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rF on 2001-10-30 01:44 [#00046884]

can i put anyone's email down for poxytok newsletter? it's a
noise collective that me and pokey fargil are organizing
with currently 10 members. if anyone wants to join, email
plegz@yahoo.com.au. we will also be setting up an mp3.com
(or such) page and everyone gets the password so they can
add songs whenever they wish.

some of the current members:
rF (ambient/industrial/noise)
dbomb (ambient/industrial)
transl8or (glitch/noise/industrial)
foc nop (ambient/orchestral/noise)
poxytok (extreme noise)
washing machine and dryer (fast industrial beats and
floating ambience/noise)
ritalin (noise/beat driven industrial)
fishkeys (noisy d'n'b jungle glitch stuff, hard to explain)
and a few others yet to compose tunes.


DublOSyx from The East on 2001-10-30 02:13 [#00046897]

I make shit on my computer. It goes thump and bump. Andahs
sounds like jkddsgjb in it. I'd join Yo guy would proly try
to steal my music. The internet is only good for stealing
music. And if music is gonna get stolen, it ain't gonna be


od from perth on 2001-10-30 02:28 [#00046903]

that fishkeys bloke...is that that guy who writes his name
in shitty ascii art stuff? like Fi5hk3y# or $ or somethign?
how do you know him? i chatted to him a few times on
tefochat.... weird...

um yair, count me in, mate.


Aron? from Canada on 2001-10-30 02:44 [#00046908]

yeah, i'd like to be a part of this too, as long as you guys
don't mind :)


rF from pleth/perth/purf on 2001-10-30 02:48 [#00046909]

aron: no worries, just email me about it ok?

od: i've known fishkeys for a while now.. dunno his(?) true
identity though..

other person: we won't steal your music, it will be up on an
mp3.com or whatever site, credited to whoever made the
piece, and it can be deleted at any time.


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