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rfc 1043 on 2001-10-14 04:41 [#00040924]

i'm gonna reiterate what gonzola said in another topic -
this board is MUCH better than the joyrex board as far as
layout and ease-of-use, and in his words, it's up to us to
fill it with interesting content. be creative, people! if
you have something interesting to say, don't be afraid of
getting bashed by lamers. who cares what the fuck they
think anyway? say what's on your mind, no matter how
trivial. share your artwork (but don't ask for feedback
unless you really want it). together we can return this
board to its previous glory!!!!


pyroglif on 2001-10-14 05:17 [#00040927]

nice 2 see someone makin an effort


Earface from the ever fleeting past on 2001-10-14 16:04 [#00040987]

I totally agree. We should take full advantage of the fact
that we can communicate with people all over the world with
similar but differing interests.


Baron Von Picklefoot from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-14 16:40 [#00040996]

Why am I Mr. Sparkel ?? THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!


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