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offline celloncllone from anywhere but in (Germany) on 2003-07-22 16:00 [#00790032]
Points: 849 Status: Regular

i went and spend a few minutes to find out what happens at
the end of the little test, seems there is no ending, i get
to the transcript of the aviation company and thas
it....anyone else attempted this?

altho the movie itself freaked me, that he foresaw
everything and then purposely stayed in bed to avoid her


offline celloncllone from anywhere but in (Germany) on 2003-07-22 16:00 [#00790035]
Points: 849 Status: Regular

wait...she was a manipulated it was her purpose to
make him kill him self...hmm


offline Asche XL on 2003-07-22 16:11 [#00790046]
Points: 4241 Status: Lurker

That movie confused the fuck out of me but I bought the dvd
and a giant poster non the less. ;)


offline Dozier from United States on 2003-07-23 09:33 [#00790827]
Points: 2080 Status: Lurker

I love that movie, but I have to admit I don't really
understand what the fuck is going on. So, he stayed in bed
and died in order to save her?

I think that's so sad in the end after he dies and she's
riding her bike by and stops and says she didn't know him.
We really do die alone, don't we!?!? *cries*


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2003-07-23 09:40 [#00790836]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dozier: #00790827

Did you watch the DVD? There are some cut scenes with
director commentary that help explain things.

Some of those scenes should probably have been left in the


offline aphextriplet from your mothers bedroom (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-23 10:40 [#00790932]
Points: 4731 Status: Lurker

that site is by hi-res theyre my fav web designers
[im one too, they my IDOLS ... without trying too much to
sound like a 12 year old at a deftones concert]. Check out for an awesome display.


offline aphextriplet from your mothers bedroom (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-23 10:41 [#00790936]
Points: 4731 Status: Lurker

requiem for a dream


offline ScenarioDr on 2003-07-23 10:46 [#00790940]
Points: 720 Status: Addict | Followup to aphextriplet: #00790936

yeah, the requiem site is great, in a strange way it gives a
similar feeling to the film.


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2003-07-23 10:55 [#00790955]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

The next time I hear a flash designer called a web designer
I'm gonna kick someone's ass.

These guys are good graphic designers but they're not web


offline aphextriplet from your mothers bedroom (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-23 10:58 [#00790958]
Points: 4731 Status: Lurker | Followup to Inverted Whale: #00790955

haha flash is harder than html dumbo. I know html xml php
jsp javascript sql and actionscript. Flash is harder than
HTML any day of the week. Fair do's, e-commerce kicks the
shit out of them all, but i did that too. Moomins, the lot
of ya'.

*tries to start a fight by pushing whaleboy then jumping
back with fists in the air 1920's boxing style*


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2003-07-23 11:02 [#00790964]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

I'm not saying one is harder than the other just that they
are different skills.

*crushes aphextriplet with massive tail*


offline aphextriplet from your mothers bedroom (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-23 11:03 [#00790970]
Points: 4731 Status: Lurker

damn, you squished me. Ruffian. Ok, they are slightly
different skills. You need to be good at programming to be
good at both, but flash does depend heavily on animation
skills as well.

*aphex is defeated*


offline Dozier from United States on 2003-07-23 11:37 [#00790997]
Points: 2080 Status: Lurker | Followup to Inverted Whale: #00790836

Yeah--I just watched the deleted scenes. It's starting to
make a little more sense, but I need to watch the whole
movie again and really think hard about it.

BTW, celloncllone, I got stuck on the website at the same


offline S M Pennyworth from East Timor on 2003-07-24 03:28 [#00791719]
Points: 2196 Status: Lurker

hi im not even worth a penny


offline big from lsg on 2003-07-24 03:39 [#00791727]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

has been called the best david lynch movie since lost
highway or something, i do agree on that: it was ace


offline Jarworski from The Grove (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-24 04:02 [#00791735]
Points: 10836 Status: Lurker

I finished the website, can't remember the ending. You need
to read the Time Travel book to understand the film
completely and to finish the site - do a search on here for
Darko and it'll be in a thread somewhere. And Lynch had
nothing to do with this movie!


offline big from lsg on 2003-07-24 04:09 [#00791736]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i know that!
it's because of these confusing story lines and the strange


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