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yo orange dust!! you there??

DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 02:52 [#00041917]

lets talk about feelings................
or music whateveryouprefer.


od from perth on 2001-10-16 03:00 [#00041923]


actually tough decision.

*gets booted for being on joyrex*


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 03:20 [#00041929]

od i like ya music.
its good stuff


od from perth on 2001-10-16 03:22 [#00041930]

*sly look*

i dont believe you


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 03:25 [#00041934]

your too modest my man.
i totaly dig that 8-bit shit!!
ive been listening to it in my car.
good good stuff. id buy it if it was in a store.


od from perth on 2001-10-16 03:28 [#00041936]

sorry, its just that with all the shit thats been flying
around (and esp since i just posted a tongue in cheek remark
on another thread) i still half (well more than half) expect
someone to go "ahah just kidding you shithole" or somehting.
(yes i am paranoid)

thankQs, very much though.


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 03:30 [#00041937]

have you tried to get on a record label??


od from perth on 2001-10-16 03:36 [#00041939]

i sent out a demo to rephlex like 3 years ago or something.

im on tefosav, and kaliscope and 8 bit recordings, though.
none of them are fat man smoking cigars spending loads on
CDs and stuff. delet (who runs kaliscope) said somethign
about putting some of my shit on a CD-R and selling it
locally or somehting.

cell and chulk (and m theory) are like me but better, check
em out.


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 03:45 [#00041941]

man it cant be that tough with guys like brothom of states
(spelt wrong dont care)
and lone swordsmen on warp. or is it.
i always wonder how lucky scum like dj dan get labels. i saw
that guy and fell asleep. all he did was match bpm's and
drink beer.


od from perth on 2001-10-16 03:49 [#00041944]

hey man drinking beer can be a talent in itself (well, not
really - pouring it, maybe)
i have mad respect for anyone who gets pissed onstage.
tom j did that when i saw him live...it was cool eheh.

i am not planning to send anyhtign to big labels...i sorta
would like to see how far i can get via word of mouth and
chance etc... rather than sending demos around.
wapr and rephlex, i believe, have scouts. if they wanted me,
thouy probably would have found me by now. i hear theyre
quite good at what they do.


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 03:54 [#00041947]

oh it would be totaly chill though if he actually did
anything drunk.
but the truth is he basically ...........didnt do anything
,,, just drank really.
i dig autechre , they drink GOOD!!

oh and bogdan is the shit! dirty drunk, love 'em


od from perth on 2001-10-16 04:00 [#00041953]

i heard afx got in trouble for getting well pissed in
...germany?... and faling all over tha decks and stuff of
some DJ...

a lot of bands at things like the big day out get quite
pissed....i heard some of them have "stage vomits"...err
yeah. i cant imaging how bad it'd be playing in a hard rock
band or somehting, and feeling seedy.... urgh


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 04:01 [#00041954]

well thats all totally great with me as long as they do a
good show. (coughbogdan)


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 04:05 [#00041956]

on another subject ,
i prefer underground feel to music.
i loved uberzone but the new album reeks of over production
and guest artists.


)mWmM)w...wMw...w(MmWm( on 2001-10-16 04:24 [#00041959]

One of my favorite songs on the audio correction fluid is
corregated rain (spelling). They're all great, and I liked
goblins from your ampcast page. Your music honestly
impresses me more than a lot of warp stuff etc too. It's
fast and complex like squarepusher, but has way better
complex melodies and sounds than he uses.


)mWmM)w...wMw...w(MmWm( on 2001-10-16 04:25 [#00041960]

I also have chulk's "pre" and it's probably a tad more
interesting than yours in my opinion, hard to tell since
it's quite different. Song 9 on pre is genius. and song 19
is scary. Havn't heard much cell though.


od from perth on 2001-10-16 04:39 [#00041961]

yair chulk was my inspiration for ages.

cell is... like... wicked. i dunno. he does some breaky
stuff like SP (not really finely cut or anything) but
mosrtly cool aphexy and autechry noises and stuff.....really
really good noises.. im working on a remix for him at the
moment...havent got very far, d'oh.

yair corrugated rain (shit i dont even know the spelling and
i did the bloody thing) was one i liked. bit simple though.
audio correction fluid is now all old stuff, though.

thanks :)


rF from purf on 2001-10-16 04:48 [#00041964]

yo ohdee are we still on for that jazz-war? i'm working on a
few tracks... hehehehehehe ehhhhh


od from perth on 2001-10-16 15:22 [#00042101]



wizards teeth on 2001-10-16 15:38 [#00042104]

What type of jazz have you been making ?

Freeform ?


Narkotic from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 16:43 [#00042118]

yo OD i wanna hear.. got a URL for your musak?


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 16:50 [#00042120]

nark: go to ampcast.com and look up orange dust man.
try onion turnip OK.
thats a great track. peace to od


Narkotic from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-16 17:31 [#00042155]

haha cool.. reminds me of some 8bit nintendo game! wow...
some RPG of a sort


DblHeLX from moon on 2001-10-16 17:43 [#00042161]

my thoughts exactly. i love it


od from perth on 2001-10-17 03:48 [#00042458]

(sorry to keep beinging this up from the dead....)
the jazz in questoin...is sorta me and rF doing out jazzy
squarepusher type things.
ive done a few -...
uppity mad hatter jazz
...if pain persists...
and a track for joyrex.com called the joyrex crew, funky ass
acid and bass and that (actually thats not REALLy that
jazzy, just some 'real' bass and rhodes chords and stuff)

rF did one called 'hined' which is pretty fuckgin cool,

what his URL, again..?
err i think its

ah. good guess.
yair thats right...

oh my urls are

thanks everyone :)

rezplektah! etc...


rF from purf on 2001-10-17 04:52 [#00042489]

my sites

zebox.com/artists/plegz.html - fucking zebox FUCKING ZEBOX!

www.geocities.com/plegz - my jazz is here, and some gabba

members.fortunecity.com/fragilenine/naxmusic.html - my other
tracker music is here, stuff from 'experiments in
electronica 1' and earlier.


od from perth on 2001-10-17 04:54 [#00042494]

fuckin'.... whoops

ehehe i typed C didnt i..



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