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Donnie Darko questions

offline Key_Secret from Sverige (Sweden) on 2003-07-05 16:27 [#00767999]
Points: 9325 Status: Regular

There are some questions in Donnie Darko that are asked,
but never answered...
perhaps you can give me -your- theories/ideas about the ones

1. What is a "fuckass"?
2. How does one "suck a fuck"?

(Maybe it's because it's night and I've been out partying,
or maybe these are just interesting questions by
nature. Either way, it's a nice movie)...


offline Zeus from San Francisco (United States) on 2003-07-05 16:33 [#00768001]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

fuckass is slang for an assfucker. someone who likes to have
anal sex

to suck a fuck, is to give a blowjob, in a thrusting like
motion, like fucking.


offline Key_Secret from Sverige (Sweden) on 2003-07-05 16:34 [#00768002]
Points: 9325 Status: Regular | Followup to Zeus: #00768001

groovy. I just learned something.


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2003-07-05 16:36 [#00768003]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

these questions are irrelevant.

if you watch the movie a few more times, you will have some
serious ones.

i've seen it about 6 times now and it keeps me wondering
about so many things.

watch it again, and again, and again. this movie will never
lose its magic. i love it like i love boc's twoism, and
thats saying something.

i know a website that has an extensive FAQ, but i urge you
to just watch the movie a few more times


offline Zeus from San Francisco (United States) on 2003-07-05 16:37 [#00768004]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

i think he was just being silly...


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2003-07-05 16:39 [#00768005]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Followup to Zeus: #00768004 | Show recordbag

i think you were too. but i love this movie too much so i
get all serious about it.

np: tears for fears - head over heels


offline Key_Secret from Sverige (Sweden) on 2003-07-05 16:41 [#00768006]
Points: 9325 Status: Regular | Followup to J198: #00768003

these questions are irrelevant.

well.. depends on what your after...

I've watched the movie several times, even have the DVD.
It's a great film. After watching it with the commentaries
on+the scenes that were left out of the movie (the deleted
scenes), everything is so clear...

I had gotten most of it before (had watched it several times
before watching the extra stuff), but some things like that
the pills he's taking are placebos, there is no way of
knowing that unless you watch it with the commentary track
on / or watch the deleted scenes.

anyway, I do like watching movies more then once to get more
into the themes of the movie, but I thought these questions
were real fun (and the scene in which they're asked)...


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2003-07-05 16:49 [#00768009]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Followup to Key_Secret: #00768006 | Show recordbag

yeah, they are fun, but i doubt that there is some secret
meaning behind them.

here's that site. well worth checkin out:

"have you ever seen a portal?"


offline Key_Secret from Sverige (Sweden) on 2003-07-05 16:50 [#00768010]
Points: 9325 Status: Regular | Followup to J198: #00768009

I didn't mean there was some secret meaning behind them, I
asked the questions as they are asked in the movie. Donnie
and Elizabeth asks them to eachother, but not giving any
Bouth questions sound funny and kinda stupid and I figured
somebody had the answer somewhere...
thanks for the site.. might check it out later, but now is
bedtime the time. yep


offline BlatantEcho from All over (United States) on 2003-07-05 17:19 [#00768027]
Points: 7210 Status: Lurker

Donnie Darko Song

d/l the song "Frank: He Made Me"

lyrics are up there too, good times.


offline S M Pennyworth from East Timor on 2003-07-05 18:17 [#00768056]
Points: 2196 Status: Lurker

"these questions are irrelevant. "


offline Smyrma from Beloit, WI (United States) on 2003-07-05 18:55 [#00768071]
Points: 2478 Status: Lurker

Donnie Darko = most overrated movie ever.


offline teion on 2003-07-06 02:35 [#00768207]
Points: 102 Status: Regular

Have to agree . . . i thought it well overated and quite
possibly the most pish-stained piece of film to have been in
my dvd player


offline pantalaimon from Winterfell (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-06 02:36 [#00768209]
Points: 7090 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Mulholland Drive was better


offline DirtyPriest from Copenhagen (Denmark) on 2003-07-06 08:43 [#00768318]
Points: 5499 Status: Lurker

Go see Shaolin soccer instead. Thats a piece of art!


offline pantalaimon from Winterfell (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-06 09:48 [#00768361]
Points: 7090 Status: Lurker | Followup to DirtyPriest: #00768318 | Show recordbag

i would if it was available here


offline pantalaimon from Winterfell (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-06 09:48 [#00768363]
Points: 7090 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

been waiting ages to see it, I can't wait to see Hero either


offline aneurySm from Ann Arbor (United States) on 2003-07-06 09:55 [#00768376]
Points: 1698 Status: Regular

did any of you go through the bonus stuff and watch the
Johny More Darker than Derkar Darko-esto.


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2003-07-06 10:05 [#00768390]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

nobody asked you fuckers for your opinion on this movie. if
you think its overrated, you can go suck a fuck.


offline teion on 2003-07-06 11:00 [#00768438]
Points: 102 Status: Regular

oooooh! . . . . somebody missed their medication i think . .
. . ;-)


offline CS2x from London (United Kingdom) on 2003-07-06 14:56 [#00768667]
Points: 5079 Status: Lurker

I thought it was ok, but not dark enough...sort of. There
were some great scenes, but those with 80's music over them
didn't work for me...ruined the weird atmosphere. Mulholland
Drive was more my thing...though that could have been
weirder too. I need something REALLY fucked up!


offline DJ Xammax from not America on 2003-07-06 14:59 [#00768670]
Points: 11512 Status: Lurker

Of all the Donnie Darko questions...


offline BlatantEcho from All over (United States) on 2003-07-06 15:11 [#00768685]
Points: 7210 Status: Lurker | Followup to DJ Xammax: #00768670


no on listened to the song did they?


offline Key_Secret from Sverige (Sweden) on 2003-07-07 07:41 [#00769261]
Points: 9325 Status: Regular | Followup to DirtyPriest: #00768318

I wouldn't say see it instead, as different piece of art
can't really be compared...

But I do really love Shaolin soccer myself... one of the
best movies that came that year. Makes me laugh a lot and
feel great. such a sweet movie...


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