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Rumored to be true????

Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-11-02 21:37 [#00048111]

Is Paul Oakenfold dead? I heard from one kid today that he
died in a bus crash or something. I'm probably just
spreading the rumor, but yeah, give me a link or something
that shows this. doesn't say anything like that... at least
not at the moment it does


Sampo from Your Ass Hole on 2001-11-02 21:48 [#00048114]

One time my friends told me my mother was dead. That was a
rumor. They also told me they flushed my hampster down the
toilet. But that wasn't a rumor.


Quadrapelegicrobotikev from on 2001-11-02 22:31 [#00048125]

paul is is his crap ass music


Naphex-Male from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-11-03 01:25 [#00048150]

ya he sux....but I used to listen to him. Then I was
educated by Richard and others. Laurent Garnier is my dad.


Aktium from bat country on 2001-11-03 03:45 [#00048172]

ya, oakenfold is nothing special. 30 helans would agree.


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-11-03 04:44 [#00048183]

i didn't ask if he was gay.. i simply asked if he was dead


Pharbia Zunga from Swandean on 2001-11-03 04:50 [#00048184]

He's gay, Quoth.


Quoth from Lincoln on 2001-11-03 04:51 [#00048185]

hehe... ^-^


DblHeLX from the moon on 2001-11-03 08:21 [#00048235]

i dont care.
i dispise spam dj's that use napster search engines to build
compilation 'mix' albums of other peoples work.
die paul, your swordfish soundtrack sucked and so did the
rest, over rated swine noodle...FACE!!!!!


Jimmy on 2001-11-03 18:47 [#00048300]

lol!!!!!!!!! 30 helens agree you can't pay too much for a
good pair of shoes. Yeah he REALLY sucks, so who cares. I
mean, it'd suck if he died, but I can't stand his music.


DblHeLX from the moon on 2001-11-03 19:23 [#00048307]

30 helens cant agree......'cant we all just agree to
dissagree?' 'YEAH!'
30 helens agree, to , disagree.


Quadrapelegicrobotikev from on 2001-11-03 22:02 [#00048314]

30 helans agree that paul is gay and so is his horrible
shite filled noise


Jimmy on 2001-11-03 23:57 [#00048336]

30 helens agree: love hurts.
Helen Bryant: He'll break your heart honey!
30 helens agree: love hurts.


Xanatos from NYC on 2001-11-04 03:14 [#00048361]

30 Helens agree, Oakenfold is pretty gay, I kinda like
children though, so sue me.


gogo from UK on 2001-11-04 03:30 [#00048362]

look on ITV, trippy squarepusher tunes wiv mad visuals .


J198 from netherlands on 2001-11-04 13:33 [#00048399]

yes, but, hampster isnt an actual word.


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