hello hevquip | xltronic messageboard
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hello hevquip

hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-06 18:53 [#00049142]

hello hevquip. how are you?


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-06 18:54 [#00049143]

hello me, you, hevquip, whichever you are comfortable with.
i am fine, therefore, you must be fine.


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-06 18:55 [#00049144]

yes, i am fine. talk to you later.


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-06 18:55 [#00049145]

okay then. goodbye


Wichita Lineman on 2001-11-06 19:09 [#00049152]

When I see a hevquip message, I look forward to reading
about 24.73 ostriches and 7.98 slices of bread, dammit.


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-06 21:08 [#00049188]

i'm sorry witchita. i cannot speak of your ostriches and
bread as my electrodes have dissolved when they were dropped
upon the head of a statue resembling gas. i then tried to
sell my lungs to a 14.63907 molested bottles of ape
nostrils, but failed do so when my knuckles produced oxygen
and discovered venus.


od from perth on 2001-11-07 01:39 [#00049246]

dont you love it?

GIR "aww, mah bees!"


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-07 17:45 [#00049464]

bees? no, i don't like bees. i like hornets more.


hevquip from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-07 17:45 [#00049465]

bees? no, i don't like bees. i like hornets more.


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