051734]

Why is Basingstoke so boring and why won\'t anyone do
anything differant? [#4575]
MF on 18:06 11/13/2001
What wrong with my town? no good venus to hold are all night
partys any mor...

REPHLEX~ology from UK on 20:39 11/13/2001
I get that in Cambridge.

THE place for students, and no decent bands come here, bar
super furries, muse and ian brown next year.


Loogie from Oxford on 00:28 11/14/2001
I used to live near Basingstoke... Hartley Wintney to be
Yeah, it's a shithole! Can't think of any redeeming
Oh well, Reading isn't far.

SiNai on 02:45 11/14/2001
Take a look, it's in a book, Reading Raaaiiinnnbbbooowww
(Reading Rainbow!) READING RAINBOWWW!!!!

Baron Von Picklefoot from From my "special" place on 03:21
11/14/2001 I could sell you a lawnmower or a old bike
pump!!! What makes you think you can sink my battleship

SiNai on 04:21 11/14/2001
Ill take the bike pump for a warm mug of tooth decay!
Unless, of course, you decide to hump my grandma.

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Bicentenial Man on 2001-11-14 04:28 [#00051737]

Tell me about love. What is tears? I am unable to comprehend
these emotions. Beep, beep. What is love?


Swiss cheese. from Switzerland on 2001-11-14 04:28 [#00051738]

I agree


Bicentenial Man on 2001-11-14 04:29 [#00051739]

Tell me about love. What is tears? I am unable to comprehend
these emotions. Beep, beep. What is love?


Bicentenial Man on 2001-11-14 04:31 [#00051740]

WHy do humans fight? Beep, beep. Tell me about love. You
eyes are ejaculating a liquid substance.


Leda Vermizti from Vancouver, BC, Canada on 2001-11-14 04:36 [#00051742]

Bicentenial Man on 05:28 11/14/2001
Tell me about love. What is tears? I am unable to comprehend
these emotions. Beep, beep. What is love?

Swiss cheese. from Switzerland on 05:28 11/14/2001
I agree

Bicentenial Man on 05:29 11/14/2001
Tell me about love. What is tears? I am unable to comprehend
these emotions. Beep, beep. What is love?

Bicentenial Man on 05:31 11/14/2001
WHy do humans fight? Beep, beep. Tell me about love. You
eyes are ejaculating a liquid substance.


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