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|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-11-12 02:17 [#00050791]

Sorry everyone for getting so nasty before. Your right, I do
post too much, but I can explain. I'm gonna be honest here.
I'm actually only 14, and I don't go to school because I get
bullied. So I have all day to post things. I try to do other
stuff but I'm so bored all the time. aphextwin.nu was my
life but now Phobiazero's turned into a dick... well... I
dunno. Joyrex.com is good but that's turning kinda shit at
the moment. Please give me a second chance, I've learnt my
lesson and I've decided to stop lying to you all. Thanks.
Please don't ban me again Phobiazero, please, we can work
things out. Bye!


Mr T. from A-Team on 2001-11-12 02:20 [#00050792]

I doubt that's Reflex, and anyway, Phobia has given you a
"second chance," you spastic bitch.


Xanatos from NYC on 2001-11-12 02:32 [#00050797]

Whoever made that post is much more pathetic than the person
who he's trying to clone...


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-11-12 02:36 [#00050800]

Your wrong, this isn't a clone. It's me.


Tom Green from Dickville on 2001-11-12 02:44 [#00050810]

You're not 14, I saw a picture of you on the Joyrex picture
page and you're 40 something, so there, you spastic


|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-11-12 02:47 [#00050811]

Well, I got it off the internet... I wanted everyone to
think I was as old as I said and I thought that was the only
way. I'm sorry. I suppose I shoulda found a better picture,
though, the one I uploaded wasn't very good.


Tom Green from Dickville on 2001-11-12 02:49 [#00050812]

It was amusing, you look like a balding Bob Saget, except a
lil' chubbier, but the picture was funny, you're not.


Ophecks on 2001-11-12 03:16 [#00050821]

What a WEIRD thread.


boxrocket on 2001-11-12 03:32 [#00050826]

this is a very strange thread. it's starting to make this
message board feel like a soap opera.


Tom Green from Dickville on 2001-11-12 03:34 [#00050828]

Cage just went all mental, the other guy's about to land on
the roof railing soon.


phool on 2001-11-12 03:46 [#00050838]

i totally believe that he is 14

he sure thinks like a 14 year old.... but who the hell
knows, that is why people shouldn't take this stuff
seriously. he seems like a habitual liar anyway, somebody
who is always making up stuff about himself and superficialy
jumping on "bandwagons" to try to align himself with a peer
group. i've seen people like that, one year they are
"metal" guy, the next year after they are "goth", next year
later they are "punk", next year after "dj wannabe" guy,
next "alternaive electronica" guy, next year after that
"drug addict and stealing from neighbors guy".

a first sorry for him, too annoying thou to feel really
sorry thou.


Ophecks on 2001-11-12 03:58 [#00050854]

And it gets weirder...
this IS aphextwin.nu, after all, so lets all sing.


FUCKFACE from FUCKWORLD on 2001-11-12 04:03 [#00050857]

btta btta CLANG chff chff chnk chnk chnchnchCLANGchnk
sicka sicka sicka
sicka CLANG sicka sicka be bee bee beebebeeb eebetttleeesss
und und und un sicka sicka my carpet wicka wick wick whoah!
under my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Do you see?


Ophecks on 2001-11-12 05:05 [#00050883]



melody from mac attaq on 2001-11-12 11:22 [#00050934]

Reflex has many times spoken of his job/car/girlfriend etc.
on this board and so if he really is a bullied 14 yr old
then i think its safe to assume that was all BULLshit.
The question is, why disbeleive one tall story and not
the other?
Once youre shown to be a liar, no-one will beleive anything
about you anymore. You might as well claim your a 360 year
old hermaphrodite elephant-calf with pasta for brains
inhabiting the set of Waterworld. moo.


dronox from www.dronox.com on 2001-11-12 11:39 [#00050937]

I've been bullied all my life and there aint no way in hell
I'd get to stay home from it.

So if this is really him... Gah, I have nothing to say, this
thread is just really fucked up.


Dr Milk Man Dan on 2001-11-12 11:41 [#00050939]

It's not him, you stupid bitch. PJ Harvey is on Leno now.


Spooner on 2001-11-12 12:29 [#00050952]

Well Phobia seems to have let him post...

Phobia: is this for real?


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-11-12 12:36 [#00050954]

Nah, it's not...


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-11-12 21:24 [#00051196]

So... Reflex... what's my real name? If this is you...
bloody hell... you could've told us earlier... I don't give
a fuck though, you still cool


Boris The Dog on 2001-11-12 21:29 [#00051200]

Quoth, you stupid dick, that is not him, the "html paste"
posts are him, fuck, even Phobia just said the "Reflex" on
this post is not the real Reflex.


thanksomuch from over there on 2001-11-12 21:40 [#00051211]

ophecks, what IS going on here?


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-11-12 22:20 [#00051226]

no need to be a dick back Boris the Dog :) It's all good
still, go smoke a big fat joint or something... it'll be ok.


Boris The Dog on 2001-11-12 23:29 [#00051248]

I'm sorry, Quoth.


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